Legality of carrying multiple pistols


New member
In what states is it legal or illegal to carry more than one handgun?

Honestly this is not something that I've even seen addressed before. I know the practice of carrying a backup pistol or 'New York reload' is quite common, and I have done so on rare occasions. I feel almost silly now for having carried for several years and never even considered this question.

I got to thinking about it this morning while watching a Youtube video where the guy claimed that in many states carrying a second gun is illegal.He pointed out that the wording of many states permits is singular, such as: " License to carry handgun".

Is this accurate? Where would I go to find the answer to this question?

Well, first thought is that the states where your CCW permit is tied to a specific handgun would be likely candidates for such a problem.
I don't think that carrying multiple handguns under a valid permit is generally regulated by states. Meaning that the state law that provides for concealed carry generally doesn't say: this exception to the prohibition against concealed carry only applies to X number of guns at a time.

In WA state, the law doesn't say this and my permit doesn't say this, so I believe I can carry an unlimited number of guns. More practically, this means I can go to the shooting range and all of the guns in my trunk are covered by the permit, so it isn't an issue whether they are loaded, locked, etc.

The obvious exception is a state, like CA, where you have a limited number of specific guns listed on your permit - this may be a CA county-by-county restriction rather than a state law provision, but I have the impression (I read a lot) that most CA permit-holders have 3 specific, permitted guns, max.
In Utah we don't need a permit to own guns. With a CC we can carry what ever handgun we choose and how many we choose. The most I have carried is 3 just because I wanted to. I do carry 2 most of the time, with a spare mag for my primary. :)
Carrying one gun too many

Same with me. It's just as easy to pack two KT P32/s or P3AT/s with extra shot magazines over one weapon and a bunch of mags.

I've carried a G29 and a G 21 on occasion in deep woods, concealed under a light jacket. Much easier than a heavy Rifle or short Shotgun. Or a heavy magnum revolver with only six shots.

I will soon be able to carry a 30 shot magnum pistol or two, (PMR30/s), very light work. IWB or side pocketed.

Or two G42 with 10 shot mags.

I also pack a WA state CCW.:)
You can pack like Pancho Villa here in Arizona, concealed or otherwise. State citizens no longer need a permit to carry concealed.

I concur with the weapon-specific permit observations​; but best for everbody to consult their state law specifically.
Wyoming and Arizona - two states I would move to

In the communist state of CT they don't regulate how many guns you can own or carry as long as you have a permit. They do limit the mag to 10 rounds. So if I wanted to carry 5 guns with 3 mags each no problem just as long as no mag has more than 10 capacity. Dumb ass politicians.

CT sucks!
Most states that allow carry do not limit the number of guns that can be carried, even though a strict reading of the law or regulations might seem to impose a limit; in practice, gravity imposes the limit. If you can't move, you probably are carrying too many guns.

Weblance when did they change this? I could have swore this was the case when I got mine in 2008, at the very least it use to be a requirement in vehicles which I know they changed.
New Mexico allows only one handgun to be carried at a time. I thought I remembered reading that such was the case, and checked it at Odd provision - I am not aware of any other jurisdiction making that specific restriction.
JoeSixpack said:
Weblance when did they change this? I could have swore this was the case when I got mine in 2008, at the very least it use to be a requirement in vehicles which I know they changed

Ive had my license since 2010, I never remembered anything about holstering a concealed handgun, so I took a look at the current booklet and there is no mention of holstering.
I will have to get back to you on that.
I think it was SB17 that removed transport restrictions but I'll have to dig a bit deeper not sure where to find old revisions of the ORC.

ya know originally you had to have the gun in "plain sight" while in the car even for CHL's.
CC was brought kicking and screaming to this state and the laws are convoluted at best.
New Mexico only allows the carrying of ONE concealed handgun. New Mexico is an open carry state and you can carry one concealed and 1 million openly and be within their laws but concealing two is a No No. New Mexico is the only state that only allows the carrying of one concealed firearm.

Some states do require that the firearms you carry to be listed on your permit to carry. Some states even regulate how many you can list on your permit. That could limit you to how many concealed you could carry but knows of no state that only allows you to list just one.

Oklahoma is the only state that by law states you can't carry a handgun that is larger than a certain caliber. They only allow the carrying of a handgun up to 45 caliber.

In the past under DC's very old carry law you could only carry a 38 special revolver and only cartridges with lead round nose bullets. If I remember correctly there was even a max Feet Per Second that those bullets could travel to stay within the law. I do believe it was under 800fps but my memory is not 100% on that part. Someone else here may remember that law.
Wow Tailgator, I travel to New Mexico, hmmm, maybe once a year or so..... and I had never heard of that.

I reckon I will do some more current research.... because I think I might have "flaunted" that law.
Thank you Gary Slider, our posts "crossed in the night".

Yeah, New Mexico has long been an open-carry state, and they did get a little "spun-up" when CCW arrived on the scene. They monitor permits​ closely, not that it matters to the Mexican banditos one bit.