Legality of carrying multiple pistols

In FL you can carry multiple handguns or weapons as long as it is not a long gun. FL issues a CWL (concealed weapons license)

Not positive but I think right next door in GA they are limited to just one (1) handgun but I would rather a GA CHL holder answer for sure.
Ive had my license since 2010, I never remembered anything about holstering a concealed handgun, so I took a look at the current booklet and there is no mention of holstering.
I stand corrected.

After some more digging there was never a requirement on the street.
There WAS a requirement for a holster or enclosed container in the car but that was removed with SB17.. so that must have been what I was remembering.
john in jax said:
...Not positive but I think right next door in GA they are limited to just one (1) handgun but I would rather a GA CHL holder answer for sure...
Georgia does not regulate the number of firearms that one may carry, either openly or concealed by the possessor of a Georgia Weapons Carry License (GWL, commonly).
Arkansas' statute authorizing concealed carry (as an exception to our "carrying a weapon" statute) reads as follows:
Arkansas General Assembly said:
(c) It is permissible to carry a weapon under this section if at the time of the act of carrying the weapon: . . . .

(8) The person is in possession of a concealed handgun and has a valid license to carry a concealed handgun under § 5-73-301 et seq., or recognized under § 5-73-321 and is not in a prohibited place as defined by § 5-73-306; . . . .

Ark. Code Ann. § 5-73-120 (West)
While the statute doesn't come right out and say "you can only carry one," one interpretation that I've heard from LEOs is that the statute says a concealed handgun, so they believe that you can only carry one concealed handgun.

As to open carry, well, that's a different question entirely.
This thread reminds me of an encounter with an LEO during a traffic stop in my home state of Indiana.

When asked for my license, I also produced my license to carry (LTCH) and the officer asked where my firearm was. I then proceeded to point to two locations on my person and two additional locations in the vehicle. The officer had a puzzled look and then asked me for the one located on my hip, for officer safety and to run the serial number against the stolen firearms database. I just found it strangely amusing that the officer just wanted one of the four handguns in the car for the reason of officer safety. :rolleyes:

The point here is that in Indiana, there is no stated limit to the number of firearms that you can have on or around you.
As restricted as MA is, I can find no law stating the number of firearms a licensed (LTC) person can carry. Our carry guns are not listed on our LTC.
I'm only talking about legally owned handguns, not long guns.
Interesting topic. Having lived in AZ and concealed carried prior to getting my permit I never thought of some ridiculous laws limiting the number of guns you could carry, concealed or otherwise. Politicians really need better things to do than to make up stupid laws.

When stated have reciprocity agreements with other states do you have to abide by your state CCW laws or the state you are in?
Arizona Fusilier said:
Which is probably why those that require a limited list of weapons on the permit don't normally have reciprocity agreements​.
Even those (such as New York) don't seem to establish any limit ion how many you can carry at one time. The requirement is that any handguns must be listed on your license (permit). I know of many people who have the same guns listed on their own permit and their wife's permit, so that either can carry any of the guns they own.
one time in Reno I got pulled over, tailight.
He asked if I had a gun on me, I smiled and said "two on me two more on the passenger seat in the messenger bag"
He smiled back and told me have a nice night.
I'm not sure about the legality of carrying two handguns, but from a practical standpoint, one is enough.
From a practical standpoint, I have one in my truck, and person.

Going to place to shoot, I got bunch loaded.

Nothing wrong with a back up gun.
I usually have a "car gun" and a "carry gun". The car gun stays in the car. The carry gun goes with me. I don't ever remember actually carrying both at once.
I'm not sure about the legality of carrying two handguns, but from a practical standpoint, one is enough.
I know a NC Highway Patrolman who is alive today because he thought having two was better. He shot and killed the drunk who had just assaulted him and taken his other gun away while the drunk was trying to figure out how to operate the safety on the Beretta 92.
Florida CCW permit is not tied to either a specific gun or other weapon. It's a 'weapon' license, not a 'gun' license. There is no mention of how many of what ever. :)