lets play BS or not...


New member
I was talking to my buddy from alaska the other day, he was telling me about taking his first Caribou with an SKS at 400 yards. He said he put 8 rounds into an area about the size of a fist, in the kill zone right behind its shoulders. So i'm thinking Yeah Right. what do ya'll think, BS or not?
Sounds ok to me...

...as long as he's talking about shooting from a rest...

...at a stationary target...

...at no more than 100 yards.
Why did he shoot 8 rounds? :rolleyes:

You could always test him. At 400 yards a fist would be about the size of a horsefly at 20 yards. So ask him to shoot a horsefly from the top of a patty of BS at 20 yards with his SKS. But watch for backsplashes!
SKS (must be one of those super modifieds?)

Is this SKS super modified? ;)

I think his story was..... ;)

The Caribou that I took at about 165 yards was hit with a 270's 150g Remington Core Lokt.... He didn't hold still until 30 yards later when he expired. I have the feeling if your friend hit (very unlikely) a Caribou at 400 yards he would have had a problem getting 7 more into the animal period. I guess just about any story is possible if you repeat it and convince yourself of it.... Well, at least it might sound real to some folks....

I think the energy of a 123g SP out of an SKS at 400 yards must be about the same as a fly swatter to my rump? Well, maybe a little more but I just don't think your friend has all his facts right???? Maybe he meant a different rifle and was just kidding you about all those shots in a fist sized zone? ;)

I think your Alaskan buddy is trying to pull one over on his West Coast friend???
Anyone taking their first shot at a caribou at 400 yds with an SKS needs to spend more time on honing their hunting skills than their storytelling skills.
A dead caribou might stand completely still for eight shots arriving in a fist-sized grouping anywhere on it's body .. if it was propped up.
Reminds me of the story of the great Elmer Keith dropping a wounded Mule deer (running) at 600 yards in 1958 with a 44 magnum revolver...., two hits out of six tries with one 44 mag bullet passing through the chest area (ie completely through both sides). Remember, the 44 magnum had just been introduced in 1955 and only had barely began to make the gun writers circuit. Truth or Fiction?
was the caribou in season? I think that if he would have a waited a little longer a bolt of lightning would have struck the caribou and saved him the ammo. it was either one hell of a lucky shot(or bunch of lucky shots) or BS. I'm inclined to go along with the BS
back from the research lab..... well, Remington site anyhow...

Sorry, but I just researched Remington's ballistics on a 125g PSP for the SKS. The biggest giggle I had was the drop at 400. Sighted in at 150 for a zero this power house will drop 51.3" @400. That is one heck of a rainbow pass. The energy is like 473 and the velocity is around 1000.... I don't think Ted Nugent could even get that one with his bow ;)

Sorry, I love what Uncle Ted gives to shooting sports. I just don't think even he could match this shot....... ;) That drop is over 4' boys and girls..... Must be one heck of a bullet drop compensator on that SKS scope ;)

he SAYS that he was using the iron sites, and they are adjustable out to 3-400 meters. anyway i'm should be going shooting with the guy this weekend, hopefully he'll show me how great he is with an sks. haha
From my experience, people that make these types of claims think 400 yards is about the length of a football field.

It's BS, I ain't buying it.....at all.