Like it matters who we elect President. The Republic is dead.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M1911:
I disagree, it does matter who the president is. While W might not be perfect, he's a whole lot more likely to 1) remove a bunch of Clinton's executive orders (things like banning the import of parts for semi-auto rifles), 2) tell HUD to tear up the "agreement" with S&W, etc.

W isn't nearly as libertarian as most of us would like. But he's a whole lot better than Gore.


i agree m1911.

If gore wins we'll be using the bullet box within a yr..... with bush we still have a chance ..... it does matter who gets in....

Bush aint perfect but he better than gore...

besides this president gets to pick SC judges and with the emerson case coming up we need all the help we can get.... do we really want gore picking the judges?

[This message has been edited by WAGCEVP (edited November 07, 2000).]
True. While I'm not optimistic about our chances (remember, the fight for freedom is never won, but the fight for statisim only has to be won once) Bush will (most likely) give me four years to buy all the evil black rifles I can afford. And it's a hell of a lot harder to take something away from a man than to prevent his getting it in the first place...

Keep on fighting!


"TV what do I see, tell me who to believe, what's the use of autonomy when a button does it all??" - Incubus, Idiot Box
I understand EXACTLY what you are saying, Payette Jack. If the Republic isn't already dead, it's definitely on its deathbed. And it will stay there as long as a majority of people, both Democrats and Republicans, believe it's okay for government to order people how to run their lives.

As I've said before, and I have to give credit to Leonard Peikoff for this, the problem with this country is not political--it's philosophical. Both parties are in the business of stealing power from the individual. They differ only in which areas to wield it.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined."
--Patrick Henry, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)

If it makes you feel better, Nader Supporters (and there are more Nader supporters voting Gore than Nader but they're still out there) are more opposed to individual freedom than the mainstream platform of the parties. . . .

[moderator off]

Payette Jack,
You can feel sorry for yourself (ourselves?) if you wish, but the most basic steps of establishing a republic are: free and open election, and following the mandate that election enacts. We will surely do that. There will be cussing, and scornful scowls, and kicking at the ground, but come next year, we'll inaugarate a new president. That president will be the one that the People elected. It won't remain King Willy. It will be someone else. Maybe not my choice, but the least un-popular choice of the national voter pool.

And getting a new titular head is a GOOD thing, when you consider the head that's been representing this nation for 8 years.

Unhappy with your choices? Unhappy with the process? Do your part! Do something. Don't give up. Help abolish the Electoral College. Help elect a worthy small-town official. But don't kick the ground and whine. It's unseemly in a gentleman. ;)

[/moderator off]
I agree with Long Path - completely.

However, in the sales field they have a saying indicating what to do when your emotions become strong.

"When you're up, look down. When you're down, look up."

When you're "up" emotionally, look down your chain of command and envigorate your subordinates.

When you're "down" emotionally, look up to your superiors for help, advice, just to talk, and (most importantly) to become re-envigorated.

Well, we're not in superior/subordinate positions here on TFL - we're all Members of "Simply the Finest Firearms Information Site on the Web."

So, when you feel crappy - come here for support.
When you feel strong - come here to lend support.

We have many varying views but we are united in our support of the Second Amendment.

The union must become so strong that nothing can withstand our challenge to tyranny.

We simply must protect and restore the Second Amendment or our Republic assuredly will not exist as a Republic!

Once the Second Amendment is restored, then we can begin on the First and/or the Fourth and/or some other portion of the Bill of Rights.

Once that jewel is restored, our Republic WILL be saved.

We darned well better support each other - for this is going to be a long, hard fight.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!