Lincoln assassination Derringer caliber?

sorry kept forgetting but I am sure some of you have heard of this guy:

The Complete Book Of U.S. Presidents by William A. DeGregorio

the one I have goes from George Washington thru the 2004 election w/Kerry&Bush. If you're ever busy some night and don't want to be bored, I recommend this book for the history buff or President enthusiast. My edition is the sixth from 2005. I bought it at the House of James Monroe(The House at Ashlawn) four yrs ago this month says the inside cover. Well my now wife bought it for me, and he lived right next to Thomas Jefferson and his Monticello+they were friends.
I am not ashamed of linking to it, but I did think afterward that I hope no one would take it for something I believe. Just an example of how nutty some people can get when they have some crazy "cause" to promote.

Can You Imagine....

Booth gets on the internet and says he'd like to inflict mortal damage with that derringer, heck it's hard not to take a beating mentioning a .380 for defense. He would have been roasted for even suggesting this was what he wanted to use. :D
Presidential family history can be fascinating. The best source is Burke's Presidential Families. My wife is in the book and that's probably the only reason I've ever heard of it. Did you know one pre-Civil War president still has a living grandson.