Lee 6 cavity molds.

I just got done with a clean up and first pour with my new Lee 356124 RN 6 banger.
OMG I just remembered how frustrating they can be, nothing I did made a good bullet.
I don't blame it on the mold though, they were shaped like they should be, just wrinkled all over. Still need to get the goop outta the pores I reckon.
To be honest I wasn't totally disappointed as I had a MP 4C brass mold of almost the same bullet doing exactly the same thing.
Sometimes I just get in a hurry and try and get things going before they are ready. Oh well, I got plenty of other stuff to do...
Recently, I have acquired two Lee six-cavities. The first, to replace an existing mold that the sprue plate bolt had stripped, was a Lee 356124. The second, was a six cavity Lee 158 RF. In each case, I sprayed the cavities with brake cleaner to de-oil them, sprayed the cavities with Frankfort mold release and pre-heated them on a hot plate before attempting to cast bullets with them. In both cases, the bullets were good from the beginning. I did notice however that the 158 grain mold runs hotter than the 124 grain bullet mold and the bullets get frosty.
Wrinkled bullets are from....mold/lead not hot enough, oil in the cavity, and pouring to slow/fast...slow down and smell the rose's

Oh yeah I know full well most all of the causes of wrinkles and such, just been a while since I broke in a new mold. Just got ahead of myself and got caught ...
Matches have a ring of paraffin wax just behind the head to help the wood or paper to catch fire. IF you could wait till the wax has burned off, then use the flame to smoke the cavities, then it would work.

The best mold smoker is a bic,(or any other butane), lighter. Just hold the yellow part of the flame tight against the cavities.