Hey guys, I'm a native Californian originally from La Crescenta (above Glendale) and now of Redondo Beach. The politics of this great state is demographically challenged (is that PC or what?). We in L.A. have some schools where within the student body more than 60 differently languages can be isolated. Admittedly, Spanish and Jive (aka Ebonics) are the most prominent...oh yeah, English too. The state is balkanizing at a rapid rate. Far from being a "melting pot," it is more akin to a colloid solution. As soon as Rampart blew up, the gangbangers came out of the woodwork like cockroaches to renew their rather unique form of terror, coward violence, the "Drive By" in the world of the "Drive Through." Blaming guns and ammo here for the significant level of anti-social behavior has grown from a cottage industry into a corporation. Big bucks, big backing, and bull sh*t. Some of us are working hard to get the pendulum to swing back, but it takes reaching out to our neighbors who are unlike some of us in culture or language. It's a "learning experience" we can all "grow" from, right? Have a nice day.
Safe shooting - PKAY