Left handed CCW


Hello all, Im relatively new to shooting and looking to purchase a good pistol for CCW. I currently own a PX4 Storm but its a bit big to carry IWB for me and Im also looking for a gun that is a step further in the "ambi" or left handers direction. I am ambidextrous but am left eye dominant so it makes more sense for me to shoot lefty. Im looking at the HK P2000sk as the best option Ive seen for a lightweight Lefty friendly gun. Due to weight and ammo cost, Im mostly interested in 9mm. I like the idea of a Glock but the grips seem to be too short and half of my hand is off of the grip which is uncomfortable for me. I do not want one of the tiny guns. Id like any suggestions that you guys and girls may have. Thanks in advance.
I can't help much with hammer fired options. If you'd be interested in striker fired options, I'd highly recommend the M&P compact and the FNS compact. Both have ambi slide releases. The mag release on the M&P is easily reversed for lefties and the mag release on the FNS is ambi.

Also, I'm a lefty that is right-eye dominant. With handguns, shooting with dominant hand and eye being opposite is easy. My point being that, if shooting righty is in any way more comfortable, then aiming with the dominant left eye shouldn't be a problem.

Another reason to shoot righty is the wider availability of holsters. Most makers offer lefty options, however, they sometimes aren't as readily and quickly obtained.

Not trying to mess you up; just wanted to present some things that you may not have considered.
In my opinion (based on more than 60 years of experience) eye dominance is almost irrelevant shooting handguns. Rotating my head VERY SLIGHTLY to allow my dominant left eye to have the best view of the sights and target enables accurate shooting holding the handgun in my right hand. However, with my Dad's assistance and advice, I switched to left-handed shooting long guns when I began shooting .22 rifles (about 1955 or even earlier if I remember correctly.) When I bought my first bow, I instantly learned that it had to be left-handed.
Thank you for the advice on both guns and switching hands. I'm open minded to anything. I want to get started on the right foot(no pun intended) so it's good to hear that shooting right handed with my left eye is still an option. I'm not opposed to the striker fired pistols either. I'm just starting to learn about this stuff. I've had a couple of guns for years but since I lived in MD, they were useless outside of taking them to a range once in awhile. Now that I've moved to VA and there open carry and easily attained CCW permits, I'm registered for all of the classes to learn the laws and more safety before I purchase a gun that I'd carry. Also, does anyone ever carry .22 cal? I guess I'm thinking it'd be nice to be able to defend myself if ever needed with out the murder change afterwards hahaha.
Which Glock has a grip that is too short? The G26? Either look at the 19 or get the Pearce XL grip extension - not their regular one - that extra 1/4" makes all the difference for me in getting all three fingers fully on the grip of my 26. Unless you go HKP7, it's really hard to find a better ambi gun than a Glock
left ccw

My daughter is left hand dominant and is most comfortable with her
Walther PPK 380acp which functions flawlessly with 380+p ammo as well.
The Honor Guard made by Honor Defense is ambidextrous, new company but mine has quickly become my favorite hand gun.

The latest SWAT magazine has an article on the Glock 19M. The slide stop is ambidextrous, and if it's like the Gen 4 (& I suspect without knowing that it is), you should be able to reverse the mag release.

Here's a blog post about it:

I have no idea when, or even if, these will be available to the public. I see no reason why they wouldn't be made available, though.
If you're eyeing the P2000SK then take a look also at the P30SK. Fully ambi out of the box like the P2000SK. Grip on the P30 is also more customizable. The newer ones seem to be shipping with pinky extensions on the magazines as well.
The PX4 is a great gun but it is a full-sized gun. Adjusting how you carry or trying different holsters can go a long way but in the end, like so many other full-sized guns, it might still be a little too much for comfortable concealed carry. One last thing to check before moving on from your PX4 is the safety levers. It might sound strange but I've found that a lot of the perceived width in that gun is those darned bat-wings that stick out on both sides.

Luckily, there is a relatively inexpensive solution that I think not only streamlines the gun for carry but makes it look a lot nicer. It switches the manual safety to "decocker only" but if you are considering alternatives without manual safeties anyway, it shouldn't be a concern. Here is a link to that $75 solution from Beretta:


Here is a link to a thread on another forum that discusses the upgrade and shows the difference side by side in pictures.


That said, there is also a PX4 Compact model available. Just be sure to explore these options for your existing gun first.
I am left eye dominant and I shoot right handed. It's no problem at all as others have mentioned. Just align your sights to your left eye instead of the right.

I have no problem shooting rifles either way so I stick with right handed as I have much better dexterity with my right vs the left. (Being right handed)

There are other GOOD reasons to choose an ambidextrous weapon vs one designed just for righties. One is if your right hand becomes injured, you can still manipulate and shoot easier. This is not a big deal, but worth considering.

IMO, the M&P pistols from the compact to the full size meet your requirements better than most. They feature ambi slide locks which makes off handed, or left handed, operation 100 times easier.

I even find myself using the opposite control from time to time.
As a lefty, I did want to point out that other than my left handed bolt action rifle and an ambi safety on my 1911, it is very easy to adapt to most handed guns very quickly.

Typically any function you would perform with your right thumb can be performed with your left index finger.
I am an eeevil left hander as well. For me there are only 2 things that really matter for a CC gun. IF they do not possess these features then I will not buy it.

1. Ambi-Safety, if the gun has a safety.
2. Reversible or ambi magazine release.

I think that the slide stop/release being ambi is more of an optional thing. I have small hands, so I cannot reach the slide release on most firearms to begin with. I rack the slide on all my firearms, even if I can reach the slide release.

I'm actually having a bit of a similar struggle as you right now. Trying to decide what I want for a subcompact, double stack 9 that is ambi friendly.

If you just want a compact gun, I would recommend the CZ P-07. I have one that I carry every day. It is about the size of a Glock 19. It has controls fairly similiar to your PX4.
Left handed CCW
Hello all, Im relatively new to shooting and looking to purchase a good pistol for CCW. I currently own a PX4 Storm but its a bit big to carry IWB for me and Im also looking for a gun that is a step further in the "ambi" or left handers direction. I am ambidextrous but am left eye dominant so it makes more sense for me to shoot lefty. Im looking at the HK P2000sk as the best option Ive seen for a lightweight Lefty friendly gun. Due to weight and ammo cost, Im mostly interested in 9mm. I like the idea of a Glock but the grips seem to be too short and half of my hand is off of the grip which is uncomfortable for me. I do not want one of the tiny guns. Id like any suggestions that you guys and girls may have. Thanks in advance.

Bersa Ultra Carry. Fully ambidextrous safety and slide catch, reversible magazine release.
In the used but still great category, and IMO, the ONLY truly ambidextrous gun is the HK P7. The only exterior button is for taking the gun down.
Since you're in Virginia and want to get started on the right foot, I'd recommend giving John Murphy of FPF Training a call. He runs excellent classes and can help keep you from going down some very expensive dead ends.

Also left handed. I carry a Glock 19. I can access the slide release and mag release with my left index finger.