I think if I had to do it all over again, I would have spent less money on my rifle scopes and more on my binoculars. Yes, it is nice to have a super clear bright view through a scope, but 95% of rifle scopes in the $200-$300 range will do exactly what you need them to do, which is being able to see your target clearly during legal hunting hours and hold zero. After all, you only look through your scope for a few seconds during a hunt. If you use binoculars when you hunt (and I think everyone should, ever if you hunt in the thick stuff) you look through your binoculars hours at a time. The fact is, you are not going to miss a shot at deer during legal huniting hours because your could not see a thing out of your Fullfield/Prostaff/Redfield etc..., but when you held up your Swarvoski, it turned night to day. Better/crisper view through the Swarvoski, defenitely, but not enough of a difference to miss. If I had $1,500 on me to buy a rifle scope and binoculars, I would buy $200 scope and spend the rest on the binoculars.