You should practice in all situations more without the aid than with. However practicing with heavily in the initial stages of training (such as point shooting etc...) with the aid will increase your confidence to do it well and train muscle memory. Point shooting, just like a golf swing, and a basketball free throw is all about muscle memory, and you have to practice it a lot to ingrain that memory into place. Bubbygator's experience is a point in this favor. He stopped practicing because he couldn't focus on the sights/target well anymore. Add in the pointing aid, he practiced more, and ingrained things well enough into his muscle memory that as he admitted, he can shoot good without needing the aid anymore.
When it gets right down to it, a laser on a carry weapon and/or on a home defense weapon should be nothing more than stacking the deck in your favor. You load your weapon, to stack the deck in your favor. You put sights on it to stack it in your favor. You practice shooting to stack it in your favor. I don't know about you but when I'm stacking a deck, I'd rather make it a royal flush than a full house. If a goblin jumps me in my house, or on a dimly lit street late at night the more things stacked in my favor the better...