Lights for checking the house

Best results in this situation are using a bright gun mounted light or flashlight.
As stated before, you know your house,they don't (we hope) If you turn the light on them especially in the face, they can't see squat. But DON'T HOLD THE LIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!! Sometimes the crazy ones will shoot at the light.
If you flip the lights on in the house, it's a game of who recovers their vision first,that could get you hurt, or dead.
Next, for my own use, I use a 12 gauge short shotgun with a wood buttstock for home defense with #6 shot shells. You really don't have to aim precisely and more often than not, the sound of racking one into the chamber will make em' change their mind.And if you have to that stock will leave a mark they'll remember.
Plus if you live in a apartment as I do, you don't have to worry about penetrating someone elses home.
I know there's many here excellent with a pistol or revolver but in my case I'm not trained enough to use them to my advantage so I prefer the shotgun.
I also practice with it al lot from shoulder to hip shooting so I am very familiar with it. I also know where it's point of impact is related to the light mounted on it. And I can hold it out to my side and shoot it one handed for the crazies that like to shoot at the light.
This is just my humble opinion.
Not really worked about a fine, if I can avoid a possible fight. We don't get fined here unless you screw up quite a bit. I think triggering the alarm as you said you heard something amiss would be quite defensible.

Of course - one can alway use my Chachunk grenade - it plays repeated shotgun rackings and you toss it out when you hear the bad guys as we all know that it will scare away crooks.

Doubletaptap, . . .

I'm not sure I understood your post about using a 12 ga shotgun in an apartment and not worrying about it penetrating a wall.

If I understood what you wrote, . . . y'all must have different apartments there than we have in Ohio. Here, a lot of the walls are 5/8 drywall on one side, . . . 5/8 drywall on the other side, . . . and if there is anything in the middle, . . . ain't nothing more than some cheap yellow insulation.

All of my 12 ga shotguns will shoot through that wall, . . . with plenty enough force on the other side to kill anyone unfortunate enough to be in the way. And it'll do it with any load of bird shot or buck shot you want to use.

Don't get me wrong, . . . I'm not chewing on you, . . . just hoping you check and see what those walls are made of before you think about uncorking that 12 ga inside the apt.

May God bless,
One thing I'm surprised nobody mentioned was that when the lights are on inside the house you can't see very clearly out the windows into your yard where it's dark. Leave the lights off and you can see much more clearly who or what is prowling around out there, besides not alerting anybody with ill intentions that you are observing.
I leave enough dim lights on in my house to just barely see if I have too. Being an electrician, I installed under cabinet lights, dimmer switches, and night lights throughout the house and leave them on at night too see if I have too. I also have outdoor flood lights on every side of my house and garage that can be turned on from 3 locations in the house that light my yard like the midday sun. Overkill??? Maybe.:rolleyes:
arent we a bunch or paranoid people!:D i always keep all the lights off in the house. ive only had to wigg out a few times. always false alarms so far. i just reach over and grab the glock and lat there quiet. turn the laser on and stick it to my bed where it cant be seen. wait to see if a see movement from the streetlight glare in the back door.
My bedroom is at the end of a hall. I have an open converted garage at the other end of the hall. I always leave the lights on in that room, as it provides enough light to get around, and also backlights anything that might appear in the hall. The end of the hall where my room is is in complete shadow, so its pretty hard to see in my direction.