LFI Student Shoots Self in Leg

Just me, but were I conducting training where students bring their own guns and gear, everything would be inspected beforehand. And while it is not possible to foresee everything and anything, things like this have happened before enough times for it to be a significant concern with pistols like Glocks.
Isn't she the lawyer representing someone on thehighroad.org that was legally open carrying his Glock in a Barnes and Noble bookstore who was jumped from behind by police while he was just browsing at the bookshelves?
As Clint Smith likes to note about Thunder Ranch classes, the really dangerous ones are when they have the instructors courses and everyone on the firing line is an expert and many don't feel anymore that all the rules really apply.

And quite often, that's the problem. We usually give ourselves a lot more credit than we deserve-- wheather it be for marksmanship, gun handling, speed or general understanding. So much so that we look down on safety nets or rules as "getting in the way" or "just for beginners." We're all a mite quick to believe that we're not the ones that need it when sometimes we're exactly the ones that do.

The more I've learned, the more I realize I don't know; no matter how far out I hang my bullseye targets or how quickly I complete an action pistol COF. I still make mistakes, and some mistakes you only get to make once.
There goes Mr. Ayoob's perfect class safety record. A local deputy did the same thing here about a year ago with a G22,during SWAT team training. When you pull the trigger,even inadvertantly,it'll shoot.
It's easy to blame equipment.However,the weapon should always be checked with the holster while unloaded,especially with a Glock.
Isn't she the lawyer representing someone on thehighroad.org that was legally open carrying his Glock in a Barnes and Noble bookstore who was jumped from behind by police while he was just browsing at the bookshelves?

Yeah, that's her. The guy is mvpel, above.