Lactating sows don't taste good?

Wow, all those sows you keep alive are doing a poor job of raising young

judging by the number of game traffic accidents I take care of it is mostly young and/or male boars. maybe they had their sow taken away?

there just isn't that much wilderness where most of accidents are and most of Swedens population
most of swedens population, a wast wast majority lives in the same areas where the most pigs live and that is the low 1/3 of Sweden.

farmers naturally nag sometimes but there are plenty of hunters who wants to step up

but the problem can't be that huge because all of a sudden the farmers wants to get paid a substantial amount for hunters, it very hard for young hunters to get land so they can even travel quite far (and hoghunting is more action packed which is good for the new generation who are more add then us)

the alternative is even worse.

it is bound to be some snaggles in the beginning but as I said it has stabilized in recent years.

doesn't seem like a dent is being made in Texas either so your way can't be completely right either, or?

pigs are still spreading in the US to right?

And as I wrote earlier, big driven type hunts with multiple shooters and driving dogs/beaters(people) gotta be the most effective way after heli hunting which can't be that common for the regular Joe
Apparently, there is Swedish research that agrees...

not research, just a college student

SLU= farmers university, of course they say that

but then they get volunteers that gladly help them protect their crops and all of a sudden they see dollar signs:D

here are more sourcesörvaltningsplan_vildsvin_Gävleborg.pdf

Äldre hondjur, då framförallt ledarsuggan, sparas då hon är viktig för att lära sin avkomma ett för
oss önskvärt beteende samt att hon bidrar till att hålla nere reproduktionen och synkronisera
brunsten hos övriga hondjur i gruppen. Försvinner ledarsuggan kan resultatet bli ökade skador på
jordbruksmark samt att det föds fler kullar spridda under en större del av året (
babelfish that
babelfish that

Okay, you finally found an a Gävleborg County pamplet that says the lead sow does some of what you claim. It does not appear to be based on any reported studies, and it doesn't say the lead has to be a milk sow which you were so adamant about not killing.

I don't see where it says your population has stabilized and all of the other studies I have seen say the population is growing.

Again, the goals noted in the pamphlet is the maintaining of a population of wild boar.
Get a coonass microwave and you won't let any pigs go to waste. The bad part is if you cook em all in the C M, you won't have as much pork n the freezer to mix with deer meat for sausage. Bacon bacon bacon everybody loves bacon
pigs are still spreading in the US to right?

Indeed they are spreading, and quickly. The US does not have a nationwide policy on wild hogs.

i hunt hogs mostly in OK, sometimes in TX, and infrequently on my rich cousins big ranch in CA.

Wild hogs are big business here in OK. Bubba types here in OK continue to release hogs into the wild. There are numerous hog hunting "ranches": Most do not have secure fencing. Trappers sell wild hogs to the hunting "ranches" and meat processors. Some hog hunting "ranches" buy hogs at stock sales.

There is a dearth of public hunting land in OK and TX. In OK it is illegal to hunt wild hogs at night unless one is a farmer/rancher with a night hunting permit. In OK it is illegal to hunt wild hogs in the wildlife managment areas with a center fire rifle outside of deer season.

Some US states are just now experiencing a hog problem; by and large they are not doing well. The state fish and wildlife management folks are often zealous types who refuse to follow the advise of people who have been there and done that. Some of those "experts" take information from domestic hog production and apply that information to the wild hog population. Some states have forbid the hunting of wild hogs because "it will scatter the hogs".

It is possible to greatly reduce the hog population but it takes a concerted effort. Ft. Sill, OK was previously over run with wild hogs. i often hunt there.

Several years ago the Ft. Sill fish and wildlife folks went after wild hogs with a vengeance. After a few years of intensified trapping and shooting from helicopters the hogs are rather scarce.
Well with respect to your country, traditions, and ways, we DO have eradication as a goal. Hogs can tear up a cottonwood bottom so bad that whitetails will hardly use it. We have only two kinds of states here: those that have hogs, and those that will if we don't get a handle on it.
I don't think it much matters what country in which you are located. The simple of it is that you cannot erradicate hogs by hunting them. About the best you can do is slow the growth. Even in areas where they sem to have been "hunted out", it more likely that heavy hunting pressure has just moved them to another area. Some animals just take hold, and repopulate as fast as you can kill them. Even native varmints such as groundhogs seem to flourish with an all year open season, and no limit. Trapping is more effective for population control, and combined with hunting seems to help keep them in check in some places, but erradication will never happen.

The USDA continues to trap a lot of them In Ohio, but I'm thankful that our state wildlife people have seen fit to have open season, year round, 24 hours, no weapons restrictions except during deer gun season.