Liberian Militia Assault Tactics

Also of note,in the photo titled thusly-"Firing from the hip while putting on the best "Game Face" and bellowing like an Ox - note the camouflage pants! (Also note the photographer in the background taking this joker's picture. Yeah, I trust them when journalists say they only report the news and don't create it.)"-note the "Sewer Rat Exterminator Stance" being demonstrated in the background...:D should do a test to see if life vest are bullet proof. A majority of these guys are not soldiers, they are just hoodlums with no training, hopped up on cot. It is just like the guys in Somalia, how do you think around 80 Army rangers were able to hold back an entire city, a small percentage of the militia had military training (that is how they were able to shoot down the Blackhawks), but the majority were cot junkies.
Other cultures aren't going to have the same color associations anglos do.

For instance, where red means stop or no go to us, red is lucky to the chinese. A red warning light wouldn't automatically mean something is wrong to a chinese technician.

As a sidenote, this has lead NASA to create control panels with culture neutral control panels. A Chinese astronaut may now tweak on a red warning light as fast as he needs to.

My understanding is that the Africans are wearing bright colors to appear as scary as possible. I think it's Ivory Coast were the various militias dress as women, and wear neon colored wigs.
When he heard life preserver maybe he thought it would stop bullets and preserve his life?;) Boy wouldn't it be nice if all enemies of the U.S.A was this bright.
flashy colors

I seem to remember reading something about this. Wearing outlandish clothing, costumes, even cross-dressing had to do with old superstitions. It was something along the lines of " If death doesn't recognize you, he cant take you."
I cant seem to find the article I read on the whole bright color and outlandish dress thing in regards to this culture, but the article stated that fighters would do it to 'stand out' and thus be recognized by thier peers easier during acts of bravery or heroism, thus increasing their, or (in the event of the fighters death), their families reputation, fame, status, etc
I cant seem to find the article I read on the whole bright color and oulandish dress thing in regards to this culture, but the article stated that fighters would do it to 'stand out' and thus be recognized by their peers easier during acts of bravery or heroism, thus increasing their, or (in the event of the fighters deat), their families reputation, fame, status, etc. Still darn funny to me no matter what the reasoning. :)
One marine sniper could take over that entire country

I could take over that entire country, with a sharp pointed stick.:eek:

Seriously though, you guys are just jealous because these guys don't have any gun laws to worry about! ;)
Most of the "militias" over there are nothing but a bunch of uneducated and untrained kids with nothing else to do. They are handed an AK-47 which are all over the place there and are good to go.
Once I was in Mozambique in a car following a military truck along a bumpy road, a young "soldier" was sitting on a bench in the back of the truck. His AK was standing between his knees, the butt on the truck bed, he had his thumb over the muzzle and was dozing with his chin resting on the thumb over the muzzle. I kept expecting to see his brains (if he had any) fly out the top of his head like St. Helens erupting. But like they say, God protects fools and he had a nice uneventful nap.
I am feelin' it!

I'm definitely going to the range wearing a life preserver, orange clam diggers, carrying an AK and a feather duster. I can't wait to see everyone's reaction. Someone might shoot me though.