Lead Casting mould is too hot

Live about 23 miles out of Moscow, Idaho. North and West of Salmon a goodly distance and south of the skin head/nazis thing.

The liberals around Moscow - home of University of Id. and Pullman, Washington - about 8 miles over the boarder in Wash., and home of Washington State U. are way more then bad enough.

Lived in Pullberg for way to long and finally got out of there and Into Ideeeeeeeeeeeho.

Moscow is the better of the two as it is still a bit more farming and rural in population, but both are liberal cess pools due to the university and liberal

Glad the skin thing is gone, as they might have needed top be cleaned out.

Figure there are still some weard Os around, but don't hear about them.

Like it here, as the attitude is much better in rural Idano then in Washington.

Have filled my extra anterless deer tag for the last two years, about 10 minutes from the house. If I was just a tad bit North from here, I could shoot right out the door.

Miles and miles of 4wheeler riding leaving right from the house.

Deer - lots of white tails and a few mulies in the area, elk and moose, turkeys besides the ones at the universities. Steelhead fishing about 45 - minute to an hour away, and on a good year, chinook salmon to catch.

Used to ge great varmit hunting, but that is harder to find now days.


Keep em coming!

Crusty Deary Ol'Coot
We are about 45 min. drive to Lewiston, Id/Clarkston, Washington and 2 hours or a bit less to Spokane, Washington.