walangkatapat: If GW sells out the gun owners, I'll vote for the third party that best represents my interests. Maybe by that time the Reform Party will have put itself back together.
Lawdog: the debates here on TFL _have_ influenced my opinion on third party candidates. I'm doing some checking on third party candidates for congress and local offices. Will I vote third-party at the presedential level? No. A Gore-appointed Supreme Court will have repercussions that will take fifty years to reverse. Imagine four or five clones of Ruth Bader Ginsberg.
On the other hand, imagine four or five Clarence Thomas/Anthony Scalia types if GW wins. If GW is a disappointment for us (and, again, my gut is telling me he won't be), he can be out in four. When was the last time a Supreme was impeached? How easy do you think it will be to get a Gore Supreme off the bench?
Preaching to the choir, on a closed-loop tape, over an issue that's a crying shame.