LCP + 10" steel plate + 5 yards =

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Pepper spray and Tasers are arm's length weapons, as are knives.
A gun-even an LCP, increases that distance measurably. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
As I have said- if you can hit your target at 25 yards, you can damned sure hit it at 10 feet.
Pepper spray and Tasers are arm's length weapons, as are knives. A gun-even an LCP, increases that distance measurably.

No, a pocket pistol is an arms length weapon too. Of course, your mileage may vary and you well could be within the 14% that accurately hits at two to ten feet.

I am sure everyone is in their own mind. Firearms are tools and there is a reason they did not storm the beaches of Normandy with pocket pistols.

Either way, feel free to go with your bad self using that LCP at 25 yards.
Simply put, the LCP does not have the capability required and was never intended to be a combat pistol.

No offense but the notion of a combat pistol is kind of silly. Even a full size duty pistol offers very weak performance and accuracy compared to a rifle. I'm impressed with how well my second gen LCP shoots out to 15-20 yards, even shooting fairly fast. I have no idea how I would do with it in an actual defensive situation because like most people I've never been in that kind of situation.
No, a pocket pistol is an arms length weapon too. Of course, your mileage may vary and you well could be within the 14% that accurately hits at two to ten feet.

I'm not a fan of the LCP but the video kind of proves that it can be accurate at longer distances. To say it's limited to arms length engagements is silly and very easy to prove wrong.

You can quote as many sources as you want who might have problems shooting the gun but that doesn't really prove anything other than they aren't a good shot with the gun.

Bringing up numerous arguments that a full size pistol is more accurate at longer distances, or that rifles are better, or that most police officers miss at ranges of 2 to 10 feet has nothing to do with the fact that the LCP can be effective at modest distances.
This thread needs more cowbell:

You do know that claiming military experience and accolades is a crime, right?

Snips from my DD214's which I am happy to compare with anyone else's in person.




So what is the color of the boathouse at Hereford????? :rolleyes:

I'm impressed with how well my second gen LCP shoots out to 15-20 yards, even shooting fairly fast.

The LCP II is an improvement over the LCP without a doubt.

I'm not a fan of the LCP but the video kind of proves that it can be accurate at longer distances. To say it's limited to arms length engagements is silly and very easy to prove wrong.

Not really. Huge difference between shooting on a range putting holes in paper and combat.

You do understand the study specified that officers who could easily engage targets at long ranges with their duty pistol only scored a 14% hit rate in combat.
"No, a pocket pistol is an arms length weapon too. Of course, your mileage may vary and you well could be within the 14% that accurately hits at two to ten feet.

I am sure everyone is in their own mind. Firearms are tools and there is a reason they did not storm the beaches of Normandy with pocket pistols.

Either way, feel free to go with your bad self using that LCP at 25 yards.
davidsog is offline Report Post "

It's a well-known fact that most cops can't shoot worth a damn. I can.

The beaches of Normandy were stormed with M-1 rifles, O3-A3s, Thompson SMGs, and BARs. Handguns were way down the list of arms.

My bad self doesn't carry an LCP. I carry a P32.
The beaches of Normandy were stormed with M-1 rifles, O3-A3s, Thompson SMGs, and BARs.

That is right....Pocket pistols were not the right tool for the job just as they not the right tool outside of arms reach.

Good luck, fair winds, blue skies and I sincerely hope no harm ever comes your way, Bill. If it does then let that .32 and the man wielding it be up to task.
You do understand the study specified that officers who could easily engage targets at long ranges with their duty pistol only scored a 14% hit rate in combat.

Police officers should get more training. OK, now that that’s out of the way what’s your point? Many people choose these small firearms for self defense because they are easy to carry. Yeah a rifle would be better but most people have a hard time concealing them.

These pistols can be effective at modest ranges. Most people can’t hit a 4” plate at 10 yards 3/4’s the time with any handgun. That doesn’t change the fact that these pistol can be effective at 50 yards. It’ll take more training to get proficient with a smaller gun but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
OK, now that that’s out of the way what’s your point?

Be aware of short comings and consequences of choosing a pocket pistol designed for the immediate threat as a primary.

That doesn’t change the fact that these pistol can be effective at 50 yards. It’ll take more training to get proficient with a smaller gun but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Target shooting on a flat range does not equate to combat shooting.

It just might be more prudent to seek cover or break contact in order to change the situation to your advantage rather than attempt a 50 yard shot with an LCP on a two way firing range.

His front sight might be nice, bright, easily covering your sizzlechest, and he has a good chance of having equipment not on the lower end of the spectrum (meaning a pocket pistol ).
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Snips from my DD214's which I am happy to compare with anyone else's in person.
Looks to me like you're more than willing to compare "DD214 size" over the internet, too... :rolleyes:

I have one, too.
I don't post it on the interwebs, or lean on it in an attempt to gain sway in a discussion about self defense pistols.
Looks to me like you're more than willing to compare "DD214 size" over the internet, too...

It is pretty big too. Not the biggest but it will do.

I don't post it on the interwebs, or lean on it in an attempt to gain sway in a discussion about self defense pistols.

Neither do I. Mentioning the fact I did not pull something out of my fourth point of contact or stay in a Holiday Inn Express but earned the education is not an attempt to sway anything. That is simply others insecurity.

If that insecurity thinks it can cast a disparaging eye upon the fact I did not come up with these points on my own or pull them from my fourth point of contact then do not let the truth hurt your feelings.
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