Lever Action

I wish I could find a 99 Savage that someone was willing to part with. Every one I have ever seen their owner thinks it is his first born child.
Chowder said:
Rodfac and stu, those are some VERY beautiful rifles. I may have to get myself and older 336 some day. I have a 2008 manufactured 1894 and am in love with it but those rifles have a personality all there own.
Thanks for the compliment. Rofac's rifle definitely has nicer wood than mine but I really like the rifle. After I filled my buck tag this year with my father's deer rifle I started carrying the 336 to fill the doe tags with. Never got the opportunity to shoot one but the rifle carries like a dream. I know there's people that feel the lack of a crossbolt safety makes the rifle a bit slower to bring into action, but if I carry the rifle at the ready I find my thumb rests on the hammer, thumbing that hammer back as I bring the rifle to my shoulder is effortless. Nope it's definitely not a hindrance for me. Just something you need to practice a bit.

Check out the Mossberg line. I am very happy with mine. You don't get the history but your get what you are looking for.

I was looking at older Mossberg lever rifles made back in the 70's, the model 472 both with pistol grip, and straight grip. They resemble the 336 in style, and in the ejector port/loading port, so there is a bit of a history.
I am somewhat familiar with the 336. Newer or older, I don't have much trouble with either vintage. I appreciate the fondness for the old rifle, but I also lack the problems sometimes talked about for the newer models. I've had then sold Marlins in 30-30. No real trouble, but just wanted the 45-70 instead and needed cash so I sold the 30-30's and kept the 45-70. Along the way, I've discovered the Henry 30-30. Since I already have a 45-70, I can't see why I need a 30-30. But if I ever decided I can afford to buy a deer rifle I don't really need, it would be a 30-30. And it would be a Henry 30-30.
I just got done reading Chuck Hawks' review on the Henry 30 30. It seems like a nice gun, but has a stiff gritty trigger, however it can be cleaned up. It was criticized for being on the heavy side, but... this could be a plus for off hand accuracy.
There is just something beautiful about a lever gun. I personally would buy another used Marlin or a new Henry I'm considering the Henry H010 for my next lever gun. 45-70 is just a sledge hammer. The only way I'd buy a new Marlin (Remlin) is if I found one of with the fit and finish I'd expect from a rifle with the Marlin name on it.
Henry is nice, but does not fit my shoulder with the cresent buttplate. So no henry 30-30 for me. But I do own marlins and i love them.
I am somewhat familiar with the 336. Newer or older, I don't have much trouble with either vintage. I appreciate the fondness for the old rifle, but I also lack the problems sometimes talked about for the newer models.
I am pretty sure it is an overblown internet myth. Early on, there were some reports of buggered screws and mediocre wood-to-metal fit. When you start looking for comparison pictures, you find a few of machine marks inside the reciever where the do not interfere with operation. Interenstingly, a lot of the pictures for early transition guns show targets where the holes are touching.

I have looked at several Remlins in the last 6 months and they all look great. The actions have functioned smoothly and the triggers were about like my 1974 Model 336.

One of the few things I don't like about gun forums is the propensity for people to repeat as fact what they have no experience in.
Good suggestions so far. A Marlin or Winchester would work great and I'm partial to the Winchesters. They're a bit sleeker and easier handling. The Savage 99 is a good choice too. Such classics.
Both of my Marlins are great. I have a pre-Remington Marlin Guide Gun (45-70) which is my favorite rifle, and a brand-new Remlin 336 in 30-30. They're both accurate and function perfectly.
I guess over the years, I've managed to get quite a few lever guns. My Wincheser 94 in .30-30 was my first one and that rifle is quite a fun one to shoot. It's also the lighter of my .30-30s so it's easier to carry but the recoil is a little more snappy.
My pre-idiot button Marlin 336 is my other .30-30 and like most Marlins, is a very accurate rifle. Another advantage is is that taking out the lever screw permits taking the bolt out far more easily than the Winchester desiign and allows cleaning from the rear. Mine came with a scope on it but I got rid of it. Never like the way it looked, spoiled the balance and IMHO, the range a .30-30 is likely to be used at doesn't warrant the need for a scope in the first place. What I didn't like about it as much as compared to the Winchester is that it takes more of a deliberate downward motion on the lever to operate where the Winchester seems to need a slightly less downward motion and more of a forward motion to operate. In any case, I have heard enough problems of the Remlins that any Marlin I look at buying will pre-date the Remington buyout and preferably before the idiot button came around as well.
My pistol caliber levers include a VERY smooth Uberti 1873 rifle in .45 Colt that is a dream to shoot. The down side is that the toggle action isn't as strong as later designs so no hot rodding any loads through this one! My EMF Hartford 1892 rifle in .38/.357 is another good little rifle but the 1892 much like the 1894 Marlins do have a reputation for not working as well with the shorter .38 Special rounds so I have a special 160 grain RNFP mould that takes care of that problem. My other 1892 is an older Rossi carbine that was imported by Interarms years ago. Light, accurate and the .45 Colt round espcially when loaded heavier makes for a pretty good sub-100m carbine.
I think though my favorite out of all my lever actions and the one that gets shot the most (other than my Marlin 39A and 39M...cheaper ammo ya know) is mmy Browning 1886 SRC. This thing is a tank and a 405 grain slug over 45 grains of IMR 3031 is no slouch in the power department. Smooth, accurate, exceptional quiality and attention to detail makes this one my favorite. It's also a fun one to take to work during "team building days" when we go out to the range instead. Guys that are used to M4s and ARs get one hell of a surprise when that old cannon goes off!:D
Other rifles I want to own one day are an 1860 Henry for the history and an 1866 simply because they are beautiful rifles! I used to have these models but a wife that I had figured we needed money for useless crap and those went down the road. :mad: I WILL one them again one day!!! Another rifle that I have a lot of interest in is a Uberti 1876 Winchester in .45-60. Same smooth action as the 1873 rifles but in a larger caliber that is close to the .45-70. I've heard it best described that if the .45-70 versus .45-60 is similar to looking at a .30-06 compared to a .308 Winchester round. As far as Marlin offerings I would like one day to find a pre-idiot button 1894 in .44 magnum as well as an 1895CB. Never cared for the Mossberg or Henry brand offerings. I guess one of the big things I always loved about lever actions is the history behind them as well as being good shooters that are a lot of fun as well. I guess the Mossberg and Henry brand rifles just don't offer that sense of history and feeling what it must have been like for my forefathers when they came out West here.