Lady commits suicide with rented gun at range (suppossedly)

I went to college at the Univ. of tx at Elpaso, utep,,,,and while there taught a fellow student to shoot a 22 pistol, he asked a lot of questions concerning selfdefense and a 22 and the best location for terminal results, I didnt catch the signs that were there, a month or so later he cleaned out his dorm room and drove to the other side of town and took his life with that 22. He was 21 years old and had one semester left to complete his accounting degree-----the only reason I can see that there were subtle signs is because of the suicide, most likely I would not have been able to stop him anyway, and having known more than myshare of this behavoir from people I dont believe you can necessarily stop or be aware of there intents......y0u never know what causes them to switch from rational to irrational behavioir or when it will happen........fubsy.
The Japanese are the number one in suicides-to-population rate and that proves that banning guns from civilians does not stop suicides. Those who want to die will find some other means to do that.

Finland is also comparably high in suicides. Suicidal men often hang themself, but shooting also happens quite often, mostly with a shotgun that is very common weapon in Finland since a lot of people hunt here. Men also commit suicides by voluntary head-on accidents with trucks, and some truckdrivers tell it is their worst nightmare when a car just drives directly towards their truck.

Women don't normally use a gun, but instead take overdosis of medicine, or poison, or jump under a train or from a high place, or open their veins with a knife and blead to death. The methods to commit a suicide are mostly different depending on sex.

I think all suicides cannot be prevented, some people just decide to "give up". Some can, and just listening to someone's problems who feels he/she cannot make it to the next day can prevent a suicide. That's at least what I have heard.

BTW, I admit I have been a lousy poster here. This is not the only discussion board I participate, and many times I just read the new messages because of limited time.

Ossi from Finland
It happened yesterday out here. At the indoor range me and several other co-workers shoot at. My co-worker drove by yesterday and say cops and fire engines all over the place, and I looked around and found the brief online at a local newspaper. The guy didn't kill himself, but he rented a gun (the report says a 9 mm rifle, so it was probably the ar-15 that had been converted to 9 mm) shot at paper targets for a little bit and then went back in and fired 3 shots took the employees outside at gun point held them there for a little bit. when he turned around, an employee with a "automatic pistol" (thats what the newspaper says) under his shirt shot him in the arm and rib cage. police got there, he wouldn't comply with them, so they shot him with plastic bullets. now the fool is in the hospital in critical condition on life support. and I probably won't be able to visit the range for a while.
argh I hate stupid people.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
All these "enlightened" societies think that they can prevent people from doing harm to themselves, how absurd. The U.S. courts runneth over with lawsuits filed by people who were injured by their own clumsiness and bad luck, so they try to cast the owner of the site of their accident as responsible for their problems. Who elso could it be, Mr. Deep Pockets should have been able to protect them from their own stupidity and carelessness. So the government tries to give the leeches what they want. Result: Big Brother is here to help.

Someone on one of these message boards posted a message in the last few months, I cannot recall the author, but the message pointed out that "'s nuts and bolts political science, when the police cease to be crime-detecting and become crime-preventing, what you've got is a Police State." Overly general, perhaps, but that *is* the way we're heading.
Thanks, Stephen. I asked a fellow in there Monday, and he neither confirmed nor denied the incident, so I pretty much figured that it was true. From what I have heard from other people so far, the Plano P.D. is suppossedly keeping the incident very hush-hush due to the nature of the investigation--the suicide may not be the only thing they are investigating about the lady.

This still doesn't make up for Stuart's idiotic comments, as far as I'm concerned.