LA Times says 146 of 167 mass shootings preventable

Laws mean little to someone impulsive and enraged and looking for revenge / getting even.

I believe, learning from an early age:
Every action has a reaction / consequences: Think ahead, what does the end game look like?
Effective problem resolution (getting to an outcome you can live with) requires discussing issues vs. going rapidly to violence / nuclear options

Persons who missed these lessons (parenting?) early on are at risk of learning them in unpleasant ways and often at great expense to themselves and society.

There is a challenge in the US in the uncertainty and lethargy in the justice system. In the past we lived in a country that had very swift (couple of weeks max) and certain punishment (you're dead) for convicted murderers, and your upbringing had no part of the sentencing phase.

There's a couple of issues here other than just regulating / banning guns that politicians don't want to touch.
There is no law that exists or can be imagined that would prevent any crime. Laws are nothing more than guidelines for the law-abiding. Anyone who says anything different is deluding themselves and others.
There is no law that exists or can be imagined that would prevent any crime.

I believe there is one exception. Capital punishment prevents repeat offences.:rolleyes:

Laws provide the framework for the definition of what is, and is not a crime, and for the punishment of said crimes. No law prevents crime, and it is only fear of punishment that provides a deterrent (with the noted exception above ;))

When people do not FEAR going to prison, when they do not fear being executed, the law has no deterrent effect.

They claim the following five laws would have done it.
1. Ban on straw purchases.
2. Safe storage laws.
3. Assault weapons ban-which would prohibit the sale of many high-powered rifles.
4. Mandatory background checks.
5. Red Flag (gun confiscation) laws.

Each of these points can be, and has been picked apart showing multiple REAL WORLD examples where they have failed, so claims that they will work, and will provide safety for all, once and for all, or that they COULD have prevented anything in the past are simply misguided thinking at best and deliberate lies at worst.
From the Times...

There is no guarantee that these laws would be effective in stopping motivated killers from ultimately achieving their goal. Also, some of the proposals are more recent and could not be expected to have stopped attacks in the distant past.

End of story.