Leave of Absence....

Rob Pincus

New member
As part of a premature mid-life crisis and self-worth analysis, I am (as alluded to in another thread) giving up my free-wheelin', own-schedule-setting, living month-to-month gloriously free self-employed life to become a full time LEO.

This has probably been put off for about 10 years with college, military, family and money-making concerns, but I am finally going to go do it.

As many of you know, I will be running for one of the board of director spots of the LEAA this fall, and they are headquartered in Northern Virginia. In order to be closer to LEAA headquarters and to remind myself what snow looks like, I will be relocating to that area of the country and working for a mid-sized municipal PD.

For the past few months I have undergone a rather extensive screening process and hiring competition and I was finally offered a spot in a Virginia Certification Academy earlier this week. I assure you that hiring practices vary greatly from LEA to LEA, but this was one of the most rigorous I have ever heard of, but it is a quality department with good equipment, progressive training, excellent pay, in a nice area (affordable living, good schools, etc...), staffed mostly with some very professional LEOs.

The academy I will be attending is 17 weeks or so long and is in Fredricksburg, VA. I start next week.

As of this moment, my ISP is only active in the south, so I will need to get a new one up north. Also, I am not sure how much time/access I will have once I get up there. So, basically, I may disappear for awhile. But I assure you all that I will be back as soon as conditions permit.

I have realy enjoyed being part of TFL's development over the past 10 months and I appreciate Rich and everyone else that has made it a great experience. This place has really helped to sharpen my gun knowledge, political beliefs and training theories. I value my experience with TFL very highly.

I'll be around for another few days before I disappear, but I already know I'll miss my daily participation with The Firing Line.com.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited July 23, 1999).]
Congratulations, Rob.
I hope you find success and satisfaction in your life altering change.

:) You will find Virginia judges to be very supportive of the Officers in there courts.

There is a little Eastern Indian restaraunt up that way - the spicy chicken curry is so HOT, and tasty...
Wish you the best in your future endeavors. I know you will be busy, hopefully we will see you at the state match in October.


Rob, I think I can safely say we will all miss you a great deal even if only a short absence. Good luck and check back with TFL ASAP. I suppose this is why you'll be stuck with a DAO HK USP?
As I stated in my eamil, I'm glad you decided to take this opportunity. Whether you stay with it for a year or a hundred, you owed it to yourself to try.

As a plank-holder and Staff Member of TFL, you've brought a great deal to the table. Keep in mind the lessons you've taught here and the ones you've learned. Do us proud!
Rob: Glad to see you get a shot. Sorry to see you go, even for a short time. Hearfelt congrats and thanks for everything. Be careful, and be safe. You will find that snow still sucks, but the change of seasons makes it worthwhile.
Go for it, Rob. Good luck in the lawman game. (So you did not tell them about TFL did you?) LOL

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
My generation was heirs to the "coffee and doughnut" legacy left to us by our seniors. Rob's generation is healthier with "bran muffins and espresso." Alternatively, "bottled water" is acceptable in lieu of caffinated beverages.

Rob, good luck and enjoy the academy. Unlike my classmates, I use to study a little every night so I didn't have to cram for exams on Friday.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
thanks for the good wishes guys, here and in the Emails.

Yes, this is why I will be "blessed" with a DOA(!) USP.

There were SEVERAL gun related questions in the psyche screening.. I did "admit" that I was a gun collector, a gun enthusiast, that I frequented gun shops, competitions and shows. I also explained to them that I did marketing work inside the industry and was a certified instructor. Niether TFL nor my tattoos were discussed ;).

Free Coffee I am used to, I haven't ever been offered a bran muffin, but I hope the Subway shop up there has the same policy as the ones down here!

As far as the State IDPA Match, I Really want to be there.. Do you think I can get TNDPC to buy me a plane ticket? Then again, if they did, they'd want me to wear one of those damn orange shirts!
By now you guys have probly found a ringer to make sure it wouldn't be worth my while to come back anyway. ;)

We will miss you Rob!

Good luck!

The Infamous ShadedDude
Web Design and Hosting
Best of luck. My bet is you'll "wow" 'em!
(Can't help myself...) Remember, we're on YOUr side!!! :D
Dennis & Leona
When life makes an opportunity avalible, you must seize it or forever regret it. Go For it! Don't look back. I'm sure you'll be an excellent LEO.
I'm reminded of an old Ray Price song that says "I'd rather be sorry for something I've done, than for something that I didn't do."
Besides, you'll be back to TFL. I ain't like your leaving forever.

Best of luck to ya!