the vibrations of constantly being moved will cause the buffering inside the shells to sprinkle out of the crimp in the shells and makes a mess inside the tube and worst of all can actually make the follower stick. And that's the last thing you want to have happen if God forbid you have to use it in a HD/SD situation.
Well, that is assuming that one is using high grade ammo that might be buffered. I figure most folks are using what they can find cheap, or in these times what they can find period.
I'm pretty much with oneounceload here. Unless someone comes along and stuffs a gob of mud or a rock down my barrel (pretty darned unlikely), I ain't worried about miscellaneous dust, spiders, cobwebs, etc.
As far as leaving it loaded for long periods of time is concerned, if I were a very prudent man with lots of time on his hands I might go out and shoot those rounds away every few months and replace them. The reality is I am a busy guy. When I do get range time I usually choose to spend it at the skeet / sporting clays range, and they won't even allow me to shoot my HD gun on their range at all (barrel too short). Additionally, the largest shot size they allow is 7 1/2.
You folks have gotten me to thinking, though. I will go home tonight and unload my 870 that has been sitting by my headboard for a couple of years and closely inspect the Remington Managed Recoil 00 buck rounds for bulging, etc. I will be really surprised if they look much different than they did when I put them in there.
Another factor to consider, is the environment where the gun is stored. My bedroom never gets really hot. However, if that shotgun were riding around in my trunk here in the Dallas/Fort Worth metromess where it was 105 yesterday, then I would be concerned about bulging and deformation of the plastic in general.
Just thinkin' out loud.