Let's see your bug out bags!


Haven't done one of these in awhile. Let's see your bug out bags! What you have in them in case of emergency, ect. Also what are some good cheap high energy foods?
I'll post a picture once I finish putting mine together. So far, I've got a bag with 15 MRE's, bottled water, flashlight and batteries, battery powered radio, basic first aid kit, matches, magnesium fire starter, two knives, leatherman. What else do I need?
I've got the wife and 4 kids at home, so my bug-out "bag" consists of:

-2X Rubbermaid storage tubs, one with air mattresses and sleep goodies, and one with food & cooking utinsels, signaling devices, batteries and misc. stuff.
-Duffel bag full of MRE's and equivalent packaged foodstuffs.
-Coleman 2-burner stove with spare propane tanks.
-Various sleeping bags, hopefully still all where they're supposed to be...
-2X tents
-5Gal water jug (heavy!)
-"Hiker" pumps in tub above to replace water as needed.
-Ammo box labeled as "BOB."
-Cash stash

Sounds like a lot, but we can get it to the car in about 3 mins, and it'll all fit in the back.
I live out in the country and have 2 teenagers and a capable wife. I really can't see the situation that would cause us to leave. We can live off the canned goods and the land for a good while. Defending the hacienda is not a problem.
Earthquake? Natural disaster? Meteorite strike? War? Chemical or bioweapon release accidental or intentional? You never know why you might have to leave suddenly.
Mine stays ready, although it is a little more than a "bag".
It contains a rifle, with several hundred rounds, two handguns with
several hundred rounds, an AM/FM radio, a pair of 2-way radios,
several cases of MREs, bottled water, some canned food, fire-
starting stuff, flashlights, oil lanterns, MANY batteries, blankets,
a medicine kit (containing several weeks supply of Prescription
medicine), and a few other odds and ends.

I hope we never need it.

I just have my bottled water in old Mountain Dew bottles. I wonder what else I could use... :D I keep them in a separate bag in case one leaks or something.
my "bug out bag" consists much of dasmi's...

but we really had to "bug out" during the many hurricanes this year in Fl...not to much fun moving so much stuff (canned food MRE's, water, medicine, dog food, important papers, tv radio etc.)...gets heavy

but my emergency bag is just a regular ol duffel bag w/ the following

copy of ID
first aid kit
week supply of MRE's
flash light (batteries)
matches (waterproof)
magnesium fire starter
a small shovel
leatherman tool....

dont think i need much else...
I just realized I should put some rope and duct tape in there. Two items that always come in handy.
duct tape...rednecks best friend...nothing you cant fix with it

btw good idea on the 2 knives...think i'll throw one in there. fixed knife.

good idea on the rope i have some thin nylon climbing rope i could stick in there...

any other ideas?
In addition to having some potable water on hand; everyone should have a good water purifier system.

I just have my bottled water in old Mountain Dew bottles. I wonder what else I could use...

Why don't you just buy a gallon size distilled water from the local supermarket? I have never had one leak; use it up every week or two replacing with more.

I have some Lexan bottles from REI that are somewhat hip flask-shaped which can be filled on the fly using a purifier. Very tough, and they will fit in belt pouches, large jacket or pant cargo pockets.
I live out in the country and have 2 teenagers and a capable wife. I really can't see the situation that would cause us to leave.

You're a lucky guy. I'm an unlucky guy.

-Lived in the Bay Area, less than 10 miles from the epicenter of the Loma Preita quake (World Series Quake.) Did not bug out. Used some of the supplies, though.

-Almost had to bug out due to flood.

-Moved to FL in time for Andew (which went south of us, fortunately.) Bugged out! (But to relatives' place.)

-Moved to Southern CA. Came close to bugging out due to fires.

Now I'm in Idaho. I suppose if Craters of the Moon erupts, or Yellowstone blows, I may need to bug out. (Though Yellowstone would likely prove fatal. But ya never know...)
Suggestion for toting water: find a nurse, paramedic, etc. Try to get some of the little plastic bottles they use for sterile water. They're quart sized, collapseable, and have a ring on the bottom so you can hang them off carabiners. Won't replace gallon jugs and the like, but they're great for grab and go.
I always get a chuckle reading about BOBs that in reality, would take a Semi to haul around

I like the modular approach; minimum essentials in a package or packages that can be handcarried. The size and total weight has to be matched to the stature and level of fitness of the person of course.

This is kept with a larger store, all of which can go with you if you are using wheels (or have pack animals). If the transport becomes disabled or one must resort to progress on foot, the essentials package is already self-contained and can be removed immediately without any reorganization.
I regret that im still trying to put one togather. I have a five 20 person first aid kits in the house ( i give them out as presents). plus one in each car. I always keep about 4 cases of water in the house and rotate them every four months or so. Other than that i just have a Ton of canned foods. Enough for about 3 months easy. Other than that I would love some ideas. :D

Anarx i know you have some comments on this .. Where you at>???
why right here of course :-P

Well guys i'm goina copy and paste a post a made that got cloused.. i am sure you all dont need the mini lecture in it but it had some good ideas..

BTW my Personal BOB would consist of slightly more then what i would carry backpacking..

Hey guys i was wondering what you guys might keep in your emergency Prep kit?

I have a huge list of stuff but i list some of the other random stuff that i found while seraching the net..

Pet First Aid Kit (i love my animals and thought this was a good item to have on board.. but the first aid kit i keep is rather large to back some minor EMT traning i have had)

Fire Escape Hood (intresting Device that i recently found out about its just a plastic hood that seals around your head.. i beleave this hood comes with eather a O2 supply or a filter to filter out harmful gas's experance commenly.. only thing is i dont theres a filter for CO1. although they are rather pricey..*about 200 bux from what i have found)

Portable tolit (found this neat kit that provides a Tolit Seat that fits a 5 gallion bucket. also comes with bleach and some other chemicals to keep it clean.. you use trash bags for this thing)

Out of State Contact Card.. (nifty idea keep a list of phone numbers with people from out of state on it.. famley friends.. so you can let them know your allright *or if they find your body they know who to contact* i think kept in wallet)

Solar Charged Battery Powerd Radio/Flashlight (commenly found for 20-30 dollers this kind of item will be able to keep you up to date on whats going on. And provide a sorce of light..)

Gas Shut Off Wrinch.. (power lines are coming down, fires raging.. do you really want your gas on???)

*almost a Duh but not*
Importent Papers and Meds(if you take medication you better have a weeks worth in this kit. most of us keep our importent papers in filing cabnits.. *i know i do and my whole famley does* but a water tight and fire proff safe would be better a whole lot better.. or at least in plastic zip locs and where you can grab them in case of fire... remember disasters dont have to be city wide.. it could be as simple as a house fire or a pipe brakes in your basement *where alot of us store stuff...* i have learnd from experance that all pictures importent stuff HAS to be water tight.. mildew is not fun*)

this is just something to get your mind working mostly.. if you dont have one of these kits i would get one.. if you live in a area thats prone to desasters *IE Florida, Califrona, Midwest* almost anywhere now adays *here in portland we had a Semi one where everything was so iced over we chouldent get out for 2 days and last year was worse* you deffently need one.. i remember the northridge quake, also look at Florida.. god they just got their asses nailed last year..

the main thing i really think of is what you need for backpacking and then some.. anything that normally wouldent come to mind that some of you guys can come up with? i'm not going for a complete listing here just the stuff that isent commen..

Remember never say *this will never happen to me* becuse this stuff does happen.. and someday it is higher probablyity that it might be just you..*

BTW mang reply to my PM.. :P

well guys that was the highlights of alot of searching.. some of the stuff i have been corrected on like the radio/flashlight combo should have a Crank Charger just saw one in Cheaper Then Dirt for a 'resonable' price..
plus i would take my firearms with me too.. at least my mini 14 and my 22 as i can carry a ton of 22 ammo with little weight added.

I wanted to mention a firearm so that this thread can stay on the legal side :D
A chem suit/mask,decon wipes and epipens, maps, compass, mini fishing kit, rabbit snare. Gasoline, coffee and hard candy for bardering.
Mountain House makes very high calorie/fat meals that are very light.

these are the odd things i have in my "git kit".

I also went from bags to tubs.