Lack of situational awareness: it happens to everyone

Picking apart events is one way in which we learn. Nothing wrong with it. She won and that is great, but just because she won doesn't mean she did everything right. What she did had many shortcomings they should not be used as a plan for others to follow, and that is okay.
'Thugs' are cowardly scavengers that bolt at the first sign of equal or superior persons.
At no time will you ever see a gang banger stand his ground, every (actual) video they scatter like cockroaches when the light comes on when the first one gets dropped.
What does that have to do with the discussion?
The lady does appear to have a bit of tunnel vision, but I can't tell how severe it really is by viewing the videos I have seen. It could easily be that she is glancing around a fair amount by moving her eyes.

I doubt it... actions performed under stress are typically exaggerated. Everything else that she did was somewhat exaggerated, I really don't believe she looked around at all until the very end.
The lady does appear to have a bit of tunnel vision, but I can't tell how severe it really is by viewing the videos I have seen

Not to nit pick but you contradict yourself. You make the observation but then you can't tell:confused:
You mean the highly trained, off duty military police officer Katia da Silva Sastre waiting on her children to come out?

Yep, she did not maintain any situational awareness after the shooting started and became threat focused as briandg indicated.

As for the lack of situational awareness happening to everyone, I have managed to make more than one firearms instructor mad who claimed to always be in condition yellow, head on a swivel. My favorite was debunking D*** B***** while at a Subway sandwich shop as he was telling two other students about how he had a 6th sense about what was going on around him as I stood behind him making stabbing motions.

You can be assured that when some of these purportedly high speed low drag folks tell you how good they are at maintaining situational awareness all the time that they are flat out lying or are self deceived at how good they are. We all have our comfort zones and we all have problems with fixation. Lack of situational awareness does happen to everyone.

What are you talking about? I can see every angle of a room and EVERY conceivable threat in the universe when I enter a room. I would never get distracted by my cell phone, talking to other humans, glancing a bit too much at the super hot college girl with very little clothing on, or the loud sounds coming from some random unknown area. Nope. Could never happen! I have 360 degree field of view around me. I have this flawless technique where when I walk into a room, I just spin rapidly in circles. It works really well. Now I just need to figure out what is wrong with my shoes. They keep messing up my shooting because I keep falling down for some reason. Lol.

But seriously. Yea. Anyone can be distracted at any time. Just takes the right stimulus.

I always liked this scene from the Matrix as a good example of that reality.

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There is certainly nothing special about me and although I am no expert in anything, I have been around the block a few times.

The next time someone is sitting around touting their "situational awareness".. ask them to explain the seven domains of situational awareness and ask them where they received their training. Ask them the minimum distance that is considered "your situation" and ask them what that determination is typically based upon. If they cannot answer those question fairly quickly and easily, I doubt they have any idea what they are talking about.

I hear people throwing around tactical speak all the time.. what I don't hear is anything conceptual to back up their buzz words. The last time I called a ( so called instructor) out in reference to SA, I couldn't get any answers from him but he finally and awkwardly said that he received his "training" from a 4 hr ride along and watching youtube blogs. .. yeah, whatever:eek:
There is certainly nothing special about me and although I am no expert in anything, I have been around the block a few times.

The next time someone is sitting around touting their "situational awareness".. ask them to explain the seven domains of situational awareness and ask them where they received their training. Ask them the minimum distance that is considered "your situation" and ask them what that determination is typically based upon. If they cannot answer those question fairly quickly and easily, I doubt they have any idea what they are talking about.

I hear people throwing around tactical speak all the time.. what I don't hear is anything conceptual to back up their buzz words. The last time I called a ( so called instructor) out in reference to SA, I couldn't get any answers from him but he finally and awkwardly said that he received his "training" from a 4 hr ride along and watching youtube blogs. .. yeah, whatever[emoji33]

To be fair...ride alongs are very educational when it comes to learning the common stupidity of the dregs of society. The drunks, addicts, and druggies. Not for situational awareness. Lol.

Next time you hear it...ask them to tell you how many people are in the room lol.

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imo.. unless you are a fire marshal, I would consider the effort of staying apprised of the [exact] number of people in the room to be an example of what is called "static". Generally speaking., the generic values such as ..few, average or alot of people being in the room is about as much as I would care to notice in regards to (numbers). Far too many people fall into the trap of information overload via "static" and other non-core issues. Knowing what to pay attention to and what to exclude is much more important that simply trying to see everything or anything. I have never tried see too much.. I simply try to use 3 or 4 primary elements that I feel most confident with and try to measure those things vs how they may potentially effect my personal safety. Productive information is typically called "ripples in the water". Everything else can be considered one form of static or another. Too many people end up treating their SA efforts like a contest to see who can absorb the most information. Its not about that at all.
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FireForged, I don't know nothing about no seven domains. That does not mean that I am unaware of what is going on around me. To assume I am not situationally aware because I don't meet your standards is an arrogant mistake in my opinion.
My Wife has known me 48 years, married to me for 25 of those years.

Has picked up a lot in those years. So when she called me on her Cell phone, whilst shopping at our local Publix, I listened up.

"I am being stalked by two young black Guys, pants hanging down, do not fit in here" As my Wife is from Guyana, and local Indian, I know it is not a colour thing!

As she would not disturb my Library book reading for no good reason, I listened up. "They have no cart or basket, and one is always in sight"

"Call me when you are in the line, checking out, come out of the doors facing the overhang, I will be parked there, standing behind the Jeep, walk quicker when you exit, down the side, were the extra carts are, don't look back"

She did all that, I was standing behind the Jeep. Shirt open. Did I say it was a Marked Security Vehicle?

Both of these young men, late teens? Were about 7 yards behind her when she exited. I was watching hands. The one on my left was focused on my good looking Wife, his buddy looking about. He saw me! Grabbed his partners arm, they took off across the parking lot, running. They had no car, my Wife was driving their ride. They had no weapons, their pants would have fallen down!

Why did I not call 911? Seriously?
The next time someone is sitting around touting their "situational awareness".. ask them to explain the seven domains of situational awareness and ask them where they received their training. Ask them the minimum distance that is considered "your situation" and ask them what that determination is typically based upon. If they cannot answer those question fairly quickly and easily, I doubt they have any idea what they are talking about.
I respectfully suggest that not being able to recite those things means little about one's ability, and that not being able to may not mean very much either.
One criticism I will argue....extending her arm to make a near-contact shot was a good move. It maximized the hits on the perp while minimizing the chance of shots hitting anyone else. It was a good call.

Learning from the incident is a good thing. Playing the "What If" game ad-nauseum is not.

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FireForged, I don't know nothing about no seven domains. That does not mean that I am unaware of what is going on around me. To assume I am not situationally aware because I don't meet your standards is an arrogant mistake in my opinion.

I respectfully suggest that not being able to recite those things means little about one's ability, and that not being able to may not mean very much either

Please allow me to rehabilitate my comment a little..

My comment was in reference to some people who claim "instructor" status and tout their knowledge involving SA and similar concepts. I was being critical of those who would instruct others when they may not have the necessary prerequisite knowledge to do so competently. I was speaking generally.

When I said ask them about the 7 domains, I am referring to the main elements, tiers or basic categories of information regarding SA. Not necessarily an answer based on any specific training or specific book but just the basic ability to explain Situational Awareness conceptually as well as operationally. Essentially, if you know about it, you should probably be able to talk about it intelligently. If you cant, it may not mean anything in an absolute sense but at the same time, it doesnt really instill a lot of confidence in a persons base knowledge.

I agree with you that you may be very aware of your surrounding no matter if you have specialize training or not. Training helps but a persons ability to maintain a general or even heightened awareness in their surroundings is not rocket science. Sorry if you took my comment to be insulting, it was not my intent.
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When I said ask them about the 7 domains, I am referring to the main elements, tiers or basic categories of information regarding SA.
Are you talking about kinesics, biometrics, proxemics, geographics, iconography and atmospherics?

Those are the six (not seven) behavioral domains of situational awareness as described by Van Horne and Riley in their book, "Left of Bang". I believe at least one instructor in the U.S. teaches them, and Danelo incorporated them into his handbook.