Links to Rick Stanley case from JPFO

Thanks for the info on what they charged him with and the links.Seems like this could be kinda interesting. I'm kind of leaning towards agreeing with Alans take here so far.While I agree what Stanley did in regards to the judge was monumentally dumb, I still wonder if what he did technically violates the law.It doesnt seem like he EXACTLY violated the "deceit or by threat of violence or economic reprisal", part, but he CERTAINLY did violate the "with the intent thereby to alter or affect the public servant's decision, vote, opinion' portion. Seems like if the courts are honest, they will need to prove what deceit, violence, or economic repraisal he actually threatened, as it kinda looks from what I'm hearing, threatening what is essentially a citizens arrest doesnt seem to really fit any of that TECHNICALLY.I suspect it wont matter, and they'll hang him on the fact he tried to use the threat of arrest to get his CHARGES dropped alone.Had he threatend (without violence, deceit, or economic repraisal) to arrest for NOT RETURNING HIS GUNS, I think he may have actually had a leg to stand on. Seems like a little different wording in his letters (or how the court interprets what he DID write) may make/have made ALL the difference.Very interesting.