Let Them Have It

roy reali

New member
I am guilty of listening to talk show pundits. I have heard some say that we should let the democrats have it all this year. Republicans are likely to loose seats in Congress this year. The Presidential situation looks dire too. But, can this be the break that the GOP needs?

There is much debate about whether we are in a recession or entering one. Some economic experts say things are going to get worse before they get better. I tend to agee with them. Every time I hear about the housing market's recovery, the date is being pushed forward. Inflation is starting to creep its ugly head. I hope things turn around soon but I wouldn't bet on it.

So, should we let the democrats run the whole show? If they crash and burn maybe the republicans can reform and become the Reagan type party of old. Part of me is hoping for this scenario.
For me, I guess it depends on how Heller is decided. If we win Heller in a big way, I guess I could accept your scenario.

Other than the 2nd Amendment issue (i.e., the only issue I vote on) I'd hate to have the Democrats running the show while we are in "oil" trouble. They simply won't drill, go more nuclear, etc. They're are nuts IMHO when it comes to this "oil" subject.

The thought of the democrats running everyhting is scary. I am a life long republican and I have to say my party has become lame. The GOP needs a wake up call ASAP. This is sort of like when your computer jams and you have to pull the plug on it to fix it. Maybe the GOP needs its plug pulled for awhile.

Obama could even help Carter. Carter could end up being bumped up a notch on the list of the worst presidents we ever had.:D
I at one time believed the idea that America could withstand a really bad president however not sure we can take two in a row. Sad fact is one man can do a lot of damage in 8 years and with current policies and corporate greed this country cannot afford the current path we're on, in truth I see no choice in the current selection of candidates.
What plans does McCain have to save us from this recession? oh, right, he doesn't have any. He wants to implement the same strategy that brought it about.

That said, I support y'alls decision to vote dem this November. Tell your friends!
I just don't see McBush winning in Nov. I guess we will just have to keep on our toes for the next four years or eight years. Heck it wouldn't be to inconceivable that Obama will be a better President than Bush.
I think the Republican party is beyond saving. It's time for the sane people to leave it to the Right Wing Religious nuts and move to the Constitution or Libertarian Party. At least their leadership has the right ideas already. All they need is the numbers and there are a large number of Republicans who think just like they do. Much easier to move there than to try to turn the Republican party around when it is so rotten with corruption to the core. Bush, Rumsfield, and Cheney killed it.
6 years of Republican control of everything

and look what it did. Any claims that an all democratic government would be worse is simply posturing by a group who could have done things but accomplished nothing.
Well they could take all your guns or make it impossible to buy ammo or something else off the wall. So you would be just as bad off plus be at the mercy of the bears in Ak. due to nothing to shoot them with! I am not all against letting the dummies of this country cut off their noses to spite their faces. I could survive in some fashion, but if there are alot more bad guys who are hungry running around, I want some means to hold them off! I really don't want to turn into a third world socialist disaster just to nanny nanny boo boo, told ya so! to some stupid old republicans.
"What plans does McCain have to save us from this recession?"

There's no recession around here. Maybe where you live, but not in these parts. From what I've been reading, the country has not yet met the economic requirements that define a recession. A slowdown yes, a recession no.

The Republicans had 6 years to repeal or weaken the 34 and 86 gun control bills but they didn't. They could have pushed for legislation to allow carry in the National Parks. They could have done a lot of things but they didn't. Oh they did sink us into massive debt and a costly unnecessary war and ruin our reputation around the world and help sink our economy.

They also revealed some of their dark side by endorsing torture. Think about it for a minute. They were actually perfectly fine with the idea of torturing people that hadn't even been charged with a crime, let along convicted of one. They exploited a loophole in the law to do it but these people still thought it was a grand idea to use torture. What group will they find a loophole for next? Maybe one you're a part of. Maybe posters on internet gun forums. If you think they aren't trying to figure out how to expand the use of the power to hold someone indefinitely and torture them then think again. Part of the picture of what life would be like under Republicans if they had their way has peaked through and it's not a pretty vision. Given what they've accomplished in Bush's term I think by the end of McCain's we would be burning witches.
There's no recession around here. Maybe where you live, but not in these parts. From what I've been reading, the country has not yet met the economic requirements that define a recession. A slowdown yes, a recession no.

Wow, let's just parse words! yay. Let's miss the point of the comment.

How would McCain be better for our economy?
There's no recession around here.

Some live in their own little world and while they may be "doing ok" the remainder may not, America is in trouble economically how you term it does not matter.
You all act like it really matters. Republicans and Democrats are different sides of the same coin. They play good cop/ bad cop on alternating issues. However, no matter who is legislating, our freedoms are usurped daily. Neither party will discuss certain issues, or investigate obvious manipulations. Heres a suggestion. Look at all the groups the republicans and democrats "kiss butt". For example, what lobbying group did Obama address directly after "receiving" the democratic nomination. Our government does not work for the "People", it works for "people". Thanks and happy arguements.
The Republicans had 6 years to repeal or weaken the 34 and 86 gun control bills but they didn't. They could have pushed for legislation to allow carry in the National Parks. They could have done a lot of things but they didn't. Oh they did sink us into massive debt and a costly unnecessary war and ruin our reputation around the world and help sink our economy.

The Republican run congress were an arrogant bunch who did nothing for gun owners.

The US stands a good chance of losing the real war on terror in Afghanistan. The Taliban and their cohorts, the real al Queda, control over one third of Afghanistan. Bush is reduced to begging NATO for more troops.
The way congress operates today I'd like to see ALL of them tossed out and give us a chance to start over with folks that might be more interested in doing something beneficial for the country than they are in political posturing. The group we have now are greatly interesting in making grandious speaches, mostly attacking the other party, but not too swift in doing anything else (but then this is an election year)