ddt4free, I know that J.T.King is basically
right. Besides all, I was only saying that
if pistol designer relies on "firm grip"
as means to insure reliable function, and
initial data for design was based on exclusive "use of proper grip/shooting techique", I consider such design to be
a bit bad...just imagine that wounded soldier
can not use second hand, can not lock his elbow and kind of weak because of blood loss.
It's gonna be a very sad story, 'cause he gets killed at the end of the day, but nobody can say nothing about his junky pistol 'cause he suffered from "limp
wristling" factor. Thank you, but I want a better pistol...for example CZ-75. Never heard anybody having problems with this one...where in the hell is the "limp wristling" problem? Guess, Czech guys just
used the right numbers for design input.
right. Besides all, I was only saying that
if pistol designer relies on "firm grip"
as means to insure reliable function, and
initial data for design was based on exclusive "use of proper grip/shooting techique", I consider such design to be
a bit bad...just imagine that wounded soldier
can not use second hand, can not lock his elbow and kind of weak because of blood loss.
It's gonna be a very sad story, 'cause he gets killed at the end of the day, but nobody can say nothing about his junky pistol 'cause he suffered from "limp
wristling" factor. Thank you, but I want a better pistol...for example CZ-75. Never heard anybody having problems with this one...where in the hell is the "limp wristling" problem? Guess, Czech guys just
used the right numbers for design input.