Laser surgery & shooting

my experiences

well im 27.5 years old and i had the surgery 7.5 years ago on my 20th birthday. that was my 3000$ bday present to myself not long after lasik came out. i have nothing but great things to say about it, best 3k i ever spent. that doesnt mean my eyes wont fall out when im 50 but for now im happy with the outcome.

now i know how the guys in iraq feel with the sand and all, at the time and up until a few months ago, i worked in a very dirty, dusty place where contacts were not an option. and working outdoors in and out with foggy glasses wasnt much fun during the winter months and all so i bit the bullet, so to speak. that and i just wanted to wear sunglasses.:cool:

as far as my condition, i couldnt see far away, but it had gotten so bad to the piont where i couldnt read a book without the glasses. i think i was offically blind as a bat lol. the day after the surgery got me to somewhere around 20/35 20/40, i believe. i honestly dont know cause i havent gone to an eye doctor since then. my eyesite hasnt changed much in those 7.5 years yet that i can tell. so far so good. i have my days when my vision is a bit blurry but that has to do more with fatique than anything else. when i drive at night i can stare dead into most vehicles headlights on bright and not even squint. i dont know why, it wasnt like that before, so it must be the surgery. NOW the only bad thing i can say about how my eye sight ended up is a VERY VERY SUPER SENSITIVITY TO SUNLIGHT. the sun blinds me almost all times of day, im constantly looking for some shade to protect them if i dont have my glasses on me. other than that no halos or scratches or otherwise that really bother me, i dont go out of my way looking for them either.

as far as shooting goes, i dont have any problems that i know of. im still new to shooting so that may change, but i can see the sites and focus on the target, im happy lol. and if i cant my new crimson trace grips will take care of that problem too lol

now to sum up, i think everyone that can afford it (and has the right vision problems to fix) should have the surgery. it could have only gotten better in the last 7 years. i think the biggest thing is finding the right doctor to do it.

thats about all i can remember and think of to say at the moment, ill edit if anything more pops into my head...

Riverkeeper, Capt Charlie
I don't know when the incidents you describe occurred, but it is my understanding that A LOT has changed in recent years.

My mother was born legally blind. About a year ago, my dad and I treated her to LASIK surgery. It came highly recommended by people in our church and doctors (I live in Houston, we have some of the best Doctors in the world...and, if I remember right, that is especially true of eye doctors). We were told and shown (video) how the quality had improved and this risks diminished from 10-15 years ago. The technology used to be used only by astronauts in space 20-30 years ago. Among the testimony was former astronaut (I can't remember which one) used the same technology that he and others used to repair his vision. Local radio host Dan Patrick also personally testified to the quality of his vision. A number of other local Texas people personally testified to the quality of LASIK. Granted it sounds like a commercial coming from what some might call "celebrities" but still, they are well known people who have walked away from it and can see clearly.
The risks in part do depend on your condition, but they give you a thorough examination to determine what they are and if they can help you.
It takes only seconds to complete the surgury (they don't have to put you under either) with about a day or so of recovery for your eyes.
By the blessing of God, my mother can see clearly for the first time in her life without the use of glasses. The only thing she needs glasses for is reading (she is over 40). She did have some issues after the surgery with her vision being a tad blurred in one eye, but this was resolved upon some adustment.
I am seriously considering doing it myself in a year or so.
One of the lucky ones

I guess I'm one of the lucky ones - I had my laser surgery done in 1991 in the FDA case study program to get this procedure approved. I had a lot of the problems listed earlier; vision was 20/450 at age 21 and only getting worse. I was having a lot of problems with eyeglasses and contacts also, and was constantly worried about losing contacts under water when I would scuba dive.

My opthamologist in Kentucky referred me into the program, and they carefully explained the risks. I did realize that they could possibly destroy my corneas, and I would have to have a transplant. Luckily, none of that happened - and I got the proceedure for free.

That's not to say it was a cake walk. These days, they tell me the proceedure is pretty pain-free. Back then, they were giving people injections, almost like epidurals, behind the eye. Then, they figured out the after effects of the injection were worse than using a more simple pain blocker. Live and learn, I guess. And they didn't have things down to an exact science. In total, I have had the surgery five times in an 18-month period (three on the right eye, two on the left). They were pretty conservative in how much they "shaved" off each time, but it ended up in a pretty good job.

Bottom line is that things worked out great. It's been 15 years, and after moving a couple of times I've moved back into the area and saw the same opthamologist that originally referred me into the program for an exam last month. He is amazed that my vision is STILL 20/20. Halos are minimal, and light sensitivity and dry eyes have not been too much of a problem.

All in all, I recommend the proceedure. But everybody should do their homework and find a reputable doc to do the proceedure. If anyone is in the Kentucky-Ohio-West Virginia region and want to know more about the doc who did my surgery, or have any questions, feel free to message me.
had my LASIC half a year ago. I paid a good amount for a good doctor. I am a young pup who was nearsighted with a slight astygmatism. my vision is now better than 20/20 I can shoot great without worring about finding my glasses or worring about them falling off.

If you want to research LASIC on the web go for it, but there are probably better websites for that than tfl
One thing i noticed was that I became much more aware of protecting my eyes after I had the surgery. Always wearing safety glasses or goggles. making sure I had safety glasses in the car, on the boat, on the four wheeler. My kids used ot give me crap when I would walk in from the shop and still have my glasses on. last summer I was running the boat on the River and got a June bug smack in the eye. Had I not be wearing safety glasses, I would have lost the eye. As it was, I was still cut by the edge of the glasss from eh impact but my eye was good. Another lesson do not drive 75MPH at dusk 3 feet from the surface of the river. :eek:
I did lasik too...

I went with the cheapest doc I found at the time, it was 895 per eye. I did that because lasik is done with a computerized machine. I now see 20 20 in nice weather, the thing is, with lasik, the post operative directions must be followed to the T, the steriod drops, the not touching the eyes, and back then, there were no tracking lasers I had to keep looking at the red dot during the zapping that unfortaunately, after the flaps are lifted, you see nuttin but a big blur. steady eye, follow all directions and you will be fine. of course you must be a good candidate for the procedure or else complications can arise, I was -5.25 diopters in both eyes, with pretty thick cornias, but I have a large pupil diameter and as expected, my night vision is not great, but doable. I say go for it. worth it. really.
Just got mine done, and to be honest, I couldn't be happier. Waking up, seeing better than with contacts/glasses and WITHOUT fumbling with glasses! I love it so far, following my post-op instructions to the dot. I just got the standard LASIK, I can't really imagine a better outcome with the CUSTOM. VERY pleased with my surgery, well worth it...
LASIK is not the only option. The only approved vision correction method for Air Force flyers is Photorefractive Keratectomy or PRK and they did a lot of study on it. Results are about the same but they don't cut a flap off first, they just map and zap. It is supposed to maintain the integrity of the eye better. If you are thinking about eye surgery you might want to investigate this as an option as well.
LASIK is not the only option. The only approved vision correction method for Air Force flyers is Photorefractive Keratectomy or PRK and they did a lot of study on it. Results are about the same but they don't cut a flap off first, they just map and zap. It is supposed to maintain the integrity of the eye better. If you are thinking about eye surgery you might want to investigate this as an option as well.
It's the predecessor to LASIK. The downside is pain and lots of it. Bandages on your eyes and a far greater risk of infection. Forget about PRK, it's the old technology. Several friends had it and after watching them I said no way.

I had Lasik done 8 years ago. It was the best $4500 I ever spent. I'm now 20/15 in my left eye and 20/20 in the right.

I have pretty bad eyesight, and to complicate things, the vision in each eye is VERY different than in the other eye. One of my concerns with LASIK has been the worry that I wouldn't be able to focus on the front sight (which I have to wear reading glasses for now) and still be able to see the target. Does this sound like a problem any of you have had?
with lasik, you best correct your distance vision to 20 20. and wear reading glasses for close up looking, cant see close due to age is due to the lack of flexibility of the lens itself which happens over time. Cornea shape determines general vision, lens in the eye allows close up viewing.

I'm not too old, and can still focus up close. but if you hold your gun at arms length, you should be fine ?

I've been considering LASIK Eye Surgery for several years now BUT just cannot make up my mind. Most recently my eyes have gotten much worse because I can't see nuthin' without my glasses (bifocals) but actually I'm farsighted because I can't see at a distance very well anymore either.

Like Capt. Charlie said, I too may be dealing with cataracts in the near future. But I had trouble shooting the last time I went. I actually did better by removing my glasses. Even my bifocals don't work at the computer. I use magnifying glasses I bought at the drugstore.

When I first started investigating LASIK everyone around here was going to Canada because we live so close to the border. The eye surgeons there are top notch and back then the exchange rate on the money was about 30% so you could save a bundle. I know several people who went there and are 100% satisfied. But now the exchange rate has plummeted so there is no financial advantage to going across the border. Besides I prefer spending my money in the USA and that could have been an underlying reason why I choose not have the surgery.

But after reading this thread I am really reconsidering whether or not to have this procedure. Once again, my friend Capt. Charlie has the best advise and that is, "to look for the best ophthalmologist in the business that does NOT offer LASIK and get his professional, unbiased opinion."

But it sure would be nice to be able to see without these stupid glasses AGAIN!
I got mine done two years ago. I was previously at -4.75 in both eyes. Now, I'm at 20/20, all distances. No halos, some mild blurriness when I'm tired or after I've put pressure on the eye. My dad had cataracts to the point where he shouldn't have been driving. He went to the same doc and got the new crystal lens corneal replacement. We both couldn't be happier. I'm especially pleased to be able to spend time outdoors and not have to have my survival depend on my contact lenses.

Well, fellas, my LASIK surgery will be taking place exactly one week from this very moment. Noon-thirty on Friday.

The $3600 price tag is the least of my worries. I'm going through with it, though. Wish me luck.

Good Luck to you. Let us know how it turns out. I'm particularly interested in the results as I have a LASIK Eye Surgery pamphlet setting right here in front of me. I just need a "push" in the right direction.

LASIK is not the only option. The only approved vision correction method for Air Force flyers is Photorefractive Keratectomy or PRK and they did a lot of study on it. Results are about the same but they don't cut a flap off first, they just map and zap. It is supposed to maintain the integrity of the eye better. If you are thinking about eye surgery you might want to investigate this as an option as well.
The reason that the Air Force requires PRK versus LASIK is that they don't want the flap to become detached during high G maneuvers. You are correct in that after a year both LASIK and PRK have the same outcome.

A newer, better, and more expensive option is custom ablation LASIK or Zyoptix. Also clear lens extraction AKA cataract surgery without the cataracts is another with the exception of automatically requiring reading glasses.
Verisyse Lens

In two days I will undergo a second Verisyse procedure to implant my second lens. I knew before I even went in to see my opthamologist that I didn't want lasik. My glasses perscription was at a steady -10.5 diopter, and my unaided focal distance for reading was three inches. There wouldn't have even been anything left of my corneas after lasik or PRK. To make matters worse, I had very low tollerance for contact lenses, clip on sunglasses or even multiple glasses with the same perscription.

That left Verisyse.

The Verisyse Lens is a contact lens implanted between the cornea and the iris. The downside is that the recover time is longer than Lasik or PRK, and that this is actual surgery. It is also expensive, and in $7000. Finally, there is the possibility that the lens could become dislodged by a serious blow to the head, like with boxing or airbag deployment. Full contact football might also be a bad idea. The upside is that the lens is 100% correctable. If for some reason, something goes wrong during or after the procedure, they can go back in and correct it or reverse it.

Two weeks ago I had the first eye done. That same day, hours after the procedure, my eye tested at 20/35. Far better than I've had since the second grade. Yesterday I tested at 20/25. Although there was a risk of halos and poorer nighttime vision, neither has been the case. Every once in a while I will catch a brief reflection of light off of the bottom of the lens. Maybe once a day. Also, I have a slight sensitivity to bright sunlight, but that may still be attributed to surgery recovery.

All in all, I would say that I got everything I hoped to get and a little bit more, from my first eye procedure. I would recommend it to anyone who has fully research the option and is considering it.