Leave of Absence....

All the best, mate ... If I was only 20 years younger ...... :(

My learning tip as an ex-chalkie is the same as someone else gave you -- do it as you go and avoid the last-minute panic.

But you'll succeed because you have the biggest factor of all -- motivation -- you want to be there!

Give 'em heaps!

And from "The Other Down Under" (where by the way, LEO's are among Argentina's most underrated and underpaid professions)... all the best! - hasta pronto!
Peter Knight
Good luck, Rob. I hope things work out for you in your new job. Thanks for all you've contributed at TFL.

In light of these new developments, what is the status of FOUP?




Deo Vindice
FOUP will be addressed in another thread. I assure you that my employment status will have no effect on the project. It is still floundering and could only conceivably be helped by my exposure to a new group of people...
Rob: Good luck and best wishes in your new career. Who knows, maybe you can find a way to carry the Glock after all.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
Rob, I recommend you to watch the original Blues Brothers movie whilst in training for TWO reasons.
1 : How NOT to drive a Police Car ;)
2 : How to go "hutt, hutt, hutt"...
If you join the SWAT team :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Our (temporary) loss is law enforcements gain.
Congradulations and good luck,


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Rob, good luck at the academy, although I know you won't need it. And, be careful out there as you pursue your LEO career full time. Perhaps you'll be able to turn on more LEO's to TFL so we can continue to expand this opportunity for 'civilian', LEO and military shooters to have honest discussions with each other.

Best regards from AZ.
I want to thank everyone for their support and well wishes, not only here, but especially all those who took the time to Email.

I'll be back soon enough...
