Let the Dems do it


New member
Out of a email i got had to pass it along, Share with everybody at will.

Obama wants "Change" he has not yet given us an explanation of what "change" is but I have a few ideas.

Gas prices:
Al Gore has "called for" $5 a gallon gas. Supposedly to help the environment. Guess he hasn't figured out that people in other countries are falling over themselves drilling as hard as they can go, and getting retarded rich doing it. But not here. I have a solution.. _*Let the Democrats pay $5 a gallon of gas.*_ They wont mind, they will be "Helping the environment" I'll gladly pay $2.50, though id prefer to pay less. I know ,,, we will run out of oil say in the next 100 years, but, before they price us out of oil, how about a few alternatives first? Yeah yeah , public transportion, what if you live out in the sticks? Yeah , I know , there are Hybrids and electric cars that sip fuel or run on toilet paper or whatever. They are Expensive, (well out of my reach) slow, ( remember.. out in the sticks) , and you cant fit your whole family in them. They also don't seem to do really well out on the highway from what I hear. Especially if it is 147 degrees and you dare run the Ac. If Al Gore wants to pay $5 a gallon, well let him. personally i think it would be funny if his next motorcade was all "Huffy" Bicycles, including one for his Fat Ass. He wants to go green, get a green Huffy. ( Never mind that big pretty jet that he likes to ride in that burns Hundreds ( yes hundreds) of gallons of jet fuel an hour just so he can go "eat a good steak"
How many companies have been run out of business due to high fuel prices? Several airlines , a few freight companies, lots of trucking companies. Those that are forced to pass on the costs to consumers get hammered. Eventually they all will have to, its just a matter of when.
We need to use our own vast resources of oil, even though they require a bit more "work" to get to. So what if we dont get after the oil off our coasts, other countries will. Remember that Whacko down in Venezuela?

Health Care:
Here we go again. Ok,don't we, in the US , have like the best health care in the world?? There is a reason for that. We have the best Doctors here, and Technology. This is free enterprise . It works. I pay for my families Health insurance, which is high, but I know it is worth it. Doctors have a high cost because of risk. Alot of it because ambulance chasing lawyers. Id rather pay for my families insurance than pay for every other Tom Dick And Harry's . If they want to sit at home , eat twinkies, smoke, play Nintendo and collect welfare, thats fine, but dont expect me to pay for it. I think if you collect welfare for more than one year, it will cost your family one testicle per year. Pretty soon, dad will run out of them, and you will have to resort to Jrs jewels, then pretty soon, the whole damn problem goes away.
*_Let the Democrats have their own health plan_*, leave me Completely out of it. They can have Cheap Government Doctors who speak 4 words of English. Id rather stick to my $400 month insurance, and keep my good doctors, whom I rarely use.

Another sore subject,
George Bush, while not the smartest and most eloquent of people, gave us tax cuts and rebates, and even a stimulus package. It was great! I filled up my damn car! And payed half of my electric bill. Never got to the truck though. Anyways, The Dems pretty much want them gone , reverse all the tax cuts, OH ,and Tax gas more, and the Oil Companies. Nice plan. Thats kinda like trying to kill a wasp nest by peeing on it. That should get the Dems a few zillion votes this November. Have you guys looked at the store lately? Stuff is getting nuts expensive, all because of gas, restrictions, and falling US dollar. taking away any other money is not very smart. I prefer to live without welfare, Im not sure about most people. ._* Let the Democrats give up their Tax cuts.*_ Id rather keep mine

Ok , Guns.
Another change i dont think would be good. Ban all guns. A criminals friggin wet dream! I know the old farts way back in the 1770s gave us the amendments and all. But, that could be misreinterpreted to mean only active military right? Well, it could, but it would cause a Civil War #2. Senators Mcarthy, Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Kennedy and a whole mess of other idiots have called for a ban on "Military Assault Weapons" . Banning certain features such as Pistol grips,( which "enables you to shoot from the hip more easily than regular wood stocked guns", ,, Uhm No, doesnt help at all, actually makes it harder to, look at the angle of you hand while shooting from the hip)
Other features such as a shroud or anything that could be used as a grip. Ok Geniuses, how the hell are we supposed to hold on to the damn thing if you take our handles and grips away? Bayonet lugs? Who the hell gets killed with Bayonet lugs? These idiots want to use a very minute small amount of criminals who can get "military assault weapons" to take away my favorite hunting rifle. No screw that. We all know, gun control works really well on curbing crime right ? Just look at the non existant murder rates in Washington DC, ( where handguns are banned for everyday people , criminals love this!) Los Angeles,.. Well actually, the entire state of California has banned "assault weapons, and 50 cal rifles. They have a really really low murder rate their too. ( Right?) What about Illinois? Pretty much bad news for legal gun owners there too. Again look at their crime rates. "Then look at crime rates in rural south where we all have guns, zillions of them. DUH? I got a good Idea,, _*Let the Democrats give up their guns. *_Put a sign out in your yard saying " there are no guns of any kind in this home." Go ahead , I Dare you

Just remember these few "Changes" that Obama has in store for us this November. Democrats already got congress and we _*CANNOT LET THEM *_take the presidency. They will run unchecked . Barack _*Hussein*_ Obama will Raise gas prices, raise taxes, and ban guns. Not my Idea of "Change" for the better. Republicans, your not off the hook either. Cmon.... McCAIN?? thats all we get? Crap! George W is no freakin rocket scientist, but , he has pretty much snuffed out terrorism, and kept the war for the most part in the sand. I know we have lost soldiers. It sucks. Give them Honor though. Let them finish the job over there. Dont make them tuck their tails and run away.
Cool. I didn't vote for the war. Let you and your children and your children's children and . . .

Pretty lame spam you're passing around here.
I'd like to know what all our elected officials are driving. I bet they're not driving any Yaris's, hybrids, SMART cars or scooters for that matter. Heck I'd bet they don't even spend their own money on gas, I'm sure they probably get a fuel allotment or some other perk at our expense.

But all-be-d*mned that we shouldn't sacrifice and pay through our arses, the ones that really make this country great. We need to all gather up and kick their butts out of our houses and onto the streets of a third-world country for good.
I agree totally. I was rather peed off at seeing all of the Traffic come into our airport here in Texas in support of Hillary Clinton. This was back in the Texas primary which Hillary won. Alot of republicans voted for her to kinda , throw a rock in the process. Howard Dean said " Looks like Texas is going Democrat!!" His stupidness amuses me. Ashley Judd was one of them, and a few other Celebrities. There must have been at least 15 jetloads of people coming in for that. All paid for by Hillary Clinton. SHe REALLY REALY WANTED TO BE PRESIDENT!. It makes me even madder to see all the petroleum companies sporting their new jets when 5 years ago they where all using Single engine Cessnas , now using 18 million dollar jets that run $15K AN HOUR TO OPERATE. All paid for us that have to bring KY jelly to the gaspumps. Wish we could figure out a way to run our cars on Celebrities.

OH! I did some digging and found it in 2 places , the CEO of SHELL makes $750,000,000 a year. I figured it at $23 a second, 24/7/365 days a year. That will really make you mad at the pump.
This would be an AWESOME rant if it didn't have more typos than my 2nd grader's homework.

What is it about so many passionate gun owners having the communication skills of a child? Some people write these (almost) powerful letters and well-thought out arguments, only to have their intelligence and credibility called into question over misspellings and silly mistakes.

We have a tough enough uphill battle with our rights under attack. It gets a lot harder when our communication doesn't live up to the argument behind it.
I thought this would have been locked by now.

_*Hussein*_ Obama

Not this tired old BS again. Only ignorant people would even try to use this name association tactic. its not going to work. Nor should it. At least most of the population has evolved enough to understand that his name has little to do with him.
Ah, the Dems. They will never comprehend. America will turn into Mexico and they will grin. If there are problems, the answer will be even more of it. Do not think they will change. They will go extinct eventually, but not soon enough.

Survive. Produce descendents. Remember. Perhaps the day will come. But it will not come if we no longer exist.
another set of classic BS

this is just another class line of BS threat where the OP throws a lot at the wall to let you know the Hussein Obama is bad for America. IMO the thread should have been stopped at the OP.
Isnt his middle name Hussein ? Pretty much like the "w" in George W. I kinda liked the rant myself, specially about the bicycles, yeah!
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Hopefully, our government will not experament with gun control as the Brits did. It appears to have been a utter and complete failure on controlling crime. But, the government has "gotten their way" with their subjects and gained more controll over them too. ( Probably what Obama, Mcarthy, Clinton clan would like as well.
I wonder how many of these "gun grabbers" ( Mcarthy, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, and numerous whacko celebrities) have armed security guards? I wonder if any gun control would affect their ability to posses weapons? How secure would those gun grabbers be without them? Damn I wish i could just get Obama to sit and listen to my rants , just for 5 minutes.

I am a proud, law abiding veteran which both will end when they come for my guns. fmcdh
I find it funny reading the negative replies to the OP.
"Lock it" etc.

Here's a solution: Ignore it if you don't like it.

Oh, wait.
For the same reason you want to let these politicians "take" from me, you defend them.
For that same reason, you disapprove of this post and want it locked.

The OP, ATTT, has a free voice and shows his concerns.
You have the choice to read it or ignore it. Part of it is firearms related.

It isn't as if the data or opinions are blasphemous.
In fact, I think it is the truth of it that scares you.

Gas prices...
What benefit would more gas taxes provide me?
It would take more away from me. That's it.

National Healthcare...
What benefit would it give me?
Gee, I could see a doctor, without insurance. Free.
What is that?
It is me, mooching off society.
Nothing is free. I know I would be paying for it someplace.
Altering the system, again, will do nothing but reduce the true quality of the healthcare I receive.
I have firsthand experience of it. I am a disabled vet with no insurance.
The VA system I have to use is insulting.
With the current system, I can compete for a better job and get real healthcare.
I wouldn't have to resort to doctors that would rather not work, and still get paid.

Very sore subject. (Come to think of it, the previous two subjects are directly related to this subject.)
Where is my current taxes going? Only a tiny portion goes to fund the war.
Who is lining their pockets, with my money, under the guise of providing me with something I never receive?
I'm not going to go into depth on this subject because I wouldn't be able to stop.
Lets just say, if enough people wanted to help the 'poor', they should have done it themselves, rather than forcing me to pay for it, thru taxes.

Laws do not apply to criminals. Because by definition, criminals ignore the law.
What is my best defence against criminals?
My ability to let a criminal know that I can and will defend myself, and my property, by killing them, with zero regard or regret.
The most efficient means to do that is to have a firearm.
Take away that firearm, and the criminal will know that I have little power to stop them. Because... they may have a firearm themselves, regardless of law.

Why do I seem very selfish in my replies?
Because I am an American, just like my ancestors.
They had to provide for my family, just as I have to provide for myself and my family.
It has been incredibly hard to do when I loose a third of my earnings to benefit others.
I don't want to know how hard it would be... if I couldn't defend myself, or property, that I have worked hard to own.

All Americans need to own up to the fact that all of us need to work toward the greater good.
Not to delegate it to some governing body, so we can blame them for it later.
I choose to work for me, and mine, first.
I would rather have the option of choosing to help others, rather than being forced into it.
The U.S.A. is supposed to be the land of freedom and opportunity. But it is rapidly becoming untrue.

And anyone who thinks I am disrespectful toward a politician whom doesn't share my views....
You can either live with it, ignore it, move to a forum where you can force your views on others, or attempt to change this forum to your whims.
I would rather you just moved on to another thread.
I have much to learn in this life still. And even those I disagree with can offer insights, on other subjects, I would not have thought of otherwise.
Very well said Yithian!,
I get so frusterated when i hear about these damn upcoming gun bans. I want to beat my head on a wall. Its kinda like banning cars because drunks get drunk, drive and kill people. How can politicitans really believe banning Guns will help?
One of the Funniest things I have heard about politicians on the other hand was when Howard Dean was speaking on fox a few weeks back and actually thought " It appears Texas might vote democratic this year!" What a complete idiot, can he really think that we, the people of Texas would vote Democrat?? Remeber Rush Limbaugh telling republicans to go out and vote Democrat( Hillary) to put a spin on things before the real election?? Millions of us did. Theres no telling what the real vote will look like here , but I assure you it will not be democratic, not even close.
Sad that someone needs to point out that 3/4 of the OP was pure and simple unsubstantiated FUD. But here I go . . .

Gas Prices: Al Gore wasn't even wrong when he said $5 gas would force people to limit consumption. It is already occurring at the $4 level. Obama wouldn't raise gas prices, that is pure crap.

Health Care: "The insurance business today is dominated by a small group of large companies that has been gobbling up their rivals. There have been over 400 health care mergers in the last 10 years, and just two companies dominate a full third of the national market. These changes were supposed to make the industry more efficient, but instead premiums have skyrocketed by over 87 percent."

The health care system needs to be fixed. "47 million Americans — including nearly 9 million children — lack health insurance with no signs of this trend slowing down. " That is not good for America.

Taxes: YOUR taxes will not go up, they will go down, more than under McCain. Look it up sometime instead being a knee jerk. Frankly, the lack of concern about fiscal responsibility and paying down the national debt which leads to such madness as the weak dollar is scary. You can't say you want to look after me and mine and declare you want to pay less taxes and then not do that. That's called hypocrisy. If you want to complain about wealthy being taxed more, do so.

Guns: This is the entirety of Obama's position on gun control: "As president, Barack Obama would repeal the Tiahrt Amendment, which restricts the ability of local law enforcement to access important gun trace information, and give police officers across the nation the tools they need to solve gun crimes and fight the illegal arms trade. Obama also favors commonsense measures that respect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners, while keeping guns away from children and from criminals who shouldn't have them. He supports closing the gun show loophole and making guns in this country childproof. He also supports making the expired federal Assault Weapons Ban permanent, as such weapons belong on foreign battlefields and not on our streets."

Of course, the OP had "ban all guns". Apparently there is no middle ground.

* All citations taking from an actual source (www.barackobama.com) instead of an email. Crazy to do that, isn't it?
Obama supports the UNs Draconian complete and total ban on guns. I dont care what that creepy little weasel says before he gets into office. It is all a ploy. He is one of those people, ( a great speaker by the way) who will somehow twist people into liking the idea of giving up their guns. Why is this guy running for president?? He has done nothing , he is nothing, he is only " cool!" and Just happens to be black. I aint got nothing against being black, unless it is the only reason he gets elected. Then our system has its flaws. He is definetly way " cooler" than John McCain. this election is not American Idol,, it is a election to see who will be the most powerful man on the planet. Frankly i think it would be horrid if BO won, specially for gun owners.
The "assault weapons " ban is only the first step of many towards his orgasmic bliss of no guns.
Then comes the Concealed carry reapeal.
then handguns..
Then anything over 30 caliber, then lead ammo, ( almost there in CA)
can you see where this could be headed.

I am a proud, lawabiding veteran of the US military. I will be neither if they come for my guns.- armedtotheteeth, I just happen to like my 'assault weapons" right where they are.
I am a proud, lawabiding veteran of the US military. I will be neither if they come for my guns.- armedtotheteeth, I just happen to like my 'assault weapons" right where they are.

There's a reason I put in the 3/4 caveat. Next time bring just the valid argument to the table and edit out the FUD.
There's a reason I put in the 3/4 caveat. Next time bring just the valid argument to the table and edit out the FUD.

Uhm SECDEF.. Uhm, im from Texas and I have no Idea what "CAVEAT" AND "FUD" are just call me stupid, i wont be offended