Fox Create term "Liberal Media?"
There was no term liberal media till fox came along. - Comment made by Ghettoest.
Unfortunately, he does not have any idea what he is talking about and is simply repeating something someone told him.
The investigation and research into media bias has been on going since the 60's. The idea of a liberal bias in the media came out of the late 70's and early 80's when organizations and Schools of Mass Communication began looking at how the news was covered. There have been numerous studies throughout the last 30 years that have looked at the bias of the media. The overwhelming majority of them have proven that the news media has a more liberal slant. College libraries, thesis and dissertations are filled with this information
In recent years this has changed a bit with the Fox News and the availability of the BBC in the North America, but still it remains that the media will report more negatively when it comes to topics, subjects of people who tend to be conservative than those that are considered liberal.
So your comment about Fox news creating something that existed 15 -18 years before it did, proves that your do not think for yourself but regurgitates something someone told you.