Limited to blue S&W revolvers.....


New member
If you limited yourself to blued finish Smith and Wesson revolvers, what revolver would you absolutely have to have in your collection?

I find I identify with the ones made just before the current numbering started through to the MIM changeover. I prefer blue, but like ss ok for work, which none of these will ever see.

I have: 19-3 sq; 17-3 3T sq; 547 round

I feel compelled to buy a 13 3”, 14 3T 6”, 17-6 3T 6” underlug, 18, 25-2, 586 4”....maybe a 36

What else should be tops on the list?
Already have it: Model 22.

I'd thought about getting one of the numerous different 625 variants, but I love the classic, M1917/.38-44 Heavy Duty look, so bought a Thunder Ranch 22, instead.
The early S&W gun of my druthers would be a 4" .44 Target Model. Especially the Model 1950 Target.

Of all the Smiths I've owned over the years, this 5" full lug early Model 29 happens to be my favorite:

Bob Wright
You will dream for a Registered .357 Magnum and a Non-Registered .357 Magnum. That is the want or crave list; although not very realistic unless you have just won the lottery.

Realistically, you will want models 27 (several in different barrel lengths), Model 28 w/4" barrel, Model of 1950 Target Pre-Model 26, Model 25, Model 36, Victory Model, Pre-Victory, Pre-Model 10, Model 40 and/or Model 42 Centennial, Model of 1905 (several changes particularly the 4th Change with most desirable a target model), numerous Model 10's, Model 29 and the list goes on.
K22 or K38, from before 1958's movement to numbered series.

586 for more modern.


[except for my Colt OMT 22, OMT 38, OMM 22, OMM 38 and Model 357- some more nice blued revolvers :p]
I prefer Nickel over blued guns in the early revolvers...but If I only wanted Blued or would be model 18's ( .22 )... 19's, 27's & 28's ( .357 Mag) and model 29's ( .44 mag ).
That would be the five I already own,,,

Model 15 & Model 18.

Model 36 & Model 34.

Those are my "absolutely must have" S&W Revolvers,,,
Pretty much the first four handguns I purchased as a grown man.

Here are my nice to have S&W revolvers.

Model 12

3" Model 36.


If you limited yourself to blued finish Smith and Wesson revolvers, what revolver would you absolutely have to have in your collection? ...I have: 19-3 sq; 17-3 3T sq; 547 round...I feel compelled to buy a 13 3”, 14 3T 6”, 17-6 3T 6” underlug, 18, 25-2, 586 4”....maybe a 36...What else should be tops on the list?

Looks like you have a solid start. The 547 RB is one a lot of vintage S&W revolver fans lust for. My personal "tops the list" include the 6.5" M-29 .44 mag, the 5" M-27 .357 mag, a 4" M-57 .44 mag, a 6.5" M-25-2 .45 ACP, and an 8-3/8" M-17/K22. It is easy to get hooked on S&W revolvers.

These days about the only thing I'm looking for is a Model 16. No point looking for a K-32, they are just too rare. I'd love to have a Registered Magnum, but they are way too dear. Passed up a Non-Registered Magnum last year because it was in pretty rough shape.

Other than that, I grab what ever nice old Smiths come along. I found this nice Baby Russian with a box last year. Ooops, sorry, it is nickel plated.


Found a nice 38 Regulation Police last month to go along with a couple or 32 Regulation Police.


I was looking for a nice Bicycle Revolver until I found this 32 last year. Checked that one off the list.


I found this 38/44 Outdoorsman last year, checked that one off the list too.


I used to think the 38 Double Action Perfected was the dumbest thing to come down the pike, other than the Governor, but now I have three of them. Sorry, the middle one is nickel plated. Yup, checked them off the list.


Best thing I found last year was this terrific New Model Number Three that shipped to Japan in 1896. Stumbled on it at a local gun show. The dealer didn't really know what he had. I grabbed it in a heartbeat.


My #3 collection is almost complete with a Russian 2nd Model, Schofield 1st Model, a couple of New Models Number Three and a couple of 44 Double Actions. Still need an American. Or what I would really like is a First Model Russian that looks just like an American but I can shoot 44 Russians out of it. Passed on one last year that was in pretty sad shape.

Hey Bob Wright: I'm not familiar with that Model 29 with the full length underlug. What dash # and vintage is it?
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Model 28-2 6"

My dad had one, I've got mine. Also have his 29-2. I prefer the 28, to the 29, as a gun, but the 29 was his, so it has a place of its own, no matter what.
If you limited yourself to blued finish Smith and Wesson revolvers, what revolver would you absolutely have to have in your collection?
Anything pre-Bangor Punta.
Which translates to before 1965.

Might as well go the extra step & cater to the "purists" that consider anything made before 1965 inferior.

All of my S&Ws are from those "inferior" years so I can't really compare them to anything else I own.

I can say that I got rid of all my S&W revolvers made after 1998.
Those were clearly not, to my hands anyhow, close to the older ones.
I've never seen a blued S&W I didn't like.

Model 57, 41 Magnum

Model 29-2, 44 Magnum

Model 15-2, 38 Special

Model 18-4, 22 LR

I even like the post war matte blue finish.

1953 22 Combat Masterpiece, 22 LR

1950 M&P 38, 38 Special

I'd add a 19 and a 27 to the list, but I don't have them right now.
I have limited myself to the Model 14, 19, and 25. Like Driftwood Johnson, I would love to have a Model 16, but they are priced out of my price range.

I had quite a few S&W revolvers sold them all along with most of my other collection of guns. My two favorite Smiths was a model 27 with 8-3/8 inch barrel. It was very accurate and the bluing was like looking at your reflection in a puddle of water. The other Smith I liked so well was a model 36 with 3 inch barrel. That gun went more miles with me both horse back and on foot then any other gun I own or owned.
My list, 29, 28, 27, 57, 58, 25, 19, 15, 13, and 10. wish I had the time to look at pre war and earlier, but so many models, so little time.....

If you limited yourself to blued finish Smith and Wesson revolvers, what revolver would you absolutely have to have in your collection?

I find I identify with the ones made just before the current numbering started through to the MIM changeover. I prefer blue, but like ss ok for work, which none of these will ever see.

I have: 19-3 sq; 17-3 3T sq; 547 round

I feel compelled to buy a 13 3”, 14 3T 6”, 17-6 3T 6” underlug, 18, 25-2, 586 4”....maybe a 36

What else should be tops on the list?
Seems like all you have are K frames, that's to limiting. In my opinion the model 27 should be at the top of your list. If you look at one you'll understand why. The most sought after is a model 27 with 3.5" barrel, you don't see them often and the price is high.

I still have model 29's and 28's which I feel anyone collecting S&W revolvers should have. In addition there are model 24's and 25's, all collectable.

I'll say one thing about blue, it sucks on S&W revolvers! I purchased new revolvers and after 2 years bluing disappears from the end of the barrel if you shoot it. For that reason I'm more fond of nickel and stainless. A nickel S&W is a thing of beauty to me.
Anything pre-Bangor Punta.
Which translates to before 1965.

I never understand why so many shooters say this.

I bought my Model 17-3 (bottom of photo) brand-spanky new in 1975. The Model 14-3 (top of photo) shipped in 1974.


I also bought my Model 19-3 brand-spanky new in 1975.


The three of them are excellent, inside and out.

Perhaps the earlier Bangor-Punta stuff was not so good, but these are excellent.
I never understand why so many shooters say this.
Blame it on the magazine hacks in the 60's and 70's.
Since a lot of shooters bought into it, it did help keep the prices of those era guns down to a reasonable level for a long time.

I think those days are over now - for the most part.

The only reason I'd want them that way now is in the context of this thread.

Since - IMHO- most of the really nice blued S&W models mentioned here (in this thread) are probably going to be in the role of safe queen or range only use,,,,,,,I'd just go for the max investment and the most desired year(s).