Liberal Media Myth Busted

I'll admit that I have not read every post in this thread, but I'll say this...bluntly.

Anyone who can't admit that the media is overwhelmingly liberal (in general) is just an idiot. Sorry, but it really is that simple.
there was no term liberal media till fox came along. i have a republican friend that watches fox news all the time. i mean he doesnt even watch other tv shows period. i said ok i want u to show me what is liberal about the "liberal" media so we went to cnn msnbc and all of them and they would be talking and reporting and he would say THAT RIGHT THERE!!! and i would say sooooo??? its a fact they would be saying simple facts that all republicans and democrats agree on like "this text is black" and just because it was cnn he would be goin nuts. fox news was created by roger ailes, the same person that ran cut throat campaigns for nixon, reagan and george h bush. FACT: fox news is nothing but a 24 hour a day 7 day a week republican campaign. their mentality is "i reject reality and substitute my own." notice my signature, i used to be independent till fox news and dubya
So your friend tried to explain it and you didnt get it, and that means it doesnt exist? Thats what liberals do. They say "if you cant convince me then you are wrong". Only they cant be convinced because they simply cannot see reality. Since we are on a gun website I will go as far as to issue you a challenge. Tell us how many positive gun stories your liberal media has reported VS. negative. Keep in mind that we all know that guns are used many more times for good than for evil. Go ahead...... we're all dying to hear this. E
i havent seen many gun stories period on the news because im not always watching the news. the last one i can remember tho is about the spring turkey season and an upcoming gunshow. there is the media and then there is fox news. reporters shouldnt be giving their opinions. they should state facts. fox news is like an ongoing commentary with news stories mixed in. end of discussion. im not coming back to this thread so there is no need to reply. NEXT!
IMO the major media has reported with liberal bias for years. I remember All In The Family. Written by Norman Leer (Flaming Liberal), Leer tried to portray Conservatives (Archie Bunker) as uneducated, prejudice fools, and liberals (Meathead) as educated, compassionate, intellectuals. Archie Bunker always had a "raspberry" for Walter Cronkite (liberal media).

I would like to see what Archie would watch now, I'll bet it would be Fox.:D
Fox Create term "Liberal Media?"

There was no term liberal media till fox came along. - Comment made by Ghettoest.

Unfortunately, he does not have any idea what he is talking about and is simply repeating something someone told him.

The investigation and research into media bias has been on going since the 60's. The idea of a liberal bias in the media came out of the late 70's and early 80's when organizations and Schools of Mass Communication began looking at how the news was covered. There have been numerous studies throughout the last 30 years that have looked at the bias of the media. The overwhelming majority of them have proven that the news media has a more liberal slant. College libraries, thesis and dissertations are filled with this information

In recent years this has changed a bit with the Fox News and the availability of the BBC in the North America, but still it remains that the media will report more negatively when it comes to topics, subjects of people who tend to be conservative than those that are considered liberal.

So your comment about Fox news creating something that existed 15 -18 years before it did, proves that your do not think for yourself but regurgitates something someone told you.
All I needed to see was the word "progressive" used as a substitute for the accurate term: Socialist, to know this was a fantasy designed to support an agenda.

Just part of the ongoing decay...
Fear the government that fears its people

Every news source is biased.


For all the blithering about "objective journalism" and "reporting the facts", you will never see a completely unbiased news program. Why? Because anytime you involve a human, you involve their biases - even if they are putting forth an effort to separate their own biases from their report.

People will see media bias where it conflicts with their opinions, but tend to be blind to it where they agree. So our good friend ghettoestl sees the bias in FoxNews but sees CNN as "just reporting the facts". An open viewing of either will notice that both tend to skew the story based on the reporter's prejudices.

The truth is simple - reports from both CNN and Fox are biased. That doesn't mean every report is utterly false, but every report will reflect the opinions of those who participate in, produce and release it. Even the fact that the story is something the producers consider newsworthy demonstrates an element of personal involvement with the material.

My personal opinion is that major news sources tend to have more pro-liberal prejudices than pro-conservative prejudices. That's what I see.

But I'm biased.
CNN, CBS, NBC and others may be somewhat biased but certainly not more so than FOX. FOX is a "gwb repulican first" and should be considered nothing more than a gwb cheering section.