Law Enforcement M14, Legal?

Mr. Keenan,
If you would have bothered to read my last post, I said my question was answered, NO ONE CAN BUY OR SELL A USGI M14..
As to the DOD not keeping track? Not my problem.
Go back to the first post and see who was trying to sell the item.
You could also try if your buddy buddy with the sheriff to deputize you and allow you to purchase the weapon. Out here that isn't that far fetched and still is considered legal unless you lose the "badge". I found this out from a guy who didn't want to pay like 15K plus for an MP5 and found out if he did it that way it would have been just something like 2K. Can't verify, but just like certain body armor, if you can get an leo or mil to sign off on it, you can buy it.

Negative. Full stop. Halt.

It is NOT now, nor has it EVER been (since the closing of the NFA register) legal to do as you suggest, ANYWHERE, here in the United States.

Can an individual LEO purchase a fully automatic firearm? Yes, without a doubt. HOWEVER, they still have to jump through ALL the hoops that a non-LEO would have to. This includes FULL compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws. As an example, I live in WA State--which means that I cannot legally own full auto, SBS/SBR or AOW, EVEN as a police officer for private use.

Can an individual LEO purchase a full-auto as a DUTY gun? Yes--and it CAN be of recent manufacture, and of any current model.


The firearm will be NON-TRANSFERABLE. The firearm MUST be purchased on Department letterhead, with the Chief's signature, and MUST be used as a duty weapon. Here's the important part...

WHEN the officer leaves the Department, the FA firearm MUST REMAIN WITH THE DEPARTMENT, unless the officer is rehired by another Department, AND they agree to a transfer of custody between Departments.

If the LEO leaves the law enforcement profession--as in fully sworn police officer, THEY LOSE THE FIREARM, WITHOUT HOPE OF COMPENSATION OR REIMBURSEMENT.

Even though this is legal, I have NEVER heard of ANY Department in the United States approving the private purchase of a full auto firearm by an individual officer for duty use.

As far as being "buddy buddy" with the Sheriff, and having them "deputize" you for this purpose, there are so many things ethically wrong--and ILLEGAL--about that statement that I won't even comment on them.
The M14 is not a machinegun nor was it ever to include the full auto models. It is a "Battle Rifle". The full auto M16 A1 and the M16A2 with the three round burst is not a machine gun either, it too is a "rifle". I was a marine and my job was "machinegunner'. A M2 50cal and an M60 E2 and E3 are machineguns.

Patrol: In the eyes of the BATF&E for civilian use, any firearm that fires more than one round with a single pull of the trigger is dubbed a MG. An automatic weapon or three round burst is considered a MG. This includes M16's, M4's MP5's, etc. It has nothing to do with the purpose built light & heavy MG's procured by the mil. Even a guy that has malfunction on the range with his semi-auto AR unintentionally firing more than round with one pull of the trigger can, and has been in one case that I know of WHERE THE WEAPON WAS FOUND TO HAVE NOT BEEN ILLEGALLY MODIFIED TO DO SO, be prosecuted for possession of a MG without a stamp.
Powderman and VUPD chill. The buddy buddy thing was taking out and beaten like a dead horse. If you ARE WILLING TO become a true deputy and uphold that position not just for the gun and can get that weapon in the process why not. You totally misread that or I wrote it wrong. If I asked to due that I would in fact BE a deputy and fulfill my duties as one, not get a hook up like the deputy **** your talking about that happens out in Cali and stuff that I read on the War on Guns blog. Relax and have a calm conversation, it does wonders and keeps people around to discuss. This is one reason I hear so many people say they stay away from forums. You can't "read" a person through text so don't assume and start a calm discussion and go from there. Geez
Sorry if I offended.

When I read something along the lines of using your badge or position for personal gain, or signing up to be a cop just so you can get to shoot cool stuff, it raises my blood pressure somewhat.

Again, sorry if I offended you.
Sorry if I offended.

When I read something along the lines of using your badge or position for personal gain, or signing up to be a cop just so you can get to shoot cool stuff, it raises my blood pressure somewhat.

Again, sorry if I offended you

+1 here, but it seemed like something sinister at face value the first time around....
I don't care what it is, it truly is and always will be a beautiful rifle. IMHO, it is the best "battle rifle" ever made, hands down!!:)
I've not used bulletin boards on the internet much; in fact I just recently started searching these firearm boards. I am currently a Criminal Justice student with a emphasis on Law Enforcement, and hold two suppressors that I purchased both of which have their own tax form. I am asking about buying a SWD M11:

The article says that this gun is civilian transferable gun so I assume that it's pre 1986. I am only getting this for sport and fun (not even hunting), and I will make sure that I get the tax stamps (one for gun, one for suppressor) approved by my local PD chief before I put the money down on the weapon (which is 4k). I just want to make sure that I am going through this process legally because I have always strived to keep my record pristine and as a student I recognize the law to its utmost. I have two suppressors already that I had no problem getting after a three month wait. So, any advice will be much appreciated - even if its to tell me that it not possible to own one of these weapons. I have read about owning pre86 SMGs for individuals of my state, South Carolina, and found out that as long as you pay the $200 tax stamd you can buy any pre86 machine gun, and even destructive devices as long as you get that $200 stamp for each mortar or grenade. As you can expect that adds up to ALOT of taxes. I anly want a sport gun that runs through rounds to have fun with and hone my skills on my own 1,000 acre property. By doing this will I be inside the law still?
If it's a transferable, the process to obtain it is the exact same as the process you went through to get your suppressors.
You could also try if your buddy buddy with the sheriff to deputize you and allow you to purchase the weapon. Out here that isn't that far fetched and still is considered legal unless you lose the "badge".

Interesting that back in the Clinton administration, members of congress and their staff used this very method to bypass Washington DC gun laws. They were issued credentials as US Marshals.
Hey guys, I've seen/shot a factory original M14 semi. Says so right on the receiver, originally came that way. The bit where the selector switch goes is smooth, never milled out, factory original delete. I'll have to check the manufacturer next time I get a chance, I though it was Springfield armory, but I'm not certain. The guy I know that has it has had it for many years, and says it's a rare gun.. I guess it is :D Point being, if the one I know of exists, there must be more...
Hey guys, I've seen/shot a factory original M14 semi. Says so right on the receiver, originally came that way. The bit where the selector switch goes is smooth, never milled out, factory original delete. I'll have to check the manufacturer next time I get a chance, I though it was Springfield armory, but I'm not certain. The guy I know that has it has had it for many years, and says it's a rare gun.. I guess it is Point being, if the one I know of exists, there must be more...

Federal Ordnance made a number of semi-auto M14s as did Norinco/Polytech.
Fulton Armory receivers are marked "M14," as are others.

The only semiauto USGI M14s are the M14NMs, which have the selector boss, albeit welded.



It doesn't matter if DoD did or did not "lose track" of a gun, some gun, or all of them. If an individual is found with an M14, he will be arrested, indicted and possibly imprisoned. In one case I know of, a three star general testified that the Army had NEVER released ANY M14 rifles for civilian sale, period. And that, therefore, ANY GI M14 in civilian hands was not only illegal, but stolen property, period.
That is almost correct. M14s were issued by the DoD to DCM (now CMP) affiliated clubs. However, in the last year or so the CMP has issued a recall for all the club M14s. Until then, a civilian could be legally in the possession of a DoD M14, so long as it was a DCM/CMP club gun.

The true M14s out in the civilian population have come from several sources. The Department of Energy had M14s for nuclear facilities guards, but disposed of them before '86. When HRA went Chapter 7 and was liquidated, the M14s in the possession of the company were sold off. These, of course, were never DoD guns; they were the property of HRA.

Also, TRW presented M14NMs to "friends of the company," which is how the only legeally-defined true M14 semiauto (only) in civilian hands came to be.

So true M14s can be had legally. Until quite recently, it was legal for DCM/CMP-affiliated club members to be in possession of DoD-loaned M14s. There are true M14s that never went to the DoD; Frank Iannamico has had one on offer at this time; I'm not sure if it has been sold or not. If you have $35,000 to spare and are interested, I'll put you into contact with him.

The only full-auto M14-type rifle I've fired is Frank's select-fire Springfield, Inc. M1A, a rifle built and NFA-registered prior to '86, of course. Note that "Springfield, Inc." may be "the oldest name in American gunmaking," but the name is the only thing in common with the real Springfield Armory, the National ARmory in Springfield, MA closed by then-SecDef McNamara in '68. The confusion is deliberate, though a brilliant marketing ploy.


Here's a update on the LE M14.
It was USGI rifle loaned to a dept. that mistakenly sold so it could purchase
new weapons.
The rifle was beautiful with only storage rack dings on the stock.
The metal finish was mint. The selector was locked. It was maufactured in 1961. It was field stripped and found to be very well marked.

After all the advise on this topic of which I am very grateful, the rifle was sold back to the Dept.

The world is safe again Mr.Keenan.
