Legal "concealed carry" without a permit

Just tuck a big, long screwdriver (reg, not phillips) in your belt. A great tool, and in a pinch, not a bad self defense weapon either.
That state prohibits citizens from carrying guns. What part of that prohibition do you have trouble understanding? I did not ask if you agree with it, I just ask if you have trouble understanding the rule they have imposed. If it was me, I would not have moved into Illinois in the first place (or California, New York, or New Jersey). But if you do live there, and you know the law prohibits carrying a gun, why would you risk your legal status by trying to play word games with people who are very, very serious about restricting firearms? Work to change the law. Work to change your state of residence, but for goodness sake, why would you risk breaking a LAW? Anyway, the point is that we should all be advocating the responsible use of firearms and the fact that law abiding citizens should be allowed to own/carry handguns for self-defense because we follow the laws and are resposible enough to be trusted with exercising our natural right to self-defense. When we bend words and try to find loopholes, all we're doing is what the drug dealers and gang-bangers do which is to say that the ends justify the means.

Ps. Cracks me up that every single time the letters C - L - I - P are entered into a posting on an Internet discussion forum, someone has got to post the same old stuff about the "difference" between a clip and a magazine. Get over it. The word clip is commonly used interchangably with the word magazine in firearms discussions all over the planet, and always will be. It is common usage to say "clip" in place of magazine and everyone reading the word knows exactly what the writer/speaker means when he/she/it says, "clip." I use the term magazine, but I don't much care if other folks say clip. I know, and you know, what they are talking about.
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I get so tired about this PC crap about clips and magazines.I would have been laughed off the range if I referred to my 30 round banana clip for my M2 carbine as a banana magazine. So if clip was correct in 1958, I consider it correct for 2009. If all you can do is mistakenly correct people about word usage, I suggest you get a life..Most people think a magazine is somethiing you read. Only mall ninjas get upset about a gun clip being called a magazine or vice versa..
Heat and light

Forum Followers:

Well, I'd say we've generated a lot of heat here and even some light.

Montycop, good point about the difference between a clip and a magazine. Some of us don't shoot so much that we've thought about the difference, but you are right.

As to SD situation happen in seconds . . . some do and some don't. The one time I almost got robbed all I had to do was make eye contact with the guy and he took off. I was lucky. I'm sure there are plenty of SD situation when there is time to put in the magazine and slide the rack back. It is called a rack isn't it?

As to living in Illinois with it's restrictive gun laws, well if guns were my life I suppose I wouldn't live here. In the mean time I don't have any trouble getting the guns and ammo I am interested in, and I belong to the NRA.

I suppose this raises the question of "open carry" and I have no idea what the law is in Illinois, but when I hunt, I'm very much engaging in open carry.

An yea, save for law enforcement there is no concealed carry of a loaded gun permissible in IL. And even if I could get concealed carry I don't know that I would. At the very least I'd need some training. All I know about firearms is what I can read in about and see on the "outdoor channel." I've learned a lot but if I was going to "carry" I'd want instructions from a pro.

As to this topic being worthy of forum discussion . . . well unless you are sure you have the absolute answer to all situations . . . then yea it looks like this is worthy of discussion.

Live well, be safe.
Prof Young
I get so tired about this PC crap about clips and magazines.I would have been laughed off the range if I referred to my 30 round banana clip for my M2 carbine as a banana magazine. So if clip was correct in 1958, I consider it correct for 2009. If all you can do is mistakenly correct people about word usage, I suggest you get a life..Most people think a magazine is somethiing you read. Only mall ninjas get upset about a gun clip being called a magazine or vice versa..

Here, here, Lashlarue!!! Don't worry about the grammar nazis, mall police, and just overly gorged, basement dwelling, guns and ammo junkies who have to spout terminology corrections to keep their fragile egos intact in between eating their mama's pancakes and planning their next D&D session.


****For clarification, I really do just mean that as a joke. It's not directed at anyone. It's just a funny way of saying that I really don't care if you say magazine or clip (although, I completely accept that it might be funny to only me, but I'm ok with that. :) ****
Excellent posts ISP2605. It' is certainly amazing how attorneys can twist the language/law around. What if the fanny pack was "specifically designed to house a firearm"? I am most language challenged.
It' is certainly amazing how attorneys can twist the language/law around. What if the fanny pack was "specifically designed to house a firearm"? I am most language challenged.
Its not really about what the law actually says.

In at least some jurisdictions there is a good chance you will be prosecuted for it regardless and have to spend an enormous amount of money on lawyers, maybe spend some time in the pokie.

Thats just the way it is.
in MOST southern counties, you won't get prosecuted. we even have a term for that kind of carry, 7 seconds to safety. as you can have a fanny pack, belt looped case or whatever, as long as it's designed to hold the firearm and can be zipped up, and the magazine can be loaded, just not in the gun, but in the same case, one can indeed carry it like that. well, you have to have a valid FOID card too.

yes, some cops don't like it, and will try to arrest you, but in the county where i live, and in the counties i have work/still work as an LEO, nothing will come of it. you will get your gun back, and you will retain your FOID. all bets are off the further north you go, and i'll wager cook county will try to fry your butt.

open carry in illinois? doesn't exist except under one condition, other then LEO, the firearm must be broken down and in an inoperable state. or just broken, as in doesn't work, doesn't matter if it's stolen or not and not broken down......oops, sorry about that last sentence, ignore it, lol....
Here in Michigan,purchasing a pistol is very easy now,no wait period,only felonies or misdemeanors involving violence keep you from buying.But getting a CCW is a whole other story.Even with slight depression,even though you are allowed the purchase,you are denied the right to obtain a CCW.That is what it was in my case anyways,so I looked into the laws for reguarding concealment,and there is only one exeption,and that is you can only conceal on your private property,or if you own a business,you can there also.But for me,if I take one step into the woods outside of my property concealing,iv'e broken the law.I can carry it open in appropriate areas like the woods or a gun range,but if my shirt happens to fly in the breeze and cover my weapon,boom,i'm busted.
Ok, if it is legal to transport your firearm unloaded and cased, what if the case had some belt loops? So it would be legal to carry if you "carried" the case but then be illegal if the case were secured with a belt? Or how about a case with a sling over the shoulder? At any gunshow attended, LEOS present, many persons carry their rifles in a case/with sling, on shoulder. There seems to be no distinction between carrying a rifle or pistol. Aaarrrrgh! I just can't seem to make any sense of this.
Ok, if it is legal to transport your firearm unloaded and cased, what if the case had some belt loops? So it would be legal to carry if you "carried" the case but then be illegal if the case were secured with a belt? Or how about a case with a sling over the shoulder? At any gunshow attended, LEOS present, many persons carry their rifles in a case/with sling, on shoulder. There seems to be no distinction between carrying a rifle or pistol. Aaarrrrgh! I just can't seem to make any sense of this.
The powers that be in Illinois want the people carrying guns to be beholden to them via their paychecks.

Its pretty simple really.
Fanny Pack Carry

ISP 2605 has it right - it's inconsistent all over the state. I seem to recall a discussion around the time frame he was talking about regarding a man who was either advocating that fanny pack carry was legal, or maybe he had been criminally charged for doing it...? Help me out, old timers - I don't have time to search the archives that far back for the story...
The case you may be thinking of was in Winnebago Co IIRC. His charges were dismissed but he also had other problems.
I was involved in the process of calling quite a few of those state's attorneys trying to get an opinion. It was so frustrating to the point we didn't care what stand the SA took, it was just trying to get most of them to take a stand one way or the other. Most were non-committal and didn't want to be on record one way or the other. We had the public and other LE agencies calling us constantly all wanting a consistent opinion statewide. That wasn't to be. Don't forget state's attorneys are politicians too.
The case you may be thinking of was in Winnebago Co IIRC. His charges were dismissed but he also had other problems.
True and true.

I think the states attorney appealed the dismissal of the UUW charges.

I am not quite sure what his motivation is but he ended up getting himself into all kinds of other legal troubles.

Perhaps he just enjoys being in cuffs for some reason. :)

The weird thing is you talk to him in person and he comes off very well. Personable, friendly, reasonable, smart, got all kinds of things going for him. But there is also the 9/11 truther side, and some other things that are troubling that eventually work their way out.