Let's talk about the Smith & Wesson Model 19

Did you ever look up when it was made? According to the SCSW the Model 19-2 first came out in 1961 and was produced until 1967 when the 19-3 came out.

I did. According to the SCSW, it was made in 1967.

First off... that Model 19 you have is a GREAT gun...excellent choice, it is a classic.

The Model 19, as others have said was a joint project by Bill Jordan and S&W. It was intended to be a Peace Officers Dream Gun. Easier to carry, and powerful enough to get the job done with authority, in a package that is easy to shoot well...K Frame.

The original intent was for officers to practice with a steady diet of 38 Specials and load 125 grain 357 Magnum defensive loads for serious social purposes.

Problems developed with the forcing cone, when doctrines changed. There was a school of thought that stated that an officer should practice with the load they will actually use in combat...the 125 gr 357 Magnum. With a steady diet of these high pressure loads, problems developed with the forcing cone cracking. S&W corrected this by developing the 686/586 series of firearms built on the L Frame.

So, your Model 19 should be fine with 125 gr 357 Magnums, but not with a steady diet of them.

Hope this helps...
I have owned six K frame magnums in my lifetime. Four model 19's, one model 66 and one model 13. They are the finest all around 357 magnum. They handle the best, have a great double action trigger and are accurate. Most the time I used 38 specials or plus P 38 specials. I sometimes will put twelve or so 158 gr 357 magnums in them but for shooting 357's I much prefer my 686. They were designed to shoot the 357 round. There is no reason to abuse the finest revolver ever made. That is why I have a 686.
My opinion only;);)
Thanks and I am looking forward to your responses.
I have a 6" barreled P&R M19 circa 1977 in bright nickel finish.

It's the only gun in my safe that I can pick up and say, "If I can see it & if it's in range, I can hit it."

I have that much faith in that gun.
I've had three M19s. All with 2.5" barrels. First two were blued and purchased used in the late 1970s. No idea exactly what models they were. Could have been -1s or -2s or anything available prior to 1979. Sold them both fairly quickly.

Around 1990 I was wandering a gun show and an older gentleman had a table with just a couple guns on it. One was a nickel 19-3 with a 2.5" barrel. I like the shiny ones. Hi story was that he was recently retired as a federal agent and this had been his duty weapon for 19 years. He bought it or kept it when he retired and now he was selling off some guns. Buy the gun...not the story. Thought it unlikely any federal cops carried nickel plated wheel guns.

He was asking $185 for the 19. Emptied my wallet and found I had exactly $180. He would not accept a penny less than his asking price. Offered to give me his mailing address if I promised to mail him the $5. I did...and I did.

Lettered it and paint me purple and call me Sunshine it was shipped to U.S. Customs & Immigration Service. Later someone told me the Customs agents did indeed carry issued 2.5" 19s in nickel. BTW- the seller told me he fired 50 rounds each month. All of it full power 125 JHP ammo. So 19 years x 12 months x 50 rounds is 11,400 rounds. No endshake problem, no cracked forcing cone, no signs of excessive wear at all.

Had compact Pachmayrs on it when I bought it so I scared up a set of original Magnas.

The Model 19 is such a great revolver. I had a 4" one almost 30 years ago. Never should have sold it. Was really glad to see that SW at least brought back the Model 66 a few years back. Am really glad they decided on a snub version this year as well.

Anyway, after several years, I finally was able to pick up this 2.5" version last summer. I pretty much intend to keep it as a .38 +P shooter going forward, but I wouldn't hesitate to shoot full house loads through it if I needed to.


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I currently own 2, a 6" and a 2-1/2". The 19 may be the best of the best. The first I had was a 6" gun, didn't crack the chamfer but it was frosted when it was stolen. I shoot a limited amount of .357 mag loads, 125 and 158 JHPs and i have a 173 gr SWC mold and I do shoot them, the 173 is pretty stout in the 2-1/2". I would buy a 4" gun if a good deal but I already have a 15, 586 and 686 with 4" bbls as well as an old .38 Trooper with 4"" bbl. Note: the old 586 is prolly the best shooter of the bunch(double action).