Lead free vs lead bullets for hunting medium game !

Pure lead is very stable. Lead alloys are not.
Now, put pure lead in your stomach acid and it will break up though.
It isn't going to dissolve into the game animal in the few hours before it is cooled or processed. These is something ignorant people dream up to convince others hunting is dangerous.
oh yes, we can always trust the dentists when it comes to the field of firearms. remember that dentist who said that his weapon firing 8-900 rounds a second would end all wars because no opposing armies would dare to risk that blood bath?

theres a reason you dont eat the meat around the wound, or the internal organs other then the heart, or the liver for the brave.

its common sense really. but the government latches onto something that the rich people like, and do stupid things to keep the rich people writing checks.

its like with unions, how many politicians want to cut hourly benefits and risk the whole damned public workers union going on strike?
most people completely avoid blood shot meat when they are butchering. anything that even has a chance of containing lead is thrown out, or at least this is the case with every person I've ever known that hunts. the only exception is birds and IIRC waterfoul hunting now requires steel shot anyway so all you have to worry about is turkeys and pheasants(some others but those are the main ones) and those are easy enough to pick shot out of. you'll be fine with lead, some people that have no idea what happens to an animal when it is shot like to make stuff up so they sound like an authority.

also, you get more heavy metal poisoning from eating seafood once a month than you do from ingesting 1 lead shotgun BB a year.
I was a college student in the early 70's. That was about the time we first began to hear about "everything" causing cancer.

One of my professors had written a one page paper as a 'tongue in cheek' response to all the chicken little's. I have lost the paper but I do recall the opening line: "Studies show beyond a shadow of a doubt that 100% of all pickle eaters DIE!!"

Think about it!!!!!!:D:D:D
Going back to lead...

I bought & tried several different "unleaded" bullets, mainly for their improved performance. I process my own game & never have I been worried about the hazard of lead in my food. I shot a couple of deer with the Barnes bullets. They worked fine - dead deer.

Then one day I was getting ready to make a bullet order when I had a small talk with myself (something old guys do). "Hey, didn't those old lead bullets worked just fine before they invented those new super lead-free bullets? Haven't you & others shot a bunch of deer up close & a bunch of deer real far with those old bullets? Don't those new bullets cost twice as much? Didn't you find out that those new bullets weren't any more accurate than the old bullets? Don't you shoot the old bullets to practice with so as to not waste those new bullets?"

That was it & I decided. I went back to the lead-core Speers & Sierras that have always relied on. Just made more sense. I sure hope the deer don't mind!


...bug :)