License Plates

I like the idea of no plates. A car thief's haven?, an impediment to LE?, and would p*ss the State off!. But I still like it, especially the p*sses the State off part.
Rob, it is not real complicated. EMS plate stands for emergency medicine. A ham plate is the hams call sign. Of course this is in the state of Indiana, where we require common sense. GLV
rob , iguess we did drift just a little far from your post. iagree , some plates indicate valued peopleteachers veterans pws ret.military, freemasonsf/f or emt, ham. college plates: vanity
wildlife plates : by vehicle and other stick ers, etc. hunter/sportsperson, or eco-nut.
that more in line ??
We only have on "emergency" plate here, GLV. It has an "E" on it, followed by a number sequence, and emergency in little letters.

I do see a lot of "Help Kids" License plates from Indiana though, with handprints on them, what are they all about ??

Rob, I see them too, and most seem to be on cars driven by females who drive like the driven. It is strange to see one of these plates on a car that has three kids in it with none of them belted in. GLV
I don’t have a special plate … waste of $$ IMO.

The vanity thing however?? I have never looked at it in that way. How is it different then an alumni “T-shirt”?

“Birds of a feather flock together” mentality is more like it.

For others the idea may be more along the lines of official favors such as: “what self-respecting State Trooper wants to hand a ticket versa a warning to a genuine Purple Heart winner (we have P/H tags in NC)?”.

to locate, close with and …

You may have a disagreement with my word "vanity" but in Calif, all non standard plates are officially called "Vanity plates".

As for teachers, far the majority of them are the willing or unwitting agents in promulgating/espousing the very philosophies you take isssue with so often.
Taken as a whole, the profession of teachers is hardly more valuble than plumbers, auto mechanics or any other profession.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited May 31, 1999).]
I consider Plumbers and Mechanics to be very valuable. I'd be screwed without them.

I don't hold teachers as a group responsible for the curriculum. I count teaching as one of the higher callings in our society. I have met a lot of teachers that I don't like, but I think most of them mean well.


We have purple heart plates here too, and I agree with your comments. But, If I saw a 17 year old girl driving a car with PH tags......

You know what guys, I can't believe I left FOP tags off the list. I'm sure other states have them too. But, better than FOP (fraternal order of police) tags are the "coded" tags that many larger deptartments get. For example, in Michigan any "normal" tag ending is "MSP" belongs to a Michigan State Trooper.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited May 31, 1999).]
Well i think all the vanity plates are stupid execpt for the veterans ones.
I hate different groups thinking what they do is more important than someone else. A teacher is no more important than a garbageman, what would happen if our garbage wasn't taken away ? death by disease for millions thats what. I really really really hate bumper stickers with things like nurses are great or teachers are great.
Another thing I get annoyed at is different professions saying how they put their lives on the line every day just for us, well more farmers die in accidents producing peoples food than just about any other profession in Australia.(note this is specific to Australia, police, firemen, armed forces etc don't face the dangers here that they would in the USA).
Now we don't have those sorts of plates here and I hope we never will, I can just imagine all the bush fire brigade and S.E.S people lining up for them now in their bright orange overalls.
I like the idea of the wildlife ones because I assume the money goes to a good cause.
Now I won't start a rant on the bush fire and S.E.S people and hero worshiping (im not referring to all of them but a god percentage) because I would never stop.
BTW ezine out very soon, doing it now.

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