Lee 223 deprime/resize die issues

I always suggest the LEE universal decapping die. For $30, you will keep your sizing dies much cleaner and decapping will go more quickly. I find that if I decap all my dirty brass, then tumble it, every stage of reloading is cleaner and faster, and my equipment stays clean.
+1. The decapping die allows you to separate the: deprime, and, resizing steps. That is great for diagnosing the problem:
Which step has the problem?

Cost is $12.99 to $19.00
Once you pop the primer out, you can use a 1/2" counter sink drill bit (75, 82 or 90 degree) to permanently remove the crimped brass and leave a nice bezel in the primer pocket.
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I've had a few problems with this on Lee dies as well. I've been able to use my 223 to get out crimped primers without problem, but had a 30-30 die that the decapping pin slid in no matter what I did. I finally cranked the collet down so tight it snapped off, and then it was off to Lee for replacement. So I'd keep tightening that collet like others have suggested, and worst case it breaks and you send it back. No need for a separate decapping die though as far as I'm concerned, I've been able to resize tens of thousands of pieces of 223/5.56 brass on my Lee dies without issue.
I have had tough crimped primers slide the pin up before on a batch of crimp 9mm's. I used a small mallet and banged it back down while the bullet was in the die, that always popped the primer out and reset my pin back to proper position.