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    Thank you for your cooperation and your participation in TFL, the leading online forum for firearms enthusiasts.

Let me in the Staff Lounge, dangit!

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Its THUNDERWEAR I SWEAR! You wanna see my P210?

Busting a gut over here... tears, side ache from laughing too hard... hiccups...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
You'ens are too much. Dennis, were you in drama in high school? You've got excessive pent up dramatic flair, my man - like BluesMan said, don't get a life - you're more entertaining than 99% of TV and the net.

"When DC ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." - LMBO. Somebody do those dishes. I would, but I can't get in, you see...I'll just stay out here and mow the lawn, weed-eat, pick up the doggie doo - dishes is woman's work anyhow. Ouch, the retaliation on that one's gonna hurt.

Rich, us civilian TFLers are onto ya', man. I can see from these posts that there's nuttin but carousing goin on in there OR out here. :D
Actually, we had to come out here to blow off steam! We are so formal and regimented in the Staff Forum that it becomes overbearing. Debating the long-term effects of our decisions as we guide TFL into the new millenium is really difficult and controversial labor! There are many extremely important TFL issues which TFL management must address to determine where we intend to go and what we intend to do.

The pressure continues to build. Some members want sea food, others steak, and some low-lifes want plain old hamburgers. I prefer pizza but was voted down because it's "finger food". I tell ya. Life ain't easy at the top of the mountain. ;)
Dennis! Quit leaving the lounge with the remote to the HDTV. Leona said you would hog it and she was right! Who are you talking to out there anyway?

BTW, I am, at this very instant enjoying a (drum roll) .... Shiner Bock.

I followed the link you gave the other day and found a local distributor. Though it pains me, I do have to say it's very good and smooth. It is similar to Sam Adams ale on draft and that's very good. Sam in bottles, while not bad, unfortunatly doesn't compare. So thanks for the tip.

(tip? Tip? He's been beating it over our heads for months!)

In reality (or at least MY version of it ;) ), I'm not much of a beer snob. I truly like *most* beers.

Shiner Bock is not like the real German bock beers - they are very dark, thick, almost sweet, deceptively potent, and (so far as I know) only on draft. Shiner Bock (to me) tastes like the local German Hells Bier (light beer) which I consumed in remarkably irresponsible quantities for many years.

I hope you enjoy the Shiner Bock. As you can see on their website, they make several different beers.

At my (now) son-in-law's bachelor party they had a keg of Shiner blond. It tasted mild. I chatted with the old timers there by the keg. Leona drove home (some 80-90 miles) in about five minutes as far as I could tell. That Shiner blond sneaked up on me and knocked me out -- er, that is, it made me very sleepy (ahem). Smooth stuff those Shiner beers....

Check for the remote between or under the couch cushions. That's where the danged thing always seems to end up. Might even find a quarter there!


By the way, I had hoped to arrange a TFL get-together in Shiner. After a day of shooting and playing "First liar doesn't stand a chance!" I had hoped we could take a tour of the Spoetzl Brewery.

Bad news. There are no ranges anywhere in the Shiner area. Folks hunt and practice on private land and a group of TFLer shooters (some with full-auto weapons) probably would send the entire community of Shiner into some kind of a spasm!

Perhaps if we could guarantee a large number of attendees (whatever *that* might mean!) we could get the back of the local big wigs, but I doubt that would be much of an option.

Glad you enjoyed the Shiner Bock. Remember now,
If you have a friend, give him a Shiner! :)
A picnic! ...

Wait ... what was that about fifty bucks? FIFTY BUCKS?

I'm going back to "Handloading and Reloading". Fifty bucks, ... let's see that's almost enough for 500 Ranier 200 gr plated Trunc Cones ....
I am amazed at your writing ability, my eyes are wet and my side hurts from laughing so hard. Sir, if you do not earn your living as as a writer.....you could easily!
Thank you for your above post's, they were simply GREAT. :D :D :D

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
Mal H:
Not only did I read "Metal and Wood", I also copied it to the "2nd Ammendment" file in my hard drive. That is certainly a beautiful piece of work. I hope Dennis does not mind if I send a copy of "Metal and Wood" to my Son who is away in college.
All of you guys are doing a great job...my hat's off to you all. Thank you again.

Thanks for the kind words. I only type what "the voices" tell me! :D
To "make a living" at much of anything would be a remarkable change! LOL!

As for Metal and Wood, all I ask is you put my name and The Firing Line on it.
"As for Metal and Wood, all I ask is you put my name and The Firing Line on it."
Sir, I would NEVER make a copy without giving credit where credit is due. Thank you. I know that my Son and his friends will love it, you see, their "politics" is somewhere to the right of Atilla the Hun. :D
Thanks again.
Jim :)

[This message has been edited by DorGunR (edited February 02, 2000).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mal H:
We really can't because we're smoking Cub..., er uh, fine Dominican cigars and, frankly, there isn't enough to go around. ;)[/quote]
I was on vacation in Budapest, Hungary January 8th to January 20th. I still have 3 boxes of Cubans that errr I accidently packed in my bags. NOW LEMME IN AND I'LL SHARE!!!!!! ;)

Son's Place

Rangers Lead the Way

[This message has been edited by Svt (edited February 06, 2000).]
I think you better get rid of those real fast. My address is ....

BTW, do you know what the T in BATF stands for? ;)
Guys, this club is invitation only...
Dont worry - You'll get your invites if you continue to be worthy...
And since I dont smoke or drink - I will save up my ration stamps for you guys to abuse in your welcome aboard party.

You'll need them after Hazing and Hell Weeks!

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!
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