Ladies shooting in high heels

It's less about what to wear to the range and what not to's about familiarization with as many scenarios as you can imagine.
If you familiarize yourself with as many variables as you can, then the unknown factors of any situation are somewhat minimized, and you are also more mentally prepared to deal with them.
Kicking the heels off is a good maybe those women who prefer to shoot with heels should also prepare themselves for the situation where they lose the shoes and hightail it out.
Preparedness is the key.
And, Laura, I know of more than one woman who DOES occassionally practice martial arts in heels. Granted, it's not a dojo full of women in skirts and heels, but it's not a bad idea to give it a test drive once in a might be surprised at what you find.

As always, people....situation dictates.
My girlfriend likes firing shotguns... Topless and in heels.
I shall now consider myself king of the forums :D

Seriously, though, most of what needs saying has been. Best way is a low crouch (that means the butt gets stuck way out there) or tactical weaver. Not a full weaver, because there's a high chance of breaking the right heel while going into it. That heel, if not lifted and set down properly, is struck along its weakest support at about an 80 degree angle at anywhere between 20 and 60 pounds of lateral force, depending on several variables including her weight. Don't land evenly and theres additional force generated through the 'lever' effect.

Az Qkr, FBI studies have found that it takes approximately 1.2 seconds for someone who has just realised they NEED to pull the trigger on someone to actually DO so. Knowing that it only takes about two seconds to traverse a space of 20 feet, if youre moving while doing so, if the perp moves downwards or towards your weak side while moving you may never get a chance to fire a second shot. So what makes you think that she would have even MORE time to kick off her heels, and that then she'd also be able to outrun the perp?

Musketeer, a rear leg at exactly an exactly 90 degree angle is the weakest Weaver you can hold. Make it either slightly acute or slightly obtuse, depending on how perpendicular vs. parallel the target your body is. Where did you learn to shoot?
My girlfriend likes firing shotguns... Topless and in heels.

No, I don't believe you. I think you are lying. There is no way that is true. This is a forum that holds such things as honesty and integrity of utmost importance. It is shameful that you would come on here and disregard the high standards of this community, by making up such obvious lies and deception. How dare you insult our intelligence!

... :D
Az Qkr, FBI studies have found that it takes approximately 1.2 seconds for someone who has just realised they NEED to pull the trigger on someone to actually DO so.

I'd need more information to believe that myself. Where in the bell curve is the person who takes that long would be a start.

"Knowing that it only takes about two seconds to traverse a space of 20 feet, if youre moving while doing so, if the perp moves downwards or towards your weak side while moving you may never get a chance to fire a second shot."

It's not "about two seconds", it's 1.5 seconds in the studies, and less dependant on the one doing the moving. Being in my fifties I can move from dead stop to 21 feet in the 1.5 seconds all day. A banger thats 16-18 on the streets certainly would be faster than that I'd think.

"So what makes you think that she would have even MORE time to kick off her heels, and that then she'd also be able to outrun the perp?"

Again, it depends on where she is in the loop of the scenario. If she has time to even think of moving, I'm quite sure if I were a lady who was wearing heels I could step out of them on the move and in so doing gain even more speed on the fly as they left my feet.

If she doesn't have time to shoot, she sure as hell won't have time to move, so the heels would be irrelevant at that point.

Robin Brown
...So what makes you think that she would have even MORE time to kick off her heels, and that then she'd also be able to outrun the perp?

Situational Awareness. If the girl is in a position that won't allow her to even ditch the shoes and run (while drawing, of course!) then I would say that the situation has been pretty much been decided at that point. She's either going to shoot him or he's got the drop on her and she's gonna have a very sh**ty evening.
If you argue that running is moot, then so are the reaction time stat you quote and the heels she's wearing..