Let's Talk about hunting the Moon, Mojo and good luck.

Warbird: Not bad ideas! I was playing Angry Birds on my iPhone on the last two outings where I shot deer this season, so maybe a little party music might do the trick! :D
I have had great sucess hunting Deer Mid Day during a Full Moon, alot of times when the Moon is bright at night, the Deer seem to not move good early in the morning, but come out later like 11 00 in the morning.

When Not in Deer Season, I hunt Racoon with Coonhounds, and some nights when the moon was bright, were good, some nights the hounds treed on Den Trees. I took a young friend hunting night before last, and we Treed Two Coons, the game was stirring pretty well, last night we treed one, but had a couple of bad turnouts without much luck. Ofcourse we had unusually cold conditons for this area, and the game was not stirring well.
I have noticed over the years that an East Wind, usually has poor hunting, Ive seen it eneough to believe it.

But as one poster mentioned you will not do any good hunting if you dont go.