Left hand twist? (1911)

Hmm, I was always told it was so the gun butt torqued into your hand when fired instead of away from your hand and into your fingers.............
No problem Dave. I was just concerned that I had unwittingly insulted you and other gunsmiths in some manner, and that was the last thing I wanted to do. Consider it "fixed". By the way, do you fix toasters? :rolleyes: :D
I have a real thick skin from being on gun forums. maybe some of it from my days as a Cop. I am not one to take offense at things said because this is just a fun deal for me and after three years of people taking pot shots at me because of my skills and knowedge, I am pretty insensitive to remarks on forums. I try very hard not to make waves, but am far from perfect in this area ,as you may have guessed. I am from another country so I am aware that I do not fit in here or anywhere else now a days. I was born in America in 1932 and was lucky enough to be an American Citizen at one time. Now I am on old man living alone with a dawg waiting to die, and if I don't listen to the news, I have a pretty nice life now. I sure miss my America but Democractic Societies do not last long and I will surely be in Valhalla before this one vanishes from the face of the Earth. I never envy the younger people , but rather feel bad for what they will face before the end time. Old age is not for sissies, but there is a certain peace here with all the problems that go with it. I am a pretty happy man, all in all. I am a Patriot and have done all one man can do for God and Country in this lifetime and now I leave it up to others to carry on with the Never Ending Battle for Freedom and Liberty. End of Sermon....................................for now.
A voice from the young here: we're not doing that badly. We live in a different world than you did, just as you lived in a different world than your parents. It's how it works. And, each time it occurs, the older generation always decries the efforts of the younger as uncivilized and immoral; and the younger always screams, "We can do it ourselves, thank you very much."

I don't think we can do it ourselves, and I value the leadership and input that my elders have given me, but I also don't think we're doing that badly. We do look weird, I'll give you that. We also spend an awful lot of the day staring into various video screens. But, overall, we've got a handle on how our world works. It's not the nicest world, but we're working on fixing it.
I am aware of the "OF Grumble" that goes on with every generation. The sorry thing is that it is very much in evidence in the States that I go to each year. Here in good old Prescott, AZ, it is very difficult to even get a burger right. The traffic in the three States I just drove through is totaly out of control and there is no signs of any serious law enforcement here where I live. People go into stores and resturaunts and allow their little kids to scream at the top of their lungs. The people in the Media Business continue to get away with Lying to all and sundry and you all seem to be very apathetic to me. Where is the outrage over what the Twerps that you vote for and send to the District of Corruption do to you daily. Why do you give them 60 % of your hard earned money? I could go on this rave for hours but I just have to inject a little bit of truth here.
I don't care anymore about what goes on outside my lot. The Flag flies here 24/7 with a light on at night and when you cross my property line, you are in America. I will be gone soon and that suits me fine. I know you are a well meaning person, and I hope that you are right and that I am wrong. Only De Shadow know for sure!
I'm pretty new to forums of any kind, and it seems this can be a tough crowd at times :rolleyes: . The toughest thing for me here is deciphering a post's true meaning without looking the poster in the eye. My goal here is to learn and camaraderie with fellow shooters. I also try not to get too wrapped up in the political infighting and I'm not one to get riled easily. But when I do go off, I really go off (as you've probably seen in a few of my posts ;) :D )

Netzapper, I'm pretty sure Dave wasn't bombing your generation. Rather, you youngsters have sympathy from us oldsters. The problems today aren't generally young people's fault. It's ours. A lot of parents today from all generations aren't doing their jobs. When a younger person runs afoul of the law, I can almost bet that when I try to find their parents, it's either a hopeless job or they'll be drunk or high. We've taken God out of the classrooms, along with moral values, and basically replaced it with a "if it feels good, do it" philosophy. We've stopped teaching the Golden Rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", and replaced it with "do unto others before they do unto you". When I was in my late teens/early twenties, it never occurred to me that CCW was necessary and we never locked our doors. Today it's a gun within reach all the time, double dead bolt locks, and sleeping with one eye open. I wish you didn't have to grow up under these conditions, and wish you knew what it was like to live without having to look over your shoulder all the time. The youth today that are trying to do the Right Thing find it more and more difficult, and it saddens me greatly that we have let you down. :(
Great post Capt! I agree 100 % that we are the villans with the apathy we have shown by letting PC destroy our Experiment in Democracy. I am not PC nor will I ever be. I have a pal who says I am just a little to the right of Atilla the Hun.
I raised two children, one boy, one girl. My son owns his own business, my daughter is a para-legal for the Denver DA. She owns her own home and two rental Condos.
They survived all the kid stuff and I am sure they tried everything but are just good kids and the life they know I led when young, was avoided. My son has a boy and a girl and my daughter has none. She is very smart and does not want to raise a child with what we are facing as a bankrupt nation that is 90 % owned by non- Americans. I really do not want to get into the Mad Dawg Mode so I will shut up and just say I did my best with what I had to work with. Like the other Capt, guns are here at arms reach, double locked doors , etc. and creepy people who are for the most part, fat and ugly ,are everywhere here. I like to be alone now more than ever and wait for the Grim Creeper to come for me in peace.
L.H. Twist:

Dear Shooters:
I couldn't agree with Dave more!
I do feel that our younger generation has lost it; most of them!
When I wanted a muzzle-loader I had to sweat to make it - now men (?) will go buy a supposed muzzle-loader in a plastic blister pak! Kids must have a new house, a boat, a motor home, a big screen T.Y and when they want a 45, they go buy one that's "loaded" and think they've got the latest! As Capt. Potter said, "horse-hocky."
We need to raise our kids with loving discipline and tell them of the old mountain gunsmiths out under a cover making their barrel by hand! I just will say this and not back-up at all.
Barrels with bores reamed with steel and a wood shim - those bores tapered.0005 to the muzzle - show me a barrel made like that today even made on the finest machinery? Ain't no such animule!
Oh! I could just carry on and on!
Harry B.