Lead Bullet Ban in CA

ledbetter...and you also got screwed by not being allowed to sign another long-term lease. They only gave you a "temporary" short term lease to give the native spirits time to wake up and complain.

I wonder how that will affect the military bases in California. I'm stationed at 29 Palms, and we shoot LOTS of lead ammo there. Same goes for Camp Pendleton, and Ft. Irwin. Typically, the base will follow state rules regarding other things and I'm curious to see how this plays out, especially with the bases push to comply with envronmental laws. On 29 Palms we have to take special precautions if we see a desert tortise and in some cases cease training if one lumbers into our area. Same at Camp Pendleton with the bison herd there.
Also, since hunting is permitted on many bases in California, I don't see how anyone could discern the environmental damage from a hunter with a .308 vs. a machinegunner shooting 1200 rounds of 7.62 for qualification.

Intresting times we live in.

Somewhere in Iraq
SLOMo - what's their reasoning behind this? do you know? heck, do they even know? uhh, lead poisoning by extremely fast projectile? uhh, its not the bullet but the bullet's lead content that causes negative long term effects? uhh, ah'll b'baacck....
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Soo condors have more rights than people now?

I expect that Law enforcement and military will have exemptions because they will be in pursuit of official duties.

They will only keep doing these things because we the people do not take a stand for their rights but rather respond with uh how do I stay within the law now...and try to comply. They must be laughing their heads off.:mad:
a law banning the use of lead bullets for any type of hunting in areas of Condor habitat
This shouldn't have any effect on you if you aren't "hunting" and are carrying a concealed handgun (with license) for personal protection during your normal daily travels.

If you get caught, just tell 'em "hey, I'm no hunter man...I support the right of the Condor to live in peace...it's the human criminals I'm objecting to"

As long as they don't pass a law banning lead bullets will in the habitat of human criminals, you should be OK.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Condors aren't even native to Cali but rather south America? They are hatching them from labs and releasing them into the cali wild....?
This is pretty sad. I can't wait to leave California after college.
:cool: Too many rules and laws that make no sense and make it harder for law abiding citizens to legally protect themselves.
Edward429451 said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Condors aren't even native to Cali but rather south America? They are hatching them from labs and releasing them into the cali wild....?

Consider yourself wrong, then. :cool:

You're confusing the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) with the California Condor (Gymnogyps californianus).

The California condor isn't a scavenger as much as its Andean cousin. CA-Condors will kill and eat small mammals. It's head is different and wingspan is longer too. Both are very cosmetically challenged.
Aha! I stand corrected.

So if a Gymnogyps Calafornianus swoops down upon your pet cat or small dog in cali, do you;
a) shoot it with a lead boolit in protest.
b) Shoot it with a solid copper bullet for political correctness.
c) Let the bird with rights eat and send your pets bones to the Governator to show your support.

The condor is going the way of the saber-toothed tiger, and nothing will stop that. Both specialized for feeding on the numerous large animals that used to populate the area. With the wooly mammoth and his friends long gone, the condors place on the food chain no longer exists. Extinction is the price some species pay for overspecialization.

Now, can anyone tell me why condors are dying from lead bulklets in dead animals, but vultures seem to be doing just fine? Maybe it isn't the lead after all.
I recently spoke to two Fish and Game agents about their attitude towards this ban. The veteran basically said he couldn't care less about it. The younger one gave me the speech about how the Condors injest it from carcasses, etc. So, in other words, if a veteran sees you hunting they may not bother to check your ammo. If a young rookie sees you, they are brainwashed enough to check your ammo and bust you as they don't know how to use sound professional judgement at that stage in their careers.

The post above brings up a good point, the vultures seem to be doing okay. Where I usually squirrel hunt, there is a Red-shouldered hawk that comes out of a grove of trees and perches on a fence near where I shoot. Whenever I hit a squirrel, the hawk swoops down and snatches it. That hawk hasn't died yet.

I am wondering if there is actually any evidence that Condors are actually ingesting the lead from hunter's bullets?

Also, does anybody know if there are any lawsuits against this regulation?
I was stationed at Vandenberg AFB for a little while, I remember they always close the beach off in the middle of the summer for some stupid bird that nests there, Half of the chemicals we were supposed to train with weren't allowed in the state, so we had to simulate surface repair and corrosion repair.

Everytime we launched a rocket, the front gate would draw a little herd of protesters, who would be yapping away on thier cellphones, or carrying Navigation kits so they didn't get lost. Funny, most the rockets going up were....GPS and comm satellites!

Wow, my Rainier leadsafe range ammo wouldn't even be considered safe there. Funny.
I watch the goings-on in CA and feel sorry for my shooting friends that live there. It's especially sad because so much of that state, beyond the cities, is a treasure of natural beauty.

I guess the loons want to drive everyone else out so they can have paradise to themselves. I'm about to the point that I'd buy products made in France before I'd buy them from 'Frisco.
Thanks for your sympathy. I have been born, raised, started a career, married, and had kids in this sorry state. Both sets of the kids grandparents live close by and are still in good health. So, overall, I am very fortunate and blessed. I do wonder sometimes how I could be stuck in such a screwed up state! Keep in mind, that the wildlife people actually recommended a smaller area and less restrictive ban. Arnold decided that the legislature knew better and a wide-reaching ban was implemented.

I am really in agreement with the guy above who said he would rather buy from France than Frisco. We, here in rural CA are screwed royally. The liberal losers in SF and LA have all the voting power.

Target shooting is still okay with lead ammo. What I would recommend is just carrying a target with you when you are hunting and make sure a few holes are poked in it so if you are ever stopped by Fish and Game...
Next Step...

Just wait until burning of gun powder is linked as contirbutor to global warming. Then Californians will not only be lead free, but powder free too.

That Daisy red Ryder looks better all the time, doesn't it?