Let us consider this about Ron Paul.

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It looks like McCain and maybe Rommeny or McCain and Huckabee will be ticket for the Republicans.

Would Ron Paul end his campign if promised a Cabinet Post? (Just so he does not throw his Ross Perot monkey wrench into the works)

Would he take Sec of State, Defense, Maybe something else?

Any speculation anyone?
What's the point of offering Ron Paul anything, any more than offering anybody else who's not generally viewed as a serious candidate anything? What did Ron get in FL? 3%???
Even wilder speculation: if offered the bottom of the ticket, would he decline or run with McCain or Romney?

And serious speculation: will his candidacy in the end nudge the GOP back towards small government noticeably, or perhaps confirm that smaller federal government is a lost cause today?
confirm that smaller federal government is a lost cause today?
Rank and file Republicans and Democrats are deeply in love with big government, I feel that it's a lost cause as long as we are stuck with those two parties.
" I feel that it's a lost cause as long as we are stuck with those two parties."

Unfortunately, it isn't the parties that are pushing big government, it's the people who make up those parties. Too many of us (and I do mean "Us") have become too comfortable with one form of handout or dole. Some of us say we'd like to go back to the days of Teddy Roosevelt but few of us could handle it. Remember, we call ourselves "conservatives" without realizing just what that entails. If we were truly for small government and lower taxes we'd all be beating the drum for Ron Paul. Instead, we give lip-service to conservatism and find some reason - ANY reason to marginalize him and his ideals. By so doing, we end up voting for 'Hillary-lite' in the person of Romney or McCain and get the government we deserve.
If Ron Paul's Foreign Policy ideas weren't so bizarre, he'd have my vote (in spite of his outlandish supporters). I have a feeling that a lot of Constitution minded individuals feel the same way.
Well Alleykat

like I said, so he does not pull a Ross Perot and steal general election votes away from the Republican canidate, thus hurting thier chances
He has said repeatedly he will not run as a third-party candidate. Whatever one may think of his policies, Dr. Paul is not noted for mendacity or mincing words.
If Ron Paul's Foreign Policy ideas weren't so bizarre, he'd have my vote (in spite of his outlandish supporters). I have a feeling that a lot of Constitution minded individuals feel the same way.

That plus his lack of understanding that today is different than 1776.

He has said repeatedly he will not run as a third-party candidate. Whatever one may think of his policies, Dr. Paul is not noted for mendacity or mincing words.

Yes but after he raises all that money from his supporters and then doesnt win the nomination then what? He is just going to bow out and quit? I agree that RP stands by his voting record, but some of his supporters will tell you he never actually said he wouldn't run as a third-party.
That plus his lack of understanding that today is different than 1776.
Why do you think Paul doesn't understand that?

On foreign policy, he merely opposes astronomically expensive and immoral wars of aggression. He doesn't favor isolationism or pacifism. A lot of people seem to think that because Paul doesn't have the "cowboy," kill-all-the-Muslims attitude so prevalent among the current GOP faithful, he would be weak on defense. That's a mistake. Our nation is already paying dearly for our government's belligerence overseas. (So are many innocent foreigners.)

On domestic policy I have a few disagreements with Paul, but he's still the last hope we have to make America a free country again. When it comes to Constitutionally-limited government, I wish we would return to the late 18th Century.
I think most of the Ron Paul supporters wouldn't vote for Reagan if he was running today. Not conservative enough, betraying principles, etc., etc. How many Democrats would support RP? Not many but many of them did vote for Reagan.
The country isn't going to get more conservative by consistently losing races on principle.
Yes but after he raises all that money from his supporters and then doesnt win the nomination then what? He is just going to bow out and quit?

In a word, "Yes". That's exactly what he's going to do. Because that's what he's said he's going to do, and he's got a good record of doing as he says he will.
I really don't understand all of the paranoia about him running as a third party candidate and splitting the blessed party. The difference's between the two party's is about like Nabisco and Keebler. Either way the blessed party is going to lose. If they run McLame, Huckelberry, or the GQ man, critical factions of the base won't come out. Don't believe it, read what some of the Fred heads have said. They're stocking up on ammo and staying home. If Ron does run third party at least they Nabisco's will have an excuse for losing and it may give them some incentive to survive until the next big go around. If he does not, then they will have no excuse and they'll just get beat by a girl.:eek:
Also, Ron Paul has maintained that "I have no intention of running as a third party candidate at this time"
If Ron Paul's Foreign Policy ideas weren't so bizarre, he'd have my vote (in spite of his outlandish supporters).

I see nothing whatsoever outlandish about Ron Paul's foreign policy. Screw the foreigners. If they want to become citizens, let them apply and learn English. If they attack us, kill them. Otherwise, mind our own bee's wax. I believe that is the way we should be, and I think that otherwise we will bring about our own ultimate demise.
Yes, if only we could go back to the days of yore, when the US just sat back and let the love flow in from the religion of peace.

The good old days never happened.
The Barbary wars, Jefferson was president.
Look it up.
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