Limiting Your Lifestyle by CC

JohnKSa said:
The gun is there to serve me, not vice versa. When I want to do something that excludes the gun, I leave it behind.

What about risky activities, you may ask? If something is so risky that I don't feel safe doing it without a firearm then I don't do it at all unless there is absolutely no other choice.

I don't use my carry gun as an excuse to do things I wouldn't do otherwise nor as a reason to not do things I want to do.

My thoughts exactly. I carry when I can, I don't when I can’t.

Carrying isn't a duty or an obsession, it's an option.
Carrying isn't a duty or an obsession, it's an option.
Yep... This

It is good to see I am not alone in my approach... sometimes it is hard to tell how many folks on this site are really hard core about carrying all the time.

If I am running, swimming, or cycling, I want to be competitive and I want to perform my best. An extra 16 oz has no place in my workout.

I don't roller blade, or surf, or cross-country ski. I don't play tennis, touch football, or basket ball. I don't do ballroom dancing. But none of these activities seem very conducive to carrying even the smallest pistol. If I wanted to do any of these things, I would do them, and not worry about lack of a pistol.

Certain kinds of physical labor are just not conducive to carrying. I was cutting down some trees last year in July, and it was about 100 degrees at 2 in the afternoon. I tried to carry, but it just became too much of burden.

My work frequently takes me to other countries, and I have never been to a country that honored a Utah, Missouri, or Florida Concealed Carry permit ...
I don't limit my lifestlye depending on CC and its limitations. Even if I can't carry to a bar or post office, doesn't mean i wont go there; I still do. You just gotta leave the EDC secured in the car.

Athletic/sports activities would be somewhat tough. Running or jogging is ok, i have a setup for that. Sports like basketball or swimming is obviously an issue, so the EDC is kept in the car.
Carry is my lifestyle. Period. Amen. Except Federal Courthouses and airports. Snot a problem.

This statement sums up what I was getting at... FM12 is Dedicated with a capital D. And I am not. I have 2 different EDC pistols with 5 different holsters to give me as many options as I can, so I can carry as often as I can..... but Carry is NOT my lifestyle. It is for FM12.

I find it so interesting, the different attitudes among those of us who have gone to the effort of carrying concealed.
I find it so interesting, the different attitudes among those of us who have gone to the effort of carrying concealed.

My kids are pretty young but I plan to taking them to see the Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, the DC Mall, Capitol Building, Smithsonian Institute, the Vietnam Wall, the Golden Gate Bridge, etc. as they become old enough to appreciate those things. As of now, I can't CC in those places but it doesn't mean I won't go.
IMO, if you refuse to go someplace that you can't carry for safety concerns then it really isn't someplace you should be going anyway. Contrary to some folks beliefs running into the post office, courthouse, school, NYC, Illinois, etc without a gun will not result in instantaneous death. If you really fear for your life if you go into a certain, store, bar, city, state, etc where carry is not allowed than just don't go there.

Just cause you can carry doesn't make putting yourself into situations YOU deem as questionable a good idea. And if YOU deem ALL situations questionable to the point where you won't go anywhere without a gun then you really should go live on a mountain top.

In short, limits you place on your lifestyle should be the same whether you're packing or not.

I will start by saying that I carry when I can, but if I want or need to do something, I will do it. The fact that I can't carry does not factor into my decission.

For years as an active L/E, I was able to CCW many places most could not. Now retired:D it sounds as we went to the same school. I still go where I want to go when I want to go. I will add though if I don't have a weapon on my person I have one close by.
I don't go to states or places I can't carry out of principle. If they think they don't need to honor my rights then I don't spend my money in that state or place. Pretty simple.
I find it does limit me a little. I dutifully avoid New Jersey for example, and limits my ability to participate when I take my daughter to the playground when I am armed. Stuff like that.
no problems

I carry whenever possible, but I'm not bothered by leaving it locked in the console when I'm going into a school/post office/etc - I don't like sitting on a gun for extended periods, so it usually rides there anyway. Like many others have said, I don't let other states/countries laws effect my travel plans. Carrying whenever possible, to me seems like being prepared. Limiting my life to only going places I can bring a gun seems more like paranoia.
There's been one positive change in lifestyle for me. In my state, the law used to be that if a restaurant served alcohol, you couldn't carry there. Period. I'd always leave the piece at home and have a beer or two with dinner whenever we went out.

However, the law was recently changed so you can carry in a restaurant that serves alcohol, as long as you don't have a drink. I've decided it means more to me to be prepared than to have that beer or two. So I have water and stay armed. I've saved a nice amount of money, and lost a few pounds along the way.
Living on a small military base in a red state 20+ miles away from a major city has some great advantages. If I'm off-base, I have a gun. Everyone else has a gun too. It's a very friendly town. Since I have had a few violent/armed encounters in my life, having a gun on me is very important but there haven't been too many situations where I couldn't have one (or get one if it hit the fan). I guess if I ever get stationed in NJ or CA I won't enjoy it too much.
I absolutely avoid places I can’t carry to the best of my ability but there are times and circumstances that make it necessary for me to either leave my weapon at home or lock it in my vehicle...

I do occasionally have to go to the post office or to the VA facilities and then I have to go without despite what the constitution says... Funny how judges have reading problems.... but I cant totally fault them when IMHO the Supreme Court avoided answering the 2A question for some 100+ years...

So no I wont be going to DC, New York City, or ever enter Kalfornia for any reason, not places I ever want to go and they have nothing that interest me that I cant do something similar somewhere else without the anti 2A stuff and in some cases a lot of other extreme crazyness too....

Dont get me wrong I know people in these places are heroically fighting the antis in court but lifes too short to wait for the changes, its just easier to go somewhere else and in the end it is a kind of financial punishment to places like DC, New York City and Kalfornia.. I do my best for my dollar not to go these places... you cant always avoid it but I do what I can..
I don't let the circumstances determine whether I carry, unless the law forbids me to carry ... I don't carry at the post office or at sporting events, but just about everywhere else my gun is on my person ... we're planning a road trip to Wisconsin this summer, desperately trying to find a route that will let us avoid Illinois and still let us make the stops we want on the way ... when will those people get with the program?
bikerbill: desperately trying to find a route that will let us avoid Illinois and still let us make the stops we want on the way

Illinois does have a law that protects handgun owners transporting through the state, including in municipalities that ban handguns (i.e. - Chicago).

The pistol must be in a non-working state, in a closed case, with ammunition stored separately. I just clear the weapon, pull the slide and barrel off the frame, keep them together in my lockbox, and put my magazines in the glove box, placing the lockbox on the floor behind the passenger seat for good measure. Then I reach back, re-assemble, reload and re-holster at the first rest stop or exit outside of Illinois. The ISP is very helpful if you have additional questions and want to contact them directly but their laws about through-transport of firearms have held up in court.
Outside of work and college, I simply don't frequent places or partake in activities that would make carry illegal or impractical. This is not because I consciously avoid no-carry places/activities but simply because the places/activities aren't ones that I partake/visit frequently anyway. My state has a very small list of "prohibited places" so there really aren't that many areas where I can't carry and I don't travel out of state on a regular basis.

That being said, while I do live in an OC state, I prefer CC. Because of this, the places I go, activities I partake in, and weather often dictate which gun I carry and how I carry it.
I'm on the opposite end of this... My lifestyle is limiting my carry. I need to lay off the fatty foods, as the pants I would CC in are getting tighter and hard to fit a pistol in there :eek: