Legal to manufactor full auto parts ?

Do you think NO ONE is monitering what you say, either on the internet, or spouting off in your local hardware store?

well, i don't know about my local hardware store, but consider this
EVERYTHING posted on twitter is archived. wouldn't be surprised to find out Facebook is too.
i'll bet most gun forums are monitored as well. we all have files with big brother. :eek::mad:
David, that is interesting but irrelevant. An object that I can't own legally is illegal for me, even though it might not be illegal for those authorized to own it.

As an example, the USAF has (or had) some 700 ICBMs, all perfectly legal. But if I have a nice one in my backyard silo with a few mtons of MIRVs on it, I strongly suspect "da guv" just might consider that I am in violation of some silly law or other, probably the fireworks ban.

Jim my comment was to the original poster who wondered how new manuf. machineguns can be openly shown on places like Youtube.

I was trying to get him to understand that just because something was illegal for him, does not mean it is illegal for others posting videos.
To get back to the OP, yes it would be legal to manufacture PARTS used in fully automatic weapons. It would NOT be legal to assemble those parts into an operable weapon. You can not assemble and/or register a fully automatic weapon since May of 1986 unless you are licensed as a manufacturer and possess a special tax stamp (SOT) and even then it can be used only as a sales sample and cannot be transferred to anyone except a governmental agency. Short answers.
To get back to the OP, yes it would be legal to manufacture PARTS used in fully automatic weapons

just playing devils advocate here... you can manufacture it, you cant sell it, you cant use it,.... so why would you? other then intent:rolleyes:
As an example, the USAF has (or had) some 700 ICBMs, all perfectly legal. But if I have a nice one in my backyard silo with a few mtons of MIRVs on it, I strongly suspect "da guv" just might consider that I am in violation of some silly law or other, probably the fireworks ban.
The warheads would be considered Destructive Devices so you'd need an NFA stamp per warhead.:p
I can't find one that's transferable!
Yea, that's why the whole "Should people be allowed to own nukes?" question is a Red Herring. It should be legal, but just because it's legal doesn't mean anyone has to sell you one. So you'd have to have your own Manhattan project to get one.