Latest MSN.COM Hit Piece on Guns

Do note that EVERY statement, study, finding, and all "research" where the conclusion is that guns are responsible for ...(pick your action, suicide, murder, cop killing, crime, etc...) are based on the flawed assumption that inanimate objects are responsible for human behavior. They are not.

These people are the 21st century version of what may be the "3rd oldest profession" , con men. The idea that some thing, other than the people involved being responsible goes back to tribal shaman "teaching" us that it is the spirts that cause men's actions for good or ill, and these sprits live in certain objects or places.

Beads and rattles and talismans have fallen out of favor, today they use statistics to "prove" their dogma is real and we must heed it or be in danger.

EVERY individual action is caused by someone's free will. Not a gun, a loaf of bread, a rock or even the internet. Its PEOPLE, not things that decide what people do, and what they do it with.
Claiming otherwise is just a lie.
.. and completely discredits the so-called "journalist" and their outlet when they can't spell something taught in grade school or use correct grammar. Unfortunately, it's now endemic.
"News" outlets are rarely any better than failbook these days. Nothing but opinion pieces, very little actual news.

Surprises me on forums like this, even tho most have "spellcheck", that there is the amount of spelling errors that there are. Does not make me personally "discredit" the author tho, if their info is spot on. Does the misspelling of Vermont, make it so adolescents can't possess handguns?

I agree tho, that there are some false statements presented in the article that could have easily been checked for truth. That tends to make me hesitant to put a lot of faith in what is being presented, much more than misspelled words.

Here is a good read tho if folks want to read something else......

All my spelling & grammar is very deliberate idiosyncratic vernacular.

(Mods may delete as necessary)
(minus a tenth --> "are")