lets play BS or not...

I'd like to hear him clarify the distance AND the eight shots! Eight shots? 400 yards?? All righty then... :rolleyes:
No more BS, than half the stuff you read online. Ever notice how many rifles that are bragged about online shoot sub MOA, but when you go to the range, you see that most of the guys just can't seem to shoot that well?
..or maybe you just picked him up wrong. Maybe he fired 400 shots at 8 caribou and hit one in the kill zone.... ;)
To clarify my somewhat flip original post:

An 8 shot fist-sized group (4") at 400 yards is pretty impressive shooting. I wouldn't immediately call BS just based on group size and distance although I'd be skeptical.

The fact that this feat was supposed to have been accomplished with a budget semi-auto rifle with hunting ammunition on a non-paper target (no clear aimpoint) and from a field position puts it solidly into the realm of wishful thinking.

I'm willing to be educated, but I think a person would be hard pressed to get an SKS to shoot 8 shot 4" groups at 200 yards under ideal conditions.
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An 8 shot 4" group at 400 yards with a solid scoped bolt gun from a field rest by the average shooter is damn near unbelievable in my opinion, with an SKS its impossible. I'd challenge him to shoot a 4" 8 round group at 100 yards. Make it for something interesting, like his rifle. Hell, you can probably bet your truck and you'd still have an SKS in your safe by nightfall.
I'm also calling BS. Take him to a range and see what kind of groups he really can shoot @ 400 yards with his SKS.

We used to have a "gong" set up 400 yards behind my dad's house. It was an inch thick steel plate, about a foot wide and two feet tall. After my buddy became flustered that he couldn't seem to hit it with his new .22-250, he told me to try with my SKS. I leaned over the hood of our old car, and hit it three times with three shots.

But, it wasn't moving, I had practiced on it plenty already, and I couldn't repeat that feat the next time I tried. I know I couldn't do it now, since I don't get to shoot much these days.

The bullets did leave considerable craters in the steel- they were not quite as deep as the ones left by my brother's .300 Win Mag, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to be on the recieving end at that range. I do not doubt that they could penetrate deep enough to sever a major blood vessel at that range.
Not bloodly likely

I have a pretty accurate SKS (-M) with a scope...I say pretty accurate based on what others have said they get from their guns. Now, on a bench, and shooting slowly, I can manage about 1.25-1.5 MOA, with good ammo. So putting them into a a fist sized hole at 400 yards is pretty implausible. But to put 8 rounds in, he'd have be shooting pretty fast, and there's no way with ANY of my SKSs I could fire, re-aquire the target, shoot and repeat, and place all the bullets into such a small area (or even a much larger one for that matter!)
One other thing:

Isn't there a mag capacity violation here? Most hunting regs limit capacity to 5 rounds.
Just another reason I doubt the veracity.
taking a 400 yd shot at a large game animal like an alaskan caribou with a cartridge like the 7.62x39 is both unethical and silly. the 7.62x39 is at best a 100 yd small deer cartridge. Rojoe67 has illustrated this, ballistically.

let's hope, for the sake of the caribou that this is BS
SKS's, like AK 47's are not designed for accurate shooting- I would be surprised if even casting aside the amount of holdover required, if his gun is doing better than pale size groups at 400 metres- I suspect he is BS'g.
I'd bet this "four-flusher" couldn't shoot a "fist-sized group" at 100 yds - ;)

Benchrest! :rolleyes:

With a 30-06! :p

Hell, I'm a pretty decent rifleman, and I would have trouble seeing a Caribou at 400 yards! Much less visualizing a fist-sized BULLs-eye on the target! :D

yeah ill believe that. when i see an SKS chambered in .325 WSM.

but seriously who does he think hes gonna fool.

i know a guy with a 7mm-08 who shoots constantly and he actually put three shots into an area that could almost be covered with your hand at a dead run on an elk. of course this was only about 50 yards or so not 400 and i doubt he could do it twice