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Let me in the Staff Lounge, dangit!

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Futo Inu

New member
I see and smell cigar smoke emanating from under the door, and hear pleasant chatting and giggling, but the door's locked!

:confused: ;)
We really can't because we're smoking Cub..., er uh, fine Dominican cigars and, frankly, there isn't enough to go around. ;)
Just heard what sounded like a keg bein' tapped & hey! what's with the Polka music?

Futo, let's just sneal off & do our own (grumble) ... whadaya want for nothin'? ;)

Are you volunteering to be a Moderator? Remember you have to pass the initiation ceremonies (heh, heh, heh), buy Shiner Bocks for the entire staff, make ALL the meetings and read every post of every thread of every forum for a full week before you earn your fez!

(No, you can't put a propeller on it!!)
Then you gotta take it off yours Dennis...

NO! No Lampshades either... Sheesh...

Futo... no - you dont wanna come in here...

(Jeez, guys, we're all Moderators or Administrators, we should be able to plan a LITTLE better than THIS! If DC catches us.... :o )


Escuse me! Does anyone here have a bathrobe we can borrow for a while?

Coinneach! Dang it! That's not the way to get the cake icing off her....
Oh, Jeez! I'm on-line! :eek:

Sorry! Excuse me people I have to go now.... ;) ( :o)

(Sound of running footsteps. Door slams.)
Hey Dennis, put down that Shiner and try a REAL beer. Hey Schmit, pass me one of them Guinness draughts, and tell that girl to give me my cigar back... uh... nevermind, I don't think i want it anymore. :p :eek:

Alright, who's playing David Allen Coe on the Jukebox again, ain't we heard that one enough already?! I wanna hear some old Clapton for a change. Key to the Highway, J17 I think it is. Anyone got change for a twenty?
I do all the cooking and NOT ONE OF YOU helps with the dishes!

I hate doing dishes and I hate vacumning...I'm on strike!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Hey Dennis, put down that Shiner and try a REAL beer. [/quote]

:mad: Them's fightin' words, mister! :mad:
Bulldog, I speak only of what I know, and I know Guinness. Unfortunately you southern folks are keeping Shiner to yourselves and I have never even tried one.

Admittedly, I speak from ignorance on the Shiner subject and for that I apologize.

That being said, I invite you to "enlighten" me as to the superiority of Shiner - send me a case so I can judge for myself. :D
Sensop! Watch it, boy, or you just might GET a Shiner! ;)

That's why you're blue, Mr. BluesMan! You can't get any Shiner! ;)

Seriously, we have Guinness and it's great. But it addresses a different
market than Shiner. Shiner is not as dark as Guinness, nor as heavy. To
me, Shiner tastes very similar to the local (regular) beers I used to drink in
Germany - which are MUCH different than what is made for export (or the

And, frankly, I would really like to get together and share some of each.

Now to more "serious" matters. ;)
(Read in your best Foghorn T. Leghorn voice....)

((Futo, slide over! Make a little room here! And for God’s sake keep your
hands to yourself, boy!!!))

DC, Honey, c'mon over here and sit down by Grandpa. No need to be so
upset. I'll get ‘em to bring you something from the bar - whatever you like,
okay? We'll have that Austrian kid in the tiger outfit clean up the kitchen,
Monica will take care of the vacuuming, and we'll all go out together for

((Labgrade! I don’t care “What if Rob comes here looking for the Tiger Girl!”
Make him wait outside! We’re dealin’ with DC being on strike here!

If you're sittin' by Grandpa, young lady, you're in steak country. Let's get
somethin’ good, okay?

((Bulldog! Put your leg down! Good Lord!))

Chateaubriand a deux, spring peas, baby carrots, white asparagus, a nice
red wine and whatever other trimmin's yore li'l ole heart desires.

((MAL! Quite playin’ with them danged seegars! Put ‘em up now! And quit
that silly grinnin’!!))

John and Grayfox got the limos so we all can relax and enjoy the evening.

((Coinneach! Get that danged dancer *out* of here! Yes “and the cake
”! Sheesh!))

That shrimp cocktail okay, DC? We get it fresh daily from the Gulf here.

((BluesMan! Make sure them workers clean that kitchen spic n span or we
won’t eat right for weeks!!!))

Well now, here we go! Bon Appetit there, li’l girl! ... Candy? Rich’ll
probably have some for ya after supper, now eat up. ... No you don’t have
to eat nothing you don’t want to, Hon.

Waiter! ... Listen here, Boy! You give this little girl here whatever
she asks for this evening, ya hear. ... Yeah, it goes on Art Eatman’s bill....
Naw, his spread is not *IN* the Big Bend Country. His spread *IS* the Big
Bend Country.

((I don’t wanna hear it, Schmit. Just treat them workers like raw recruits
and if they give ya any guff just pretend they’re wearing black pajamas.
After the first one dies the rest’ll shape up!))

DC, you finished already? What would you like now, a little desert?

Champagne? You bet! What’s this here LaFeet Roth’s Child? He some
Jewish guy?

(scene fades - stay tuned....)

Guys, I really *DO* need to get a life here, ya know?

Gun-related? Hah! Have you ever seen DC when she’s really angry?
(shivers) Now THAT’s more dangerous than bear huntin’ with a switch!
Ummm, Guys.

The Staff Lounge is in *there*! I've worked real hard to get people to believe we're caucusing, consensus-ing and committee-ing.

You make it sound like we're carousing, careening and cacaphony-ing. Well I'm here to tell you, The Beatings WILL Continue Until Morale Improves! Thanks for the Shiner, Dennis.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited January 31, 2000).]
Oh Dennis! Don't you DARE get a life. I am rolling on the floor, man.

We've got to keep DC happy, she's the only one that can keep Rich from beating us all senseless. (Too late for me.) ;)


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
You bet, Rich. Here, have another. We have to keep you happy or the whole danged *store* closes! (Gadzooks!) :D
Sorry, Dennis, but I paid the dancer up front, so she's gonna earn her keep.

And don't tell *me* how to not remove frosting, harrumph!

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson
Dennis - here is the broom...
You can sweep empty shell casings for awhile.
I am going to hang out in the hot tub with the blond girl from EAA! :D
You just gotta keep eggin' me on, dontcha! ;)

DC, excuse me just a minute here, ma’am. I gotta talk to these fine
gentlemen for just a second, okay?

Rich, can you keep the little lady company for just a moment please?
Whatever she wants, remember - Art’s buyin’.

Okay you bozos! Listen up!

It’s fine to have your fun tonight (Coinneach you got some blue icing in your
eyebrow, boy!) but by tomorrow you’ll want to eat!

(Mal! Get that seegar outa yore mouth and open your eyes!)

And if DC’s on strike we starve!

Now each of ya cough up fifty bucks and put it in the hat here. Bookkie will
keep track of it all for us. He and I are taking DC downtown and buying her
the best dishwasher they got.

Aw, Mal! Don’t put your seegar in with the money, boy! They smell funny,
son. And why don’t you ever burn ‘em? Ain’t ya supposed to light ‘em up?

Come on, boys! Fifty bucks each!

Futo, we don’t have time to go shopping for the best deal! DC’s goin’ on
strike! This is an *Emergency*! Sears, Monkey Ward, wherever that little
girl wants to go - *THAT’S* where we’re goin’!

Coinneach! You’re getting icing all over the money now! (Never seen a
growed man so excited about cake!)

George, quit shoving that broom at me! Monica will vacuum up all them
casings just fine! (Hmmm. Hope they’re all empties....) And don’t jump
into that hot tub with that little blond girl until you put up that Glock!...
Oh... That ain’t a Glock.... Don’t say another word! I don’t want to know!

The voices! They keep talking to me! If only I could change channels.
“Frankly”, some of them are even worse!

Yes, Rich. Yes, sir. You’re right - I can’t take a hint. But that business
about “cacaphony-ing” ain’t right neither. Ain’t no *phoney* caca around
here! ;)

I think I'm slipping over the edge. Jonathan Winters is beginning to seem comparatively sane.... :D
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