Laws with black powder.

Not sure what you are looking for, and each state would be different. As for federal law, even felons can possess BP firearms, with the exception of in line rifles.
BB in SC
well i live in texas and ive heard that its perfectly legal to carry BP in plain sight, in the vehicle, on person, just not in any government buildings. is somebody lying to me?
While a cap & ball revolver, say, is not covered by federal laws like a breechloader, carrying one to "go armed" would probably be considered no different from a magnum.

I am not a lawyer, but neither is the cop on the beat.
He sees you wearing a gun, he is going to want to see a license or he may well run you in.
Most laws on the subject say "weapons", that would include cap n ball revolvers, just as it includes knives and standard firearms.
Just because a bp weapon is declared a non gun by the BATF doesn't make it a non gun by local laws.
i live in va. and people can carry firearms unconcealed in most places(excluding restaruants,bars and were it's posted)all the time, but it's nothing unusual for me to be at a grocery store with my two youngins and see someone in plain sight carrying a pistol and not look twice at far as ccw how do we really know they have one unless it's blatently obvious or were lookin at them really close like and then what does that say about us?.
And, while I hate to be a party pooper (Hey, I carried a '51 brass framed .44 while delivering pizzas in a bad neighborhood; it was all I owned at the time.), someone is going to say the following, 'cuz we're all thinkin' it: WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO?

I know this is the BP & CAS page, but you can get a decent Com-bloc service pistol for less than $200. Why bet your life on nearly 200-year-old technology?
i won't flame you but with the newer guns(bp)we can put a conversion cylinder in one,chop the barrel if need be and have fast draw rigs that will rival anything to date.all in all it boils down to we are bp nuts(me at least)and carry one because we want not because we have to.thanks for opinion i appreciate you askin us.


"never trust somethin that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die"
Black Powder C&B arms carried for protection are reguarded by most municipalities the same as cartridge firearms, for legal purposes. I'd feel very confident with a .45 Cap N Ball for defense as they are accurate in the extreme and I'm excellent with a single action. That's what I carry when I go into the woods/desert and I shoot mine alot.
P.S. 2 legged varmints are the easiest to protect yourself from. Shoot them in the face. Fight over. A .31 round ball should be sufficient..........MIke
As far as needing to carry a C&B Revolver for self defence against maybe a 2 legged predetor, NO but wanting to cary one of mine out into the woods for maybe a 4 legged creature, Yes

You'd be supprised as to what a .44 caliber C&B Revolver can do in the right hands & will be reliable for the first 5-6 shots too.
well frankly its not that its all i have or anything its just because i like black powder. theres nothing better than a western holster with sixgun in it. im seriously thinking about moving to an open carry state.
You should carry the gun you are most proficient with, and you should practice both accurate shooting AND safe handling techniques with that gun regularly.

If that happens to be a cap and ball percussion revolver, then so be it. You're much better off with a gun that you know well and can shoot accurately than something you only shoot once a month or less.
well mostly im shooting my dads Ruger Old Army. and i absolutely love it. just bp all around is great. the big cloud of smoke and the smell like none other. if texas was open carry, you bet your boots i would have that old army strapped on my thigh. i can hit good with it.:D
As for federal law, even felons can possess BP firearms, with the exception of in line rifles.

I don't think it has anything to do with felons, Its just simply anyone can buy without any questions asked.
Many good people with black marks from the long past would buy and enjoy pre 1898 arms and not have any problems as long as they remained law abiding.
I have posted this before, but there was a stinking punk living next door with a felony record that was prosecuted and sent back to prison with a charge of Felon in possession of a firearm. That firearm was a BB gun. He would shoot tweety birds in our yard and it didn't mater that the wife was in the yard working in the flower garden.
I realize that the OP asked about TX, and each state will likely have different laws on the subject. Always check with the local powers that be if you want to make sure you are legal.

However, NY law may provide an insight into the original question.

In NY, you need a permit to posses, use, carry, or even touch a handgun.

However, certain blackpowder handguns are considered antiques (even replicas) and can be purchased and owned without any type of permit. So far, this seems to be similar the OPs understanding.

If you read further into it, you will find that as soon as you posses the "means to load" that blackpowder handgun then you now posses a "weapon" which requires a license and comes under all the restrictions of a "modern" handgun.

Beyond the simple possession/carry restrictions, there are also other legal considerations. If it looks like a gun and you carry it around or "brandish" it, you are likely to run afoul of the police, especially if you do not have a carry permit.

Again, local laws vary. But it is usually safe to figure that there are virtually no loopholes when it comes to carrying weapon.